Engr 691 Special Topics in Engineering Science Software Architecture Spring Semester 2004 Lecture Notes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Engr 691 Special Topics in Engineering Science Software Architecture Spring Semester 2004 Lecture Notes


Structure and values of custom data types defined by programmer are known to ... Data are hidden within module and can only be accessed by means of operations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Engr 691 Special Topics in Engineering Science Software Architecture Spring Semester 2004 Lecture Notes

Engr 691Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software ArchitectureSpring Semester
2004Lecture Notes
Data Abstraction
Created 19 August 2004
  • Maxim
  • Simplicity is good complexity is bad.
  • Abstraction
  • Concentrating on the essentials and ignoring the
  • Sometimes described as "remembering the what and
    ignoring the how".
  • Most effective weapon in fight against complexity

Two Kinds of Abstraction
  • Procedural abstraction
  • Separate logical properties of an action from
    details of how the action is implemented
  • Use when developing an algorithm following the
    top-down approach
  • Use when coding task in programming language,
    make each task a procedure
  • Data abstraction
  • Separate logical properties of data from details
    of how data are represented
  • Focus on problems data rather than tasks

Concrete Data Structure
  • Structure and values of custom data types defined
    by programmer are known to other parts of the
  • In Pascal or C, all data structures are visible
  • E.g., a collection of records about the employees
    of a company
  • store records in a global Pascal or C array
  • the array and all its elements are visible to
    all parts of program
  • any statement in program can directly access and
    modify elements of the array

Abstract Data Structure
  • A module consisting of data and operations
  • Data are hidden within module and can only be
    accessed by means of operations
  • Its name and interface are known but not
  • Operations are explicitly given values are
    defined implicitly by means of operations
  • Support information hiding
  • Related concept encapsulation
  • data and the operations that manipulate the data
    are combined in a module

Abstract Data Structure (cont.)
  • State
  • Manipulated by the operations.
  • A value, or collection of information, held by
    abstract data structure
  • Examples
  • E.g., stack
  • operations push(), pop(), and empty() for
    accessing and manipulating
  • disallow direct access to concrete data structure
    that implements stack.
  • implementation might use an array, a linked list,
    or some other concrete data structure
  • actual implementation is "hidden" from the user
    of the stack

Abstract Data Structure (cont.)
  • E.g., a collection of records about the employees
    of a company
  • constraints
  • only allow collection of records to be accessed
    through a small group of procedures
  • array of records can be manipulated directly
    inside group
  • other parts of program must use one of the
    procedures in group to manipulate records in
  • originally implemented with an array hidden
    behind the interface
  • modifications of program, such as
  • change the implementation from an array to a
    linked list
  • move the collection to a disk file
  • By approaching the design of the collection as an
    abstract data structure,
  • limited the parts of the program changed to the
    small group of procedures that used the array
  • other parts of the program are not affected.

Type and Concrete Data Type
  • Type
  • Category of entities sharing common
  • Variable of type specified as
  • a value (state) drawn from some set (domain) of
    possible values
  • a set of operations that can be applied to those
  • Concrete data type
  • values are most prominent features
  • values and their representations are explicitly
  • operations on the values are implicit

Abstract Data Type (ADT)
  • Set of abstract data structures all with same
    domain of possible states and set of operations
  • Operations are explicitly prescribed
  • Values are defined implicitly in terms of the
  • Instance of the ADT
  • Particular abstract data structure from an ADT
  • Language support
  • C and Pascal not directly support ADTs
  • C and Java have class construct to directly
    define ADTs

Defining ADTs
  • To specify an ADT, need
  • Name of the ADT
  • Sets (or domains) upon which it is built
  • Type being defined
  • Auxiliary types (e.g., primitive data types and
    other ADTs) used as parameters or return values
    of the operations.
  • Signatures (syntax or structure) of the
  • name
  • input sets (i.e., the types, number, and order of
    the parameters)
  • output set (i.e., the type of the return value)

Defining ADTs
  • Semantics (or meaning) of the operations
  • Two primary approaches for specifying
  • Axiomatic (or algebraic) approach
  • set of logical rules (properties or axioms) that
    relate the operations to one another
  • meanings of the operations are defined
    implicitly in terms of each other
  • more elegant but difficult to apply
  • Constructive (or abstract model) approach
  • meaning of the operations explicitly in terms of
    operations on other abstract data types
  • underlying model may be any well-defined
    mathematical model or a previously defined ADT
  • more useful

Defining ADTsAxiomatic Specification of
Unbounded Stack ADT
  • Name
  • Stack (of Item)
  • Item represents the arbitrary unspecified type
    for the entities stored in the stack A formal
    generic parameter
  • Sets
  • Stack
  • set of all stack instances
  • Item
  • set of all items that can appear in a stack
  • boolean
  • primitive Boolean type False, True

Defining ADTsAxiomatic Specification of
Unbounded Stack ADT
  • Signatures
  • Constructor
  • constructs and initializes an instance of the
  • create Stack
  • Mutator
  • returns the instance with its state changed
  • push (Stack, Item) Stack
  • pop Stack Stack
  • Accessor
  • returns information from the state of an
    instance without changing the state
  • top Stack Item
  • empty Stack boolean
  • Destructor
  • destroys an instance of the ADT
  • destroy Stack

Defining ADTsAxiomatic Specification of
Unbounded Stack ADT
  • Semantics
  • Axioms for Stack ADT
  • s instance of type Stack x entity of type
  • top(push(s,x)) x
  • precondition not empty(S)
  • pop(push(s,x)) s
  • precondition not empty(S)
  • empty(create()) True
  • empty(push(s,x)) False not

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • Name
  • StackB (of Item)
  • Sets
  • StackB
  • set of all stack instances
  • Item
  • set of all items that can appear in a stack
  • boolean
  • primitive Boolean type
  • int
  • primitive integer type ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • Signatures
  • Constructor
  • create int StackB
  • Mutator
  • push (StackB, Item) StackB
  • pop StackB StackB
  • Accessor
  • top StackB Item
  • empty StackB boolean
  • full StackB boolean
  • Destructor
  • destroy StackB

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • Semantics
  • Precondition
  • logical assertion that specifies required
    characteristics of the values of arguments
  • Postcondition
  • logical assertion that specifies characteristics
    of the result computed by the operation with
    respect to the values of the arguments.
  • Invariant
  • Interface invariants
  • states publically accessible features and
    abstract properties of the ADT instance
  • Implementation (representation) invariants
  • gives the required relationships among the
    internal data fields of the implementation

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • Semantics of bounded Stack ADT
  • create (int size) StackB S
  • precondition
  • size gt 0
  • postcondition
  • S' is a valid new instance of StackB
  • S' has the capacity to store size items
  • empty(S)

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • Semantics of bounded Stack ADT
  • push(StackB S, Item I) StackB
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance not full (S)
  • postcondition
  • S' is a valid StackB instance S' S with I
    added as the new top
  • pop(StackB S) StackB S'
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance not empty(S)
  • postcondition
  • S' is a valid StackB instance S' S with the
    top item deleted

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • top(StackB S) Item I
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance not empty(S)
  • postcondition
  • I the top item on S
  • empty(StackB S) boolean e
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance
  • postcondition
  • e is true iff S contains no elements (i.e., is

Defining ADTsConstructive Specification of
Bounded Stack ADT
  • full(StackB S) boolean f
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance
  • postcondition
  • f is true iff S contains no space for additional
    items (i.e., is full)
  • destroy(StackB S)
  • precondition
  • S is a valid StackB instance
  • postcondition
  • StackB S no longer exists

Java Classes Class and Instance Methods
  • Class method
  • Associated with class as a whole, not with any
    specific instance
  • Has Keyword static
  • public static void main(String args)
  • // beginning code for the program
  • Instance method
  • Associated with an instance of the class
  • No keyword static
  • public void pop()
  • // code for pop operation

Java Classes Class and Instance Variables
  • Class variable
  • Associated with class as a whole only one copy
    of the variable for entire class
  • With keyword static
  • Instance variable
  • Associated with an instance of the class each
    instance has its own instance of the variable
  • With no keyword static

Java Classes Public and Private Accessibility
  • public components are accessible from anywhere in
    the program
  • Associated with the class as a whole there is
    only one copy of the variable for the entire
  • With keyword static
  • Instance variable
  • Associated with an instance of the class each
    instance has its own instance of the variable
  • With no keyword static

Java Classes Primitive or Reference Variables
  • A Java variable is a strongly typed container in
    memory that is declared to hold either
  • A value of the associated primitive data type
    such as integers (int), floating point numbers
    (double), booleans (boolean), and single
    characters (char)
  • A reference to (i.e., memory address of) an
    instance of the associated class (or other
    reference) type

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 1.Use Java class construct to represent entire
  • To allow access to class from anywhere in
    program, make the class public
  • Example
  • public class StackB
  • // implementation of instance methods
  • //and data here

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 2. Use instance of Java class to represent
    instance of ADT
  • Use variables of the class type to hold
    references to instances
  • Example
  • StackB stk

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 3. As each component of class defined, ensure
    that semantics of ADT operations are implemented
  • Appropriate implementation (representation)
    invariant to capture what it means for internal
    state of instance to be valid
  • Interface and implementation invariants
    established (i.e., made true) by constructors and
    preserved (i.e., kept true) by mutator and
    accessor methods
  • Method's postcondition is established by method
    in any circumstance when called with precondition
  • Class and its methods should be documented with
    invariants, preconditions, and postconditions

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 4. Represent ADT's constructors by Java
    constructor methods
  • Often include a parameterless default
  • Constructor is
  • Method with same name as class
  • No return type specified
  • Normally invoked by Java operator new
  • Example
  • public class StackB
  • public StackB(int size)
  • // initialization code
  • // rest of StackB methods and data ...
  • StackB stk new StackB(100)

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 5. Represent ADT operations by instance methods
    of class
  • State of ADT instance becomes implicit argument
    of all method calls
  • Apply method to class instance by using selector
    (i.e., "dot") notation
  • Example
  • push an item x onto stk
  • if (!stk.full())
  • stk.push(x)
  • examine top item and remove it
  • if (!stk.empty())
  • it stk.top()
  • stk.pop()

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 6. Make the constructors, mutators, accessors,
    and destructors public methods of the class

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 7. Represent ADT mutator operations by Java
    procedure (i.e., void) methods, except those that
    explicitly require new instances to be generated
    (e.g., a copy or clone operation)
  • Example
  • public void pop()
  • // code to implement operation

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 8. For certain mutator operations (e.g., copy or
    clone), implement Java methods to return new
    instances rather than modify the current instance

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 9. Represent ADT accessor operations by Java
    function methods of proper return type
  • Example
  • public boolean empty()
  • // code to implement operation

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 10. If necessary for deallocation of internal
    resources, represent the ADT destructor methods
    by explicit Java procedures
  • Normally just use automatic garbage collection
  • Example
  • public void destroy()
  • // code to free resources
  • Java framework allows finalize() method to be
    called implicitly whenever garbage collector runs

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 11. Use private data fields to represent
    encapsulated state of instance needed
  • Example
  • public class StackB
  • // public operations of class instance
  • // encapsulated data fields of class instance
  • private int topItem
  • // Pointer to next index for insertion
  • private int capacity
  • // Maximum number of items in stack
  • private Object stk // the stack

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 12. Do not use public data fields in the class
  • public data fields violate the principle of
    information hiding
  • Introduce appropriate accessor and mutator
    methods to allow manipulation of the hidden state
  • 13. Include, as appropriate, private methods to
    aid in implementation

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 14. Add any other methods needed to make the ADT
    fit into the Java environment
  • Add public toString method
  • returns a Java String reflecting the "value" of
    instance in a format suitable for printing
  • Add public clone method
  • creates new instance that has same value as
    current instance

Implementing ADTs as Java Classes
  • 15. In general, avoid use of class (i.e., static)
  • Good programming practice to use class constants
    where appropriate
  • data fields declared with both static and final
  • values may be initialized but cannot be changed
  • Constants may be declared private if usage
    restricted to class or public if users of class
    also need access
  • Example
  • public static final int SUNDAY 1

Java Implementation of the Bounded Stack
  • // A Bounded Stack ADT
  • public class StackB
  • // Interface Invariant Once created and until
    destroyed, this
  • // stack instance has a valid and consistent
    internal state
  • public StackB(int size)
  • // Pre size gt 0
  • // Post initialized new instance with
    capacity size empty()
  • stk new Objectsize
  • capacity size
  • topItem 0

Java Implementation of the Bounded Stack
  • public void push(Object item)
  • // Pre not full()
  • // Post item added as the new top of this
    instance's stack
  • stktopItem item
  • topItem
  • public void pop()
  • // Pre not empty()
  • // Post item at top of stack removed from
    this instance
  • topItem--
  • stktopItem null

Java Implementation of the Bounded Stack
  • public Object top()
  • // Pre not empty()
  • // Post return item at top of this
    instance's stack
  • return stktopItem-1
  • public boolean empty()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post return true iff this instance's
    stack has no elements
  • return (topItem lt 0)

Java Implementation of the Bounded Stack
  • public boolean full()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post return true iff this instance's
    stack is at full capacity
  • return (topItem gt capacity)
  • public void destroy()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post internal resources released stack
    effectively deleted
  • stk null
  • capacity 0
  • topItem 0

Java Implementation of the Bounded Stack
  • // Implementation Invariants 0 lt topItem lt
  • // stack is in array section
  • // with the top at stktopItem-1, etc.
  • private int topItem
  • // Pointer to next index for insertion
  • private int capacity
  • // Maximum number of items in stack
  • Object stk // the stack

Better Approach to Implementing ADTs in Java
  • ?. Define Java interface that specifies type
    signatures for ADT's mutator and accessor (and,
    if needed, destructor) operations

Better Approach to Implementing ADTs in Java
  • II. Specify and document interface by interface
    invariants, preconditions, and postconditions
    that must be supported by any implementation
  • Example
  • public interface StackADT
  • // Interface Invariant Once created and
    until destroyed, this
  • // stack instance has a valid and consistent
    internal state
  • public void push(Object item)
  • // Pre not full()
  • // Post item added as the new top of this
    instance's stack ...
  • public Object top()
  • // Pre not empty()
  • // Post return item at top of this
    instance's stack
  • ...

Better Approach to Implementing ADTs in Java
  • III. Provide one or more concrete classes that
    implement the interface
  • Example
  • public class StackInArray implements
  • // Interface Invariant Once created
    and until destroyed, this
  • // stack instance has a valid and
    consistent internal state
  • public StackInArray(int size)
  • // Pre size gt 0
  • // Post initialized new instance
    with capacity size empty()
  • stk new Objectsize
  • capacity size topItem

Better Approach to Implementing ADTs in Java
  • public void push(Object item)
  • // Pre not full()
  • // Post item added as the new top of this
    instance's stack
  • stktopItem item
  • topItem
  • ...
  • public Object top()
  • // Pre not empty()
  • // Post return item at top of this
    instance's stack
  • return stktopItem-1
  • ...
  • // Implementation Invariants 0 lt topItem lt
  • // stack is in array section stk0..topItem-1
    with the top at stktopItem-1
  • private int topItem // Pointer to next index
    for insertion
  • private int capacity // Maximum number of
    items in stack
  • private Object stk // the stack

Better Approach to Implementing ADTs in Java
  • IV. Declare variables of ADT's interface type to
    hold instances of any concrete class that
    implements interface
  • Example
  • StackADT theStack new StackInArray(100)
  • theStack.push("Hello World")

A Date (Day) ADT
  • Constructor
  • create(int y, int m, int d) Day D
  • Precondition
  • y ! 0 1 lt m lt 12 1 lt d
  • lt days in month m
  • (y,m,d) does not fall in the gap formed
    by the change to the modern (Gregorian) calendar
  • Postcondition
  • D' is a valid new instance of Day with year y,
    month m, and day d

A Date (Day) ADT
  • Mutators
  • setDay(Day D, int y, int m, int d) Day D'
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day y ! 0
    1 lt m lt 12 1 lt d lt days in month
    (y,m,d) does not fall in the gap formed by the
    change to the modern (Gregorian) calendar
  • Postcondition
  • D' is a valid instance of Day D' D except
    with year y, month m, and day d
  • ?? Should we include setDay, setMonth, and
    setYear operations? What problems might arise?

A Date (Day) ADT
  • advance(Day D, int n) Day D'
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • D' is a valid instance of Day
  • D' D with the date moved n days later (Negative
  • moves to an earlier date.)

A Date (Day) ADT
  • Accessors
  • getDay(Day D) int d
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • d is day of the month from D, where 1 lt
    d lt days
  • in month getMonth(D) (D is unchanged.)
  • getMonth(Day D) int m
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • m is the month from D, where 1lt mlt12
  • (D is unchanged)

A Date (Day) ADT
  • getYear(Day D) int y
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • y is the year from D, where y ! 0 (D is
  • getWeekday(Day D) int wd
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • wd is the day of the week upon which D
  • 0 Sunday, 1 Monday, ..., 6 Saturday

A Date (Day) ADT
  • equals(Day D, Day D1) boolean eq
  • Precondition
  • D and D' are valid instances of Day
  • Postcondition
  • eq is true if and only if D and D' denote the
    same calendar date (D and D' are unchanged)
  • daysBetween(Day D, Day D1) -gt int d
  • Precondition
  • D and D' are valid instances of Day
  • Postcondition
  • d is the number of calendar days from D1 to D,
    i.e., equals(D,advance(D1,d)) would be true (D is

A Date (Day) ADT
  • toString(Day D) -gt String s
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • s is the date D expressed in the format
  • (D is unchanged.)
  • Note
  • This method is a "standard" method that should be
    defined for most Java classes so that they fit
    well into the Java language framework.

A Date (Day) ADT
  • Destructor
  • destroy(Day D)
  • Precondition
  • D is a valid instance of Day
  • Postcondition
  • D no longer exists

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • import java.util.
  • import java.io.
  • public class Day
  • //Interface Invariant Once created and until
    destroyed, this
  • // instance contains a valid date.
    getYear() ! 0
  • // 1 lt getMonth() lt 12 1 lt getDay()
    lt days in getMonth().
  • // Also calendar date getMonth()/getDay()/ge
    tYear() does not
  • // fall in the gap formed by the change to
    the modern
  • // (Gregorian) calendar.
  • // Constants for days of the week
  • public static final int SUNDAY 1
  • public static final int MONDAY 2
  • public static final int TUESDAY 3
  • public static final int WEDNESDAY 4
  • public static final int THURSDAY 5
  • public static final int FRIDAY 6
  • public static final int SATURDAY 7

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • // Constructors
  • public Day()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post the new instance's day, month, and
    year set to today's
  • // date (i.e., the date of creation of the
  • // Implementation uses GregorianCalendar class
    from the Java API to get today's date.
  • GregorianCalendar todaysDate new
  • year todaysDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)
  • month todaysDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) 1
  • day todaysDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • public Day(int y, int m, int d ) throws
  • // Pre y ! 0 1 lt m lt 12 1 lt d lt
    days in month m
  • // (y,m,d) does not fall in the gap
    formed by
  • // the change to the modern (Gregorian)
  • // Post the new instance's day, month, and
    year set to y, m, and d, respectively
  • // Exception IllegalArgumentException if y m d
    not a valid date
  • year y
  • month m
  • day d
  • if (!isValid())
  • throw new IllegalArgumentException()

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • // Mutators
  • public void setDay(int y, int m, int d) throws
  • // Pre y ! 0 1 lt m lt 12 1 lt d lt
    days in month m
  • // (y,m,d) does not fall in the gap formed by
  • // change to the modern (Gregorian) calendar.
  • // Post this instance's day, month, and year
    set to y, m, and d, respectively
  • // Exception IllegalArgumentException if y m
    d not a valid date
  • year y
  • month m
  • day d
  • if (!isValid())
  • throw new IllegalArgumentException()
  • public void advance(int n)
  • // Pre true
  • // Post this instance's date moved n days
    later. (Negative n
  • // moves to an earlier date.)
  • fromJulian(toJulian() n)

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • // Accessors
  • public int getDay()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns the day from this instance,
    where 1 lt getDay() lt days
  • // in this instance's month
  • return day
  • public int getMonth()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns the month from this instance's
    date, where 1 lt getMonth() lt 12
  • return month
  • public int getYear()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns the year from this instance's
    date, where getYear() ! 0
  • return year

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • public int getWeekday()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns the day of the week upon which
    this instance falls, where
  • // 1 lt getWeekday() lt 7 1 Sunday,
    2 Monday, ..., 7 Saturday
  • // calculate day of week
  • return (toJulian() 1) 7 1
  • public boolean equals(Day dd)
  • // Pre dd is a valid instance of Day
  • // Post returns true if and only if this
    instance and instance
  • // dd denote the same calendar date
  • return (year dd.getYear() month
  • day dd.getDay())

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • public int daysBetween(Day dd)
  • // Pre dd is a valid instance of Day
  • // Post returns the number of calendar days
    from the dd
  • // instance's date to this instance's date,
  • // equals(dd.advance(n)) would hold
  • // implementation code
  • return toJulian() - dd.toJulian()
  • public String toString()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns this instance's date expressed
    in the format "Dayyear,month,day"
  • return "Day" year "," month "," day
  • // Destructors -- None needed

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • // Private Methods
  • private boolean isValid()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns true iff this is a valid date
  • Day t new Day()
  • t.fromJulian(this.toJulian())
  • return t.day day t.month month
    t.year year

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • private int toJulian()
  • // Pre true
  • // Post returns Julian day number that begins
    at noon of this day
  • // A positive year signifies A.D., negative year
  • // Remember that the year after 1 B.C. was 1
    A.D. (i.e., no year 0). Julian day 0 is a Monday.
  • // A convenient reference point is that May 23,
    1968, at noon is Julian day 2440000.
  • // Algorithm from Press et al., Numerical
    Recipes in C, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press
  • int jy year
  • if (year lt 0)
  • jy
  • int jm month
  • if (month gt 2)
  • jm
  • else jy-- jm 13
  • int jul (int) (java.lang.Math.floor(365.25
    jy) java.lang.Math.floor(30.6001jm) day
  • int IGREG 15 31(10121582) //
    Gregorian Calendar adopted Oct. 15, 1582
  • if (day 31 (month 12 year) gt IGREG)
    // change over to Gregorian calendar
  • int ja (int)(0.01 jy)
  • jul 2 - ja (int)(0.25 ja)

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • private void fromJulian(int j)
  • // Pre true
  • // Post this calendar Day is set to Julian date
  • // Algorithm from Press et al., Numerical
    Recipes in C, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press 1992
  • int ja j
  • int JGREG 2299161 // the Julian date of
    the adoption of the Gregorian calendar
  • if (j gt JGREG) // correct for
    crossover to Gregorian Calendar
  • int jalpha (int)(((float)(j - 1867216) -
    0.25) / 36524.25)
  • ja 1 jalpha - (int)(0.25 jalpha)
  • int jb ja 1524
  • int jc (int)(6680.0 ((float)(jb-2439870) -
    122.1) /365.25)
  • int jd (int)(365 jc (0.25 jc))
  • int je (int)((jb - jd)/30.6001)
  • day jb - jd - (int)(30.6001 je)
  • month je - 1
  • if (month gt 12)
  • month - 12
  • year jc - 4715

Java Class Implementation for Day
  • // Implementation Invariants
  • // year ! 0 1 lt month lt 12 1 lt day lt
    days in month
  • // (year,month,day) not in gap formed by the
    change to the
  • // modern (Gregorian) calendar
  • private int year
  • private int month
  • private int day

Client-Supplier Relationship
  • supplier
  • Developers of the ADT providers of the services
  • client
  • Users of the ADT users of the services

Client-Supplier Relationship Concerns
  • The supplier's concerns include
  • Efficient and reliable algorithms and data
  • Convenient implementation
  • Easy maintenance
  • The clients' concerns include
  • Accomplishing their own tasks
  • Using the supplier ADT without effort to
    understand its internal details
  • Having a sufficient, but not overwhelming, set
    of operations

Client-Supplier Relationship Client-supplier
  • Gives the responsibilities of the client
  • Conditions under which the supplier must deliver
  • when the preconditions of the operations are
  • Gives the responsibilities of the supplier
  • Benefits the supplier must deliver make the
  • postconditions hold at the end of the
  • Protects the client by specifying how much must
    be done by the supplier
  • Protects the supplier by specifying how little is
    acceptable to the client

Design Criteria for ADT (Class) Interfaces
  • Cohesion
  • All operations must logically fit together to
    support a single, coherent purpose
  • ADT (class) should describe a single abstraction
  • Simplicity
  • Avoid needless features
  • The smaller the interface the easier it is to use
    the ADT (class)
  • No redundancy
  • Avoid offering the same service in more than one
  • Eliminate redundant features

Design Criteria for ADT (Class) Interfaces
  • Atomicity
  • Not combine several operations if they are needed
  • Keep independent features separate
  • All operations should be primitive
  • Completeness
  • All primitive operations that make sense for the
    abstraction should be supported by the ADT
  • Consistency
  • Provide a set of operations that are internally
    consistent in
  • naming convention
  • in use of prefixes like "set" or "get", in
  • in use of verbs/nouns/adjectives)
  • use of arguments and return values
  • order and type of arguments
  • behavior (i.e., make operations work similarly)
  • Avoid surprises and misunderstandings

Design Criteria for ADT (Class) Interfaces
  • Reusability
  • Do not customize ADTs (classes) to specific
  • Make them general enough to be reusable in other
  • Robustness with respect to modifications
  • Design the interface of an ADT (class) so that it
    remains stable even if the implementation of the
    ADT changes
  • Convenience
  • Provide additional operations where appropriate
  • Add convenience operations only for frequently
    used combinations after careful study

  • This work was supported by a grant from Acxiom
    Corporation titled The Acxiom Laboratory for
    Software Architecture and Component Engineering

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