Title: Landscapes, lifestyles
1Landscapes, lifestyles livelihoodsSRES 11
March 2008
- Andrew Campbell
- Triple Helix Consulting
2Key Points
- Sustainability is the challenge of our age
- Business as usual is not a viable option
- We need new thinking for this challenge
- Young professionals are and will be crucial
- Some career tips from an antediluvian old fart
3My perspectives
- Farming background western Victoria
- Forestry rural sociology training
- Extension officer Vic govt
- Manager, Potter Farmland Plan
- National Landcare Facilitator
- Development of NHT NAP in Aust Government
- 7 years as CEO of Land Water Australia
- Now out on my own again
4Landscapes, Lifestyles and Livelihoods
- Triple Helix, not triple bottom line
- interwoven and interdependent
- richer than an accountancy metaphor
- separates lifestyles from economics
- heterogeneity is implicit
- not agri-centric
- Developing Australian Landscape Literacy
- We need an alphabet, grammar canon, grounded
in place
5A word on landscape
- Managing whole landscapes
- - where nature meets culture (Schama)
- - landscapes are socially constructed
- - beyond ecological apartheid
- - NRM means people management
- - engage values, perceptions, aspirations,
behaviour - Integration
- across issues e.g climate, energy water
- across scales fixing the Federation
- across the triple helix
- landscapes, lifestyles livelihoods
6Engaging the community
- no magic bullets, most knowledge resides in the
community - we face major societal choices
- Sustain what? For how long? Over what area?
For whose benefit? Measured by whom? - sustainable NRM behaviour change
- economic regulatory signals remain weak
- many responses need to be collective
- trickle down adoption doesnt work for
sustainability - need new spaces for debate
- eg deliberative fora, citizens juries
7Australian NRM issues are typically characterised
by (after Dovers)
- highly variable spatial and temporal scales
- the possibility of absolute ecological limits
- irreversible impacts and related policy urgency
- complexity, connectivity, uncertainty ambiguity
- cumulative rather than discrete impacts
- value-laden issues new moral dimensions
- systemic problem causes
- contested methods and instruments
- ill-defined property rights and responsibilities
- expectation of stakeholder/citizen participation
8a huge policy agenda
- Defining environmental deliverables - leadership
- Fostering innovation
- Breakthrough technologies
- User-friendly metrics and measuring systems for
carbon, water energy - Smarter institutions, including markets
- Best-practice regulation
- Sorting out the planning hierarchy (i.e. the
Federation) - Integrated, whole-of-government, all
governments approaches to climate, water and
energy interactions - Setting minimum standards
- Juicier carrots and smarter sticks
- Monitoring and evaluating impact - including
long-term sentinel system - Bringing the community along
9through the macroscope
- a small young nation in a vast ancient continent
- unique biological cultural richness and
diversity in a highly variable climate - communities on-side
- few people and dollars per unit landscape
- malleable institutions, an open economy
- sufficient know-how to make progress
- the sustainability journey is the challenge of
our age
10Australia the continent
- Area comparable to mainland US
- 7 to 10 of worlds species
- oldest, most isolated continent
- oldest living life forms
- tallest flowering plants
- largest areas of coral reef and sea-grass
- 37,000km coastline
- 3rd largest fishing zone
11The driest, flattest, most poorly drained,
nutrient depleted and geologically stable
12The lowest run-off and streamflow of any
continent, and the worlds most variable climate
Means that Australian lowland rivers are the most
variable on Earth(Martin Thoms)
Index of Variability
- 12 mega-diverse countries have 60-70 of worlds
biodiversity - Oz the only industrialised economy of the 12
- Centre of marsupial radiation
- 1350 endemic terrestrial vertebrates (Indonesia
is next highest with 850 species) - 30,000 sp flowering plants (85 endemic)
- gt300,000? Invertebrate taxa (gt95 endemic)
- 93 amphibians 89 reptiles 85 mammals
- worlds highest reptile diversity
- One of the worlds most diverse fish faunas
(3500 spp) - 50 of the worlds sharks and rays
- Southern coastline
- Highest known diversity of red and brown algae (
gt 1150 species) - Highest known diversity of crustaceans, sea
squirts and bryozoans
15watery facts
- Water use is increasing
- Water supply is probably decreasing
- (and definitely becoming less reliable)
- Community concern is very high
- Water is a major political and policy priority
- Water is cheap to buy, but expensive to move
- Especially up hill, or through small
pipes/nozzles - Energy, climate and water issues are converging
16Perths Annual Storage Inflow GL (1911-2005)
17Murray-Darling Basinfrom Bryson Bates (CSIRO)
- Present
- Past 5 years driest 5-year period on
record - Australian droughts have become hotter since
1973 - SE Australia snow depths _at_ October 1
decreased 40 in last 40 years - Climatic record will be subjected to
intense scrutiny through South Eastern
Australia Climate Initiative - Runoff projections (Beare Heaney, 2001)
- 2050 ?10 to ?19 (B1) or ?14 to ?25
(A1) - 2100 ?16 to ?30 (B1) or ?24 to ?48
(A1) - Projected agricultural costs US0.6B (B1)
to US0.9B (A1)
18Unhelpful assumptions
- the driest inhabited continent
- governments cant agree on water
- cities could take all our water
- environmental flows and irrigation security are
19Existing farming grazing systems
- Leak water, sediments, nutrients, biocides,
, CO2, CH4, and biodiversity in many
regions - export young people from rural communities
- Most degradation occurs in extreme (if not
unexpected) events - Ad hoc broadacre land clearing is no longer
tenable - Clearing grazing of rivers streams amplifies
problems - Water needs to be used much smarter
20Variation in water use efficiency within sectors
DRDC - More Milk and Dollars, MDBC project
I7044, Schofield and Thompson
21We need farming systems that are
- diverse, resilient, well-buffered, anticipatory,
flexible, responsive, opportunistic - highly tuned to a variable climate
- optimally leaky
- much more profitable
- eg. twice the production from half the area with
quarter the water - producing carbon, energy and water where
appropriate - integrated into regional economies
- attuned to lifestyle aspirations
22Existing farming grazing systems
- not tuned to Australian climates, soils, biota
- Quotes from two graziers (Qld WA)
- If we had discovered England, do you think wed
have shot all the sheep and cattle, cleared all
the oak forests, and grazed it with kangaroos? - and
- I am sick and tired of trying to keep alive
animals and plants that just want to die in this
country, while shooting and clearing animals and
plants that are adapted to it and just want to
live in this country.
23On-ground change for individuals
- three pillars people need to want to change,
to know what to do, and have the means to do it - commitment
- influenced by sense of place and of community
(local wider) - know-how
- options need to be viable and adoptable
- capacity
- can be helped at the margins with incentives
24Adoption reality check
- Old adoptability rules still apply (Pannell et al
2006) - Economic regulatory signals remain weak
- On-farm change is more likely where innovations
- Offer relative advantage over existing
systems/approaches - Are not too complex
- Can be trialled, tested and evaluated (preferably
on a modest scale) - Fit with the farmers outlook, capacity and
farming system - Offer good returns within a reasonable timeframe
- But relative advantage can be defined in
interesting ways.
25A farmer perspective
Too many policies remain prescriptive
Farmers have a strong sense of place, built on
generations of land management.
Partnerships with landholders, based on trust,
and respectful of their sense of place are an
essential precursor to more successful
Tom Cynthia Dunbabin, Bangor Dunalley,
Tasmania, Winners of the 15th McKell Medal
26The Dunbabin Sense of Place Model
- Landholders strong sense of place drives
environmental actions through responsibility
towards, and passion for the place (farm, beach,
mine etc).
- Shared knowledge (science, cultural history etc),
and broader understanding of place, greatly helps
in developing and implementing positive actions.
27The Dunbabin Sense of Place Model (2)
- When legislation, or other forced change impacts
on the SoP of the landholder, responsibility
becomes accountability and passion becomes social
stigma - driving a negative reaction rather than
a positive action.
- Measures such as stewardship payments have to be
tailored in a way that strengthens the passion
and responsibility that drive the positive
28The Dunbabin Sense of Place Model (3)
- well designed programs add to the effectiveness
of the original model not overturn it...
- There is no need to change the strong Sense of
Place farmers or other resource users have. It
is far better to enhance that by adding
additional values, values shared by the wider
29Sustainabilityanother form of relative advantage
- Still a useful term wont go away
- Needs to be unpacked grounded at farm and
landscape scale - Sustain what? Over what area? For how long?
For whose benefit? As measured by whom? - SAGE farmers
- A group of leading farm businesses from across
diverse commodities - Convened by LWA to look at how leading businesses
understand and measure farm sustainability
performance - Working on a Farm Sustainability Dashboard
30SAGE Sustainability dashboard
31Fitzgerald wilderness
Whole landscape community led conservation
32Bush wisdom with the community
- Information collection on an area basis, not
subject or species - Research hot wired to action
- Information stored in and spread from a regional
base - Continuity of work, staff and population
33The regional NRM investment model an integrated
- The regional model (56 catchment bodies) is an
ambitious attempt to implement sustainable NRM at
a landscape scale - Devolve decision making resource allocation to
appropriate scale - Tap into and build on deep local knowledge and
connection to place - Work across issues and industries in an
integrated way - integration means making whole
- across scales, issues, land tenures and land
uses - in the users context - landscapes, lifestyles
livelihoods - that requires excellent relationships
- And comprehensive knowledge
34People in neo-Georgian houses shouldnt throw
- The redesign imperative does not just apply to
farming systems - Cities also have a huge ecological footprint
- Urban lifestyles are equally unsustainable, with
a bigger disconnect from resource condition
35The urban-rural divide - not as wide as we think?
- Some parallels
- income distribution (Neil Barr)
- lifestyle aspirations (Lia Bryant)
- systemic unsustainability
- shifts in perceptions values needed
- gap between expert aspirations and availability
of practical, profitable, easily-adoptable
solutions - desperate need for new options technologies
36A true Australian would
- only use drinking water for drinking
- live work in buildings, towns cities tuned to
climate and landscape (eg AGO, 60L, Homebush) - check out www.60Lgreenbuilding.com
- use more renewable energy (sun, wind, wave)
- emphasise native species/habitats in cuisine,
gardening, pets, holidays - put comparable voluntary effort into
environmental repair as they expect of farmers
37Rethinking the environment
- as integral to national identity
- from a cost to an opportunity
- from fixing problems to strategic repositioning
- from public policy problems to vibrant, globally
sexy industries
38The environment industries(1996-97 figures from
EIAA report)
- a dynamic, new economy sector
- 500B global market growing 7 per year
- Oz market 8.6 Billion (ex tourism)
- 1.6 GDP
- resource providers 14, equipment manufacturers
28, services 58 - 2000 firms employing 127,000 people
- 300m exports growing fast
- know-how can be a major export earner
39Young professionals
- Will continue to be in great demand
- Can shape remarkable careers
- Mobility and flexibility crucial, BUT
- Build on a solid base of skills and expertise
- Understand yourself, how you relate to others,
how others see you - Take time out to sharpen the saw (several times)
- Cultivate mentors, patrons, exemplars
- Dont forget to have a life!
40Take home messages
- Sustainability is the challenge of our age
- You are key players in the biggest game of all
- The Australian environment, and sustainability
industries, are critical to national identity and
competitiveness - Rich and diverse opportunities for environmental
professionals in almost every aspect of economy
and society - Work out what you want and what you have to offer
- Be opportunistic, but dont lose sight of long
term goals - GO FOR IT!