Title: Developable Surface Fitting to Point Clouds
1Developable Surface Fitting to Point Clouds
- Martin Peternell Computer Aided Geometric
Design 21(2004) 785-803
Reporter Xingwang Zhang June 19, 2005
2About Martin Peternell
- Affiliation
- Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry
- Vienna University of Technology
- Web
- http//www.geometrie.tuwien.ac.at/peternell
- People
- Helmut Pottmann
- Johannes Wallner
- etc.
3Research Interests
- Classical Geometry
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
- Reconstruction of geometric objects from dense 3D
data - Geometric Computing
- Industrial Geometry
- Problem
- Developable surfaces
- Blaschke model
- Reconstruction of Developable Surfaces
- QA
- Given scattered data points from a developable
- Object Construct a developable surface which
fits best to the given data
6Ruled Surface
directrix curve
a generator
7Developable Surface
- Each generator all points have the same tangent
plane. - Vectors and are linearly
dependent - Equivalent condition
8Developable Surface
Three types of developable surfaces
9Geometric Properties of Developable Surface
- Gaussian curvature is zero
- Envelope of a one-parameter family of planes
- Dual approach is a curve in dual
projective 3-space.
10Singular Point
- A singular point doesnt possess a tangent plane.
- Singular curve is determined by
the parameter
11Three Different Classes
- Cylinder singular curve degenerates to a single
point at infinity - Cone singular curve degenerates to a single
proper point, called vertex - Tangent surface tangent lines of a regular space
curve, called singular curve
- Bodduluri, Ravani, 1993 duality between points
and planes in 3-D space - Pottmann, Farin, 1995 projective algorithm,
dual representation - Chalfant, Maekawa, 1998 optimization techniques
- Pottmann, Wallner, 1999 a curve of dual
projective 3-D space - Chu, Sequin, 2002 boundary curve, de Casteljau
algorithm, equations - Aumann, 2003 affine transformation, de
Casteljau algorithm
13General Fitting Technique
Find an developable B-spline surface
fitting unorganized data points
- Estimating parameter values
- Solving a linear problem in the unknown control
14Two Difficult Problems
- Sorting scattered data
- Estimation of data parameters
- Estimation of approximated direction of the
generating lines - Guaranteeing resulting fitted surface is
developable - Leading a highly non-linear side condition in the
control points
15Contributions of this Paper
- Avoid the above two problems
- Reconstruction of a 1-parameter family of planes
close to the estimated tangent planes of the
given data points - Applicable
- Nearly developable surfaces
- Better slightly distorted developable surfaces
16 Blaschke Model
17Blaschke Model
- An oriented plane in Hesse normal form
- Defining Blaschke mapping
- Blaschke cylinder
18 Incidence of Point and Plane
- A fixed point , planes
through this point - Image points lie in the
three space - The intersection of is an ellipsoid.
19Blaschke Images of a Pencil of Lines and of
Lines Tangent to a Circle
20Tangency of sphere and plane
- oriented sphere with center and signed
radius - Tangent planes
- Blaschke image of tangent planes
21Offset operation
- Maps a surface (as set of tangent
planes) to its offset at distance - is the offset surface of at distance
- Appearing in the Blaschke image as
translation by the vector - See Figure
22Laguerre Geometry
- satisfy
- inverse Blaschke image
- tangent to a sphere
- form a constant angle with the
direction vector
23The Tangent Planes of a Developable Surface
- be a 1-parameter family of planes
- Generating lines
- Singular curve
- Blaschke image is a curve on
the Blaschke cylinder
25 Classification
- Cylinder
- Cone
- Developable of constant slope normal
- form a constant angle with a fixed direction
- Tangent to a sphere
26Recognition of Developable Surfaces from Point
27Estimation of Tangent Planes
- , triangles , adjacent points
- Estimating tangent plane at
- Best fitting data points , MIN
- Original surface with measurement point
- developable, form a curve-like region
28A Euclidean Metric in the Set of Planes
- Distance between and
- Geometric meaning
- intersection of with sphere
29Boundary Curves of Tolerance Regions of Center
30A Cell Decomposition of the Blaschke Cylinder
Tesselation of by subdividing an
icosahedral net
31A Cell Decomposition of the Blaschke Cylinder
- Cell structure on the Blaschke cylinder
- 20 triangles, 12 vertices, 2 intervals
- 80 triangles, 42 vertices, 4 intervals
- 320 triangles, 162 vertices, 8 intervals
- 1280 triangles, 642 vertices, 16 intervals
32Analysis of the Blaschke Image
33Analysis of the Blaschke Image (continued)
- Check point cloud on fitted
well by hyperplane - Principal component analysis
34Principal Component Analysis (continued)
- Minimization
- Eigenvalue problem
35Principal Component Analysis (continued)
- Four small eigenvalues The Blaschke image is a
point-like cluster. The original surface is
planar. - Two small eigenvalues The Blaschke image is a
planar curve (conic). The original surface is a
cone or cylinder of rotation. - a cone of rotation.
- a cylinder of rotation.
36Principal Component Analysis (continued)
- One small eigenvalue and curve-like Blaschke
image. The original surface is developable. - a general cone
- a general cylinder
- a developable of constant slope.
- One small eigenvalue and surface-like
Blaschke-image The original surface is a sphere.
Analysis of the Blaschke imageSphere
Cylinder of rotation
Approximation of a developable of constant slope
General cylinder
Triangulated data points and approximation
Original Blaschke image
Spherical image of the approximation with control
Triangulated data points and approximation
Developable of constant slope
42Reconstruction of Developable Surfaces from
43 Reconstruction
- Find a curve fitting best the tubular
region defined by - Determine 1-parameter family of tangent planes
determined by - Compute a point-representation of the
corresponding developable approximation of the
data points
44Parametrizing a Tubular Region
- Determine relevant cells of carrying points
- Thinning of the tubular region Find cells
carrying only few points and delete these cells
and points - Estimate parameter values for a reduced set of
points (by moving least squares marching
through the tube) - Compute an approximating curve on
w.r.t. points
45Parametrizing a Tubular Region (continued)
46Curve Fitting
Blaschke image
approximating curve to thinned point cloud
47Curve Fitting (continued)
support function (fourth coordinate)
48A Parameterization of the Developable Surface
- Approximating curve on
determines the planes - Compute planar boundary curves in planes
(bounding box) - Point representation of
49Boundary Curves
Approximating curve with control polygon
Projection of the Blaschke image
Developable surface approximating the data points
- Distance between estimated planes and
the approximation - Distance between measurements and the
52Nearly Developable
Nearly developable surface
Projection of the original Blaschke image
53Nearly Developable Approximation
developable approximation
Thinned Blaschke image with approximating curve
54Singular Points
- Singular points
- Data Points satisfy
- Singular points have to satisfy
- Singular curve is in the outer region
of the bounding box.
- Advantages
- Avoiding estimation of parameter values
- Avoiding estimation of direction of generators
- Guaranteeing approximation is developable
- Improving avoidance of singular points
- etc.
57Thanks all!Especial thanks to Dr Lius help