Title: Building an Epitaph
1Building an Epitaph
- Creating a Headstone for your Epitaph
2Start with a simple basic design
3Add Texture
4Use the Bevel Effects to give it depth
5Add the next element
6Dont forget you can rotate or flip the shape
7Size can also be adjusted
8Continue as before
9Add a Text box for the Epitaph
10And a nameplate
11Insert the information
I carefully followed the development of
man, Hoping to find the master plan. I spent my
time watching , Instead of enjoying, And failed
to see the Masters Hand
Darwin David Rutledge
12Make the needed adjustments to the font(Suggest
I carefully followed the development of
man, Hoping to find the master plan. I spent my
time watching , Instead of enjoying, And failed
to see the Masters Hand
Darwin David Rutledge
13You may add any appropriate art
I carefully followed the development of
man, Hoping to find the master plan. I spent my
time watching , Instead of enjoying, And failed
to see the Masters Hand
Darwin David Rutledge
14Then Group the pieces as one object
15Now you can re-size, copy, and paste the
headstone into The Cumberland River Anthology
16Now you can re-size, copy, and paste the
headstone into The Cumberland River Anthology