Title: Animal Behaviour: Psych'Biol' 3750
1Animal BehaviourPsych./Biol. 3750
- Lecture 14 October 16, 2009
2Mid-term exam October 23
- Chapters 1-4, Chapters 10-11 and notes (so end of
lecture on Friday) - Questions requiring
- 1. 5-6 short answers 1-2 sentences,
- 2. 2 questions one paragraph each
- 3. 1 question - More than a paragraph
3Assignment 2
- Generate a hypothesis for each data set
- Analyze data
- Write a results section with figures
- Write a discussion, suggest future research
- Maximum two pages double spaced
4Vigilance response how many detectors are
required? (Lima 1995)
Lima, AB, 1995, 50, 1097
5Other factors affecting response in Lima 1995....
- More non-detectors left when two birds left
- Raptor model and ball equally affected
6 Body mass affects take-off time
7Predator avoidance Body mass affects take-off
time - Zebra Finches (Metcalfe Ure, 1995)
8Zebra finch take-off
- Slower take-off at higher weights
9 Predator-feeding trade-offs
10Predator-feeding trade-offs in stckleback
(Miliniski Heller)
- Fish forage more in low density prey after
predator attack - Why?
11Kangaroo rats are lunar phobic
12Reducing predation risk during foraging
- Desert rodents forage less on moonlit nights
(e.g., kangaroo rats)
13Cookie size choice in squirrels
- Larger cookies took more handling time so small
cookies preferred (Fig 11.25) - Increased predation risk increase proportion of
cookies taken to cover
14Conservation implication Migrating Western
Sanpipers Ydenberg et al
15(No Transcript)
16Coronal Sections of hippocampus of storing (a-c)
and non-storing birds (d-f)2
17Hippocampus size and storing in corvids (Fig
- Smaller in Non storers (A B on Fig 10.20 as in
jackdaws) - Moderate size storing (C, D E as in crows)
- Largest in European jays (F) - highest
18Predator Inspection
19Why do gazelles approach cheetahs?
- Benefits in larger groups (Fig 1116)
- Why dont they approach dogs?
20Minnow inspection
- Less in wild fish from high predation (Dorset)
site after predation (Fig 1118-19) - More in predator-naïve, lab-reared Dorset