Title: A First Look on a Pc1 Event Observed Sim
1A First Look on a Pc1 Event Observed Sim
A. Karinen, T. Bösinger, R. Ras
Satellite observations
3 November 1996, 2300-2400 UT
IT-2, Bx-component
For fundamental frequency only
Any value possible, standing wave ?
IT-2, By-component
IT-2, Bz-component
Paperin alareunasta 2 cm pois
2ultaneously at INTERBALL-2 and on the Ground
inkangas, S. Perrault, et al.
3 November 1996, 2300 - 2400 UT
2300-2400 UT, IT-2, Ex-component
IT-2 on its field-line at 2300 UT
2300 - 2400 UT, IT-2, Ey-component
Ionospheric footpoint of IT-2 On 3 November 1996
the satellite crossed during its orbit 278,
between 23 and 24 UT, field-lines from L 10 to
L6 in the early morning hours, corresponding to
MLT 4.5 to MLT6.0. The observatory SOD was
with respect of the satellites ionospheric
footpoint about 2.5 h MLT sectors further west at
2300 UT
2330 UT
2400 UT
Paperin alareunasta 2 cm pois
3Ground-based observations
Kilpisjärvi (KIL), 2300-0045 UT D-component
The Finnish chain of stations
The characteristics of the magnetic pulsations as
seen on the ground cannot be identified as
being typical for either Pc1 or IPDP. For the
latter the increase in emission frequency with
time is too slow, for the former the band width
of the emission too wide. In a first
attempt the event may be classified as an
unstructered, wideband Pc1.
Ivalo (IVA), 2300-0045 UT D-component
Paperin alareunasta 2 cm pois
4The temporal development of the emission in terms
of dynamic spectra (left) and power spectra
(below and to the right).
2307 UT
Sodankylä (SOD), 2300-0000 UT H-component
2316 UT
2324 UT
2337 UT
2345 UT
Power spectra (1 min average) of Ey-component
at IT-2
Sodankylä (SOD), 2300-00 UT D-component
2302 UT
2316 UT
2331 UT
2346 UT
2359 UT
Power spectra (2 min average) of registrations at
SOD (D-component)
Paperin alareunasta 2 cm pois