Title: (1)Desktop
1On Demand Monte Carlo Processing System
- User accesses the browser client to browse
through available workflows. Every workflow
generates a customized form based on the
parameters it exposes. Users upload their
parameter selections and associated (voms) proxy
to a session sandbox that is automatically
created at the Tier-2 site. - Once these actions are successful, the submission
is verified. A ShREEK workflow in the sandbox is
instantiated, i.e. a prototype job is configured,
and a DAG of jobs is created. This DAG is then
submitted if verification is successful. - As jobs start execution at an OSG site, users
have read-only access to files and processes in
any of their sandboxes through JobMon. As last
step in the ShREEK workflow, output data is saved
in the OSG sites local storage element (SE), and
exit messages are registered. As last step in the
overall DAG output, data is collected from the
OSG execution sites and stored at the users
Tier-2 center for subsequent analysis.
(3) Monte Carlo Processing _at_ OSG site
(c) Read underlying event data
Storage Cluster_at_Tier-2 site
Batch slot on compute node_at_OSG site
CMKIN MC Physics generator
OSCAR CMS detector Simulation
ORCA CMS data reconstruction
Store data Output Sandbox
(1) User request interface _at_ user laptop
(a) starts
ShREEK workflow control
JobMon server
JobMon Interactive read only access to sandbox
ExitMon Reliable registration of application
exist msgs.
Discovery Service (Registry) Service Software
Clarens Web Service Container
(2)Tier-2 My friends
(3) OSG site Anonymous grid
More Information Clarens http//clarens.sourcefo
rge.net/ MCPS http//www.uscms.org/SoftwareComput
ing/Grid/MCPS/ JobMon http//sourceforge.net/proj
(2) Workflow creation management _at_ USCMS Tier-2
Service Interface
Clarens service
Status Presently running on a few select OSG
sites. However, JobMon deployed only at one site,
and ExitMon still only at planning stage.
Furthermore, only rudimentary DAG support, and
underlying event available only at one site so
far, and not used in demo. Plan Complete full
deployment for all of CMS within OSG 0.2.
(b) Submit workflow
User Sandboxes
Storage Cluster_at_Tier-2 site
Execution information
Workflow Specifications
Workflow Parameter specifications
MCPS Creates Job
Condor-G Executes Job
Project members Dave Evans (evansde_at_fnal.gov),
FNAL Frank van Lingen (fvlingen_at_caltech.edu),
Caltech Shih-Chieh Hsu, (schsu_at_fnal.gov
)UCSD Frank Würthwein (fkw_at_fnal.gov), UCSD
(c) Manage submission retrieve output data.
(a) Instantiates a workflow in user sandbox for