Title: Innovative Companies invite
Benchmarking Innovation Excellence as a tool
forInnovation Policy Leiden 11-12 October 2004
2Innovation experience!
- The F.A.Z.-Institut
- The F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-, Markt- und
- Medieninformationen GmbH offers a wide spectrum
of - 400 Congresses, Events and Seminars
- Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
- Publications (Books, Magazins, Newsletter)
- Analyses, Market Survey, Research
- Consulting and Services
3Innovation experience!
- The division Innovation Projects
- F.A.Z .-Institut's Innovation Projects division
offers - knowledge transfer, an exchange of experiences
and - consulting for professionals in the area of
innovation. - In the context of five projects, innovators
exchange - know-how with other innovators. The best practice
- transfer take place from expert for expert - from
the - practice in the practice.
4Innovation erleben!
- The philosophy (I)
- Holistic Innovation-Culture
5Innovation erleben!
- The philosophy (II)
- Learning from each other
- Exchanging experience
- Making new contacts
6Innovation erleben!
- The philosophy (III)
- across all enterprise size
- across all sectors
- across all regions
- across all subjects
7Innovation experience!
- Technology-oriented visiting and
- information programme TOP
- T ransfer of knowledge
- O ptimizing processes
- P ractice experience
8Innovation erleben!
- The organiser
- TOP was initiated by the
- Federal Ministery for
- economics and Labor
- F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-,
- Markt- und Medieninformationen GmbH
9Innovation erleben!
- The partners
- TOP is actively supported by the
- german associations
- Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI)
- Deutscher Industrie und Handelstag (DIHK)
- Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrum
derDeutschen Wirtschaft (RKW) - Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)
- about 300 multiplicators
10Innovation erleben!
- The Idea
- TOP gives you the opportunity to visit
leading-edge companies and discuss the
successfull implementation of innovations.
11Innovation erleben!
- The target
- On more than 230 one-day visits, you will learn
about the advantages, risks and chances of
innovative processes, successfull strategies and
modern technologies.
12Innovation erleben!
- The topics
- corporate strategy
- e-Solutions
- Knowledge Management
- learning organization
- logistics people issues
- marketing / sales
- people in focus
- Process optimization
- production engineering
- productivity concepts
- quality management
- team work
- TPM/CIP/Kaizen
- a.o.
13Innovation erleben!
- The 3 column of TOP-Day
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Practice-
- Demonstration
- 3. Diskussion
14Innovation erleben!
- The host companies
- Currently, over 100 best-practice companies
across Germany open their doors. - The host companies are small (1/3), middle (1/3)
and major enterprises (1/3) across all sectors. - More than 250 host companies in the years
15Innovation erleben!
- The host companies
- Please, have a look
- in the TOP-Katalogue,
- page 12 ...
16Innovation erleben!
- The host companies (valuation)
Durchschnittsnote 1,3 / 1,25
17Innovation erleben!
- The host companies (valuation)
18Innovation erleben!
The host companies (motivation) To learn from
one another regarding organization and other
issues, to open the doors of your plants to
others, but also to get to know new
technologies provides great opportunities for
every business. (M. Hinz, Head of Personnel
GKN Löbro GmbH)
19Innovation erleben!
- The participants
- 2004
- 2.500 participants in 230 one-day visits.
- 1992-2004.
- About 24.000 participants in more
- than 2.300 one-day visits.
20Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
- Participants valuation (I)
21Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
Participants valuation (II)
22Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
- Participants valuation (III)
23Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
- Participants valuation (IV)
24Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
- Participants valuation (V)
25Unternehmertreffen Berlin 2004
- Participants valuation (VI)
26Innovation erleben!
- Sustainable benefits for all participants
- Nearly 90 percent of all participants
- rate the events good or very good.
- For 75 percent of participants, visiting
- the event has led to different degrees of
- change in their own companies.
- Evaluation of the TOP project by the Fraunhofer
Institute - for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, 2003
27Innovation erleben!
- The module
- Advisory board
- Award of honour and newcomer-Award
- Books
- Extranet
- Fairs (Hannover-Messe, Personal)
- F.A.Z.-Supplement
- Host-meeting (regional and national)
- Newsletter
- Study Mission
- TOPintensiv
28Innovation erleben!
- Steps for akquisition hosts
- (1) Application
- (2) Analysis
- (3) Jury (internal)
- (3) Questionnaire
- (4) Auditing talks on site
- (5) Jury (internal and external)
29Innovation erleben!
Thank you for the attention Your questions ...