Title: Diversity of Reptiles and Amphibians Around Louisville
1Diversity of Reptiles and Amphibians Around
- By Tim Jones and Becca Jones
2Area Searched
April 15- August 15
3Four types of niches
Rocky Banks
Wooded Areas
Pine Forest
4Rocky Banks
Eastern Garter Snake
Ring neck snake
Northern Water Snake
Queen Snake
5Fowler Toads
American Toad
Two-lined salamander
6Fence Lizard
Broad Headed Skink
7Wooded Area
Rough Green Snake
Garter snakes and ring neck snakes were also
found here
Dekay Snake
8Males have red eyes and are more brightly colored
Eastern Box Turtle (Female)
Eastern Box Turtle (Male)
9Northern Red Salamander
Eastern Newt
Northern Cricket Frog
Cave Salamander
10Five-lined or blue tailed skink
Map Turtle
Map Turtle
Red-eared Slider
Red-eared Slider
Also caught Northern Water Snakes and Queen snakes
12Pine Forest
Eastern Box Turtle
Fence Lizard
13Some Generalizations
- Species cross between niches
- The most diverse and populated areas were the
rocky banks and wooded areas finding creatures
from turtles to salamanders - Certain species are most common to certain
niches, although they may be found in others - i.e. Fenced Lizard in Pine Forest
- Rocky Banks
- Snakes 5 species combined to total 68
- Turtles None
- Lizards 3 species combined to total 112
- Toads/Frogs 5 species combined to total 81
- Salamanders 2 species combined to total 23
Pine Forest Snakes None Turtles 1 species
and 1 total Lizards 1 species combined to total
15 (in one day) Toads/Frogs None Salamanders
Wooded Area Snakes 3 species combined to
total 51 Turtles 1 species and 4 total Lizards
2 species combined to total 74 Toads/Frogs 4
species combined to total 37 Salamanders 6
species combined to total 43
Water/Creek Snakes 2 species combined to
total 29 Turtles 3 species combined to total 71
Lizards None Toads/Frogs 2 species combined
to total 8 Salamanders None
15Stupid People
Snake that has been smashed to death
Snake stuck in casting net (found at Woodhaven
Golf Course)