Title: Integrating Weed Control and Restoration
1Integrating Weed Control and Restoration
2The problem Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)
invasion in Great Basin rangelands
3Why is cheatgrass so successful?
4Changes disturbance regime
6- Integrating Weed Control and Restoration
Robert Nowak Hudson Glimp Nancy Markee Barry
Gene Schupp Chris Call
Paul Doescher John Tanaka
Jeanne Chambers Robin Tausch
Robert Blank Tom Jones
Dan Ogle Loren St. John
Mike Pellant
David Pyke
7Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Plant materials for transition stage
- Bluebunch wheatgrass Anatone, Goldar, P-7, P-12
- Snake River wheatgrass Secar, SERDP
- Basin wildrye Magnar, Trailhead
- Sandberg bluegrass Hanford, High Plains,
- Mountain Home, Sherman
- Thickspike wheatgrass Bannock, Critana
- Squirreltail Sand Hollow, Shaniko Plateau
- Western yarrow Eagle, Great Northern
- Scarlet globemallow
- Siberian wheatgrass Vavilov
- Crested wheatgrass CD-II
- Annual grass hybrids Mountain rye,
- Pioneer, Regreen, Stani
- Note replaced with winterfat, shadscale,
four-wing saltbush, - Rimrock indian ricegrass at Nevadas Izzenhood
Ranch study site
8Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
9(No Transcript)
10Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Effects of herbicide treatments
- Reduces cheatgrass
11Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Effects of herbicide treatments
- Reduces cheatgrass, but other species increase
12Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Effects of herbicide treatments
- Reduces cheatgrass, but other species increase
- Variable for seeded species
13Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Success of seeded species Nevada
14Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Success of seeded species Nevada
15Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Success of seeded species Nevada
16Experiment 1 A transition stage approach
- Success of seeded species All sites
- Best performers (comparable to crested
wheatgrass) - Anatone P-12 bluebunch wheatgrass
- SERDP Secar Snake River wheatgrass
- Critana thickspike wheatgrass
- Sherman sandberg bluegrass
17Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
- Cheatgrass inhibited by low soil nitrogen,
- but natives are tolerant of low nitrogen
18Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
- Cheatgrass inhibited by low soil nitrogen,
- but natives are tolerant of low nitrogen
- Soil amendments to tie up nitrogen
19Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
- Cheatgrass inhibited by low soil nitrogen,
- but natives are tolerant of low nitrogen
- Soil amendments to tie up nitrogen (sucrose)
- Mix of natives to deplete resources
- sagebrush evergreen extensive rooting
- High Plains bluegrass earliest shallowest
- Sand Hollow squirreltail early shallow
- Anatone bluebunch wheatgrass mid extensive
- Great Northern yarrow mid surface root mat
- scarlet globemallow early extensive
20Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
21Specific questions
- Did sucrose reduce soil N?
- Did the target species benefit?
- Did sucrose facilitate establishment?
- Did cheatgrass reduce native recruitment?
- Was cheatgrass adversely affected?
- Did the 6-species mix reduce cheatgrass?
- Was cheatgrass seed output, biomass, or density
22- Did sucrose reduce soil N ?
Oct 2003 - Jan 2004
Jan 2004 - March 2004
Micrograms NO3 per day
23Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
- Success of seeded species
242.2 Did cheatgrass reduce native recruitment ?
- Target species density second season (NV)
- High precip site species differ (plt0.001)
- Low precip site species differ (plt0.001)
- BRTE by sucrose interaction (p 0.003)
253.1 Did the 6 species mix reduce cheatgrass?
sugar p 0.02
species p 0.001 species p
263.2 Was cheatgrass seed output, biomass or
density reduced?
P 0.005
P 0.0004
27Experiment 2 A plant functional type approach
- Effects of sugar treatments
- Reduces cheatgrass biomass and seed production
- Consistent effect among all sites
- Did sucrose reduce soil N? YES
- How well did target species establish?
- Did sucrose facilitate establishment? No
- Did cheatgrass alter native recruitment? yes
- Was cheatgrass adversely affected?
- Did the 6-species mix reduce cheatgrass?
- NO
- Was cheatgrass seed output, biomass, or density
reduced? Sucrose YES, species mix NO effect
29Experiment 3 Large-scale restoration trials
30Experiment 3 Overview
- Application of successful restoration techniques
from Experiments 1 and 2 - Transition community vs. Native mix
- Restoration treatments targeted at
- reduce cheatgrass seedbank
- reduce available soil N
- Use ecological principles from first 2
experiments on large, management-scale plots
31Bedell Flats
- BLM allotment primary use was grazing
- Secondary uses include off-road vehicle use and
target shooting - Burned in the summer of 2000
- Subsequently seeded by BLM
- Thickspike wheatgrass
- Crested wheatgrass
- Western wheatgrass
- Four-wing saltbrush
- Ladak Alfalfa
- Fenced in April 2005
- Determine the relative success of restoration
strategies to control cheatgrass competition and
its prolific seed production. - Determine whether a transition community of
competitive natives can be established more
readily than a diverse community of different
growth forms
33Experimental Design
- 4 treatments
- 3 replicates per treatment
- 2 seed mixtures
- 4 treatments
- Seed-Burn-Seed
- Sterile winter wheat seeded October 2004
- Burned October 2005
- Seed Only
- Herbicide Seed
- Herbicide treatment April 2005
- Unseeded Control
- Perennial species Seeded in November 2005
- 2 seed mixtures
- Chosen assessions based on performance in
Experiment 1 - Anatone bluebunch wheatgrass    Â
- Nezpar Indian ricegrass               Â
- Sherman big bluegrass                Â
- Shaniko Plateau squirreltail          Â
- Bannock thickspike wheatgrass   Â
- Magnar basin wildrye        Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Chosen seed mixture based on performance in
Experiment 2 - Anatone bluebunch wheatgrass     Â
- High Plains Sandbergs bluegrass     Â
- Sand Hollow squirreltail                 Â
- Globe mallow                               Â
- Eagle yarrow                               Â
- Wyoming big sagebrush   Â
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
- Seeding mixtures were randomly assigned to
sub- plot a or b (split-plot)
36Response Variables Measured
- Background Plant Community
- Aboveground Biomass
- Plant Density
- Soil Nutrients
- Soil Seedbank
37Results Background Plant Community
- One year following treatment
- Decreases in cheatgrass cover (p0.07) following
herbicide treatment - Decrease in shrub cover (p0.07) following burn
38Results Background Plant Community
- No significant treatment effect seen for annual
forb (p0.22), perennial forb (p0.62), or native
bunchgrass (p0.41) cover
39Results Planted Species Biomass
Treatment p0.34 Seeding
p0.12 Treatment x Seeding p0.23
We saw no incidence of planted shrub or forb
germination in Experiment 2 seeding mixtures
40Results Cheatgrass Biomass
year p0.02 Treatment
p0.31 Seeding p0.42
Exp 1 Seeding
Exp 2 Seeding
41Results Annual Forb Biomass
year p0.01 Treatment
p0.77 Seeding p0.58
Exp 1 Seeding
Exp 2 Seeding
42Results Perennial Biomass
- No treatment effect seen in perennial forb
(p0.82) or perennial grass (p0.24) biomass one
year following treatment
43Results Planted Species Density
Treatment p0.003 Seeding
p0.01 Treatment x Seeding p0.08
More germination in Exp 2 seeding plots Higest
number of germinants in herbicide treatments We
saw no incidence of planted shrub or forb
germination in Experiment 2 seeding mixtures
44Results Cheatgrass Density
Treatment p0.07 Seeding
Lowest cheatgrass numbers in herbicide-treated
plots Difference in seedings due to planting
(drill seeding vs. drill and broadcast seeding)?
45Results Density
- No treatment effect seen in forb (p0.70) or
bunchgrass (p0.17) density one year following
46Results Soil Nutrients
- Season Effect Higher availability in later
season - Early (February April 2006)
- Late (May September 2006)
Ammonium plt0.0001
Nitrate p0.07
47Cheatgrass SeedbankResults
Herbicide treatment significantly reduced
cheatgrass litter (plt0.001) and soil (p0.01)
seedbank in first post-treatment year
- Weed management is a long-term process!
- Takes time to establish desirable vegetation
- Takes more than one year of treatment to control
cheatgrass - So far herbicide application has been the most
effective method of control - Reduction of soil N reduced cheatgrass
productivity, but not practical on large scale
unless - Can establish native vegetation to reduce soil
resources - Can use another means (mechanical removal,
burning) to remove N from the system - Can suppress cheatgrass for gt 1 season
- Field and lab work Laura Blonski, Jeff Burnham,
Lisa Ellsworth, Jacob Landmesser, Eugenie
Montblanc, Christo Morris, Kendra Moseley, Scott
Shaff, Carlos Wilson, and the many volunteers and
student workers who set up plots and collected
and processed data. - Data analysis David Turner, David Board, and
George Fernandez statistical consultation and
expert SAS coding skills.