Title: PHYS%205326,%20Spring%202003
1PHYS 5326 Lecture 8
Monday, Feb. 17, 2003 Dr. Jae Yu
- Interpretation of Sin2qW results
- The link to Higgs
Move Wednesdays class and the makeup class to
Friday 9am-12pm in rm 200, this week only!!
2Last Weeks Homework Assignments
- Process the transferred TMB data files and
convert them into TMBtree for root analysis - You can work together on this one
- One person can produce TMBtree for all
- Due next Monday, Feb. 17
- Produce an electron ET spectrum of the highest ET
electrons in your samples - Due next Wednesday, Feb. 19
3MC to Relate Rnexp to Rn and sin2qW
- Parton Distribution Model
- Correct for details of PDF model ? Used CCFR data
for PDF - Model cross over from short nm CC events
4MC to Relate Rnexp to Rn and sin2qW
- Neutrino Fluxes
- nm,ne,nm,ne in the two running modes
- ne CC events always look short
- Shower length modeling
- Correct for short events that look long
- Detector response vs energy, position, and time
- Continuous testbeam running minimizes systematics
5sin2qW Fit to Rnexp and Rnexp
- Thanks to the separate beam ? Measure Rns
separately - Use MC to simultaneously fit and
to sin2qW and mc, and sin2qW and r
- Rn Sensitive to sin2qW while Rn isnt
- Rn is used to extract sin2qW and Rn to control
systematics - Why???
6sin2qW Fit to Rnexp and Rnexp
- Single parameter fit, using SM values for EW
parameters (r01)
- Two parameter fit for sin2qW and r0 yields
7NuTeV sin2qW Uncertainties
1-Loop Electroweak Radiative Corrections based on
Bardin, Dokuchaeva JINR-E2-86-2 60 (1986)
8NuTeV vs CCFR Uncertainty Comparisons
Beamline worked!
Technique worked!
9Comparison of New sin2qW
Comparable precision but value smaller than other
10SM Global Fits with New Results
Without NuTeV c2/dof20.5/14 P11.4
With NuTeV c2/dof29.7/15 P1.3
Confidence level in upper Mhiggs limit weakens
LEP EWWG http//www.cern.ch/LEPEWWG