Title: Background Delphi Emulator
1Background - Delphi Emulator
- Objective Design a Product Emulator using as
much AEPT technology as possible. - Emulator An existing product design converted
to use and demonstrate new technology. - Team Members
- Jiming Zhou, Delphi
- John D. Myers, Delphi
- Bill Reynolds, Delphi
- Rodney Henderson, Delphi
2Choosing A Design To Use For An Emulator
- Past experience designing consortium test
vehicles had taught us - CAD tools and CAD experience with embedded
resistors would be biggest problems. - Delphi had 30 years experience designing MCMs.
- Pressure Sensors, Ignition Modules, Engine
Controls - CAD tools, Libraries and designers available.
- Using Mentor MCM Station with custom additions
- No FR-4 experience or CAD available in house
- CAD output is artwork not process definition
- Therefore Attempt to use Mentors MCM tool to
design AEPT emulator. - Choose a hybrid ceramic design to convert to FR-4
with embedded passive components.
3Choosing The Technology For The Emulator
- Resistors
- Our product requires 3 decades of resistor
material in ohms/Sq. to cover gt85 of total
parts. - DuPont was only material tested with 3 decades
available when design was started. - Capacitors
- 3M material was only material mature enough to be
used when design was started.
4Actual Design Process
- No Change to CAD tool other than plug in new
design rules - Hybrid design rules are very different from FR-4
- Hybrids have coarse features (8/8) but very small
capture pads (6-8 mils) - Hybrid vias can be blind and buried, between any
layer - Hybrid filled vias are large (6-10 mils) but
capture pads are smaller than vias. - Converting blind and buried vias to through holes
caused a major tear up of the design. - Resistors were no problem due to good tools.
- Capacitors were difficult due to no tools.
- Delete Cap from design, hand draw trace with area
to desired capacitance on capacitor layer.
5Delphi Emulator Engine Control Module
- 6 Flip Chips, bump pitch as low as 8 mil on a
stagger - 4 Large FET bare die chip and wire devices
- 15 Small FET bare die chip and wire devices
- On Engine environment -40 to 125 degrees C
- Sealed case
- Wire bonded I/O connector to board
- Components on one side
- Heat sinking through board to aluminum case
Note Photo of original ceramic technology
6Board Design Guidelines
- Microvias Layers 1-2
- Through hole connecting all of the other layers
- Line/Space 3/3 mils in micro fan out Layer 1,8
else 5/5 - Min. micro via pad 14 mils
- Min. laser via 5 mils
- Min. capture pad 15 mils
- All through holes 10 mils
- Min. pad over hole 5 mils
- Min. antipad 30 mils
- Board Thickness 48 mils
- Surface finish ENiG
7Enlargement of Microprocessor Fan Out
- Flip Chip 8mil staggered pitch
- Solder mask registration
- /- 1.5 mil
- Microvias Layers 1-2
- Fan out using 3/3 mil
- lines/spaces
8Delphi Emulator Embedded Resistors
- 213 total Rs buried, 8 extra Rs to get values
gt12 sq. - Total 217 resistors
- 94 of resistors buried (205/217)
- 4 sense resistors not buried, values lt .01 Ohm
- 8 high value resistors not buried, values gt 300K
- .062 watt resistors
- 3 Resistor prints 50, 1K, 10K Ohm/Square
Purple 10k Ohm Green 1k Ohm Grey 50 Ohm
9Delphi Emulator Embedded Resistors (continued)
- More than 10 different R shapes for .25 to 12
squares - 4 possible orientations / shape
- 40 mil test pads
- At least 50 mils between pads
10Photo Of Actual PWB Resistor Layer
11The Board Stack Up
Signal 3
- Board size 3.25 x 2.75 inch
12Cross Section of Actual Board
Copper termination
Ceramic resistor
13Embedded Capacitors
14Embedded Capacitors (continued)
- Total 197 capacitors
- 25 embedded, rate 25/19712.7
- 13 decoupling caps including 9 Vccl and 4 Vccd
and Vcca. 12 filter caps. - Theoretically 77 max embedded, rate 77/19739
- Quit after adding 12 discrete Capacitors due to
time constraints - Lack of CAD tools and tedious nature of manually
changing schematic, BOM and documentation limits
15Photo of First Article PWB, Front Side
- Final board dimensions of 2.75 x 3.25 are the
same as original
16Photo of First Article PWB, Back Side
- Light colored areas are coating covering embedded
resistors to provide stress relief and reflect
trimming laser beam. - No components on back side