Title: Proposed Improvements Jln SS196 Junction AM PEAK
1Proposed Improvements- Jln SS19/6 Junction AM
- Remove pedestrian signal phase in the junction
(20 sec of cycle time)
4. Sign board to show the temporary lane
1a. Proposed Fencing to avoid pedestrian
crossing 1b. Remove the Bus stop sign to prohibit
buses to pickup and drop off passenger at this
Green from 150sec to 180sec
Green from 40sec to 20sec
- To adjust the signal timing
- Right Turn from 40 sec to 20sec
- Through from 150 sec to 180 sec
- To add an additional storage lane for right turn
This proposed scheme is to implement from 630 to
930 am
2Proposed Improvements- Jln SS19/6 Junction PM
- Remove pedestrian signal phase in the junction
(20 sec of cycle time)
1a. Proposed Fencing to avoid pedestrian
crossing 1b. Remove the Bus stop sign to prohibit
buses to pickup and drop off passenger at this
Green from 210sec to 150sec
Green remain at 60sec
- To adjust the signal timing
- Through from 210 sec to 150 sec
This proposed scheme is to implement from 500 to
800 pm
3Proposed Improvements- Persiaran Murni Junction
2. Barricade 1 lane to provide dedicated Right
turn to USJ 3 and USJ 4 (U-turn is not allow in
this junction _at_ 630 am to 930 am)
- To increase green time from 60 sec to 90 sec
(concurrent with USJ approach)
Green from 60sec to 90sec
3. Turn Pers Perpaduan Junction to all-stop
Green from 90sec to 20sec
Green from 90 sec to 110sec
- To barricade minimise right turn from /to Jln
USJ 4/3 Jln USJ 4/5
- To ban U-turn at Murni Junction _at_ 630 am to 930
- To split the phasing into 2
- Right turn _at_ 20sec
- Straight turn _at_ remain 90 sec (concurrent with
Subang Jaya approach) - Shorter cycle time (from 210 sec to 170 sec) may
reduce the vehicle queue length
- To provide Flashing Light Yellow box at the
4Proposed Improvements- Persiaran Murni Junction
- To increase green time from 120 sec to 170 sec
from 500 pm to 800 pm
6. Turn Pers Perpaduan Junction to all-stop
Green from 120sec to 170sec
Green 70sec as existing
Green 70 sec as existing
- U-turn is allow at Murni Junction during PM Peak
(as existing)
- To barricade ban right turn from Jln USJ 4/3
Jln USJ 4/5
- Maintain the existing phasing and timing
- Existing phasing and timing is maintained in
order to allow the U-turn traffic from Subang to
turn safely.
- To provide Flashing Light Yellow box at the