Title: Climate Data Modernization Program
1Climate Data Modernization Program Historical
Geomagnetic Observations New
Dataset at Risk NGDC archives include a variety
of historical magnetometer data that are not
readily accessible by the public. These data
provide a scientific record of the Geomagnetic
Field that can be quantitatively compared to
current magnetic observations. Scope Data
rescue magnetic observations that currently exist
in paper and film formats. Historical datasets
are currently archived within NGDC or may be
contributed (loaned) as deemed appropriate.
Daily Geomagnetic Data (Example)
Upper Left Magnetic variation data a very good
copy. FY10 Activities Undergo discovery
process. Digitize select paper records and
available reels of 35-mm film containing magnetic
variation data, archive the data for long-term
historical preservation, and make the data
available on-line. Contractor Funding FY10 100,0
00 (requested)
- User Community Representatives
- Dr. Simon Flower British Geological Survey
- Dr. Christopher Balch - NOAA/NWS/SWPC
- Dr. Jeffrey Love - USGS
2Climate Data Modernization Program Historical
Geomagnetic Observations New
NGDC has a legal mandate to ensure that such
data shall be readily available to Government and
private agencies and individuals
3Climate Data Modernization Program Historical
Geomagnetic Observations - New
- Task Description A variety of NGDC datasets
have been data rescued through CDMP. By making
use of techniques developed for these rescue
efforts, we can establish an effective and
efficient recovery effort for magnetometer data
stored on 35mm film and as paper copy. - Task Lead Dr. Eric Kihn, NGDC,
eric.a.kihn_at_noaa.gov, 303-497-6121 - Justin Mabie (CIRES), justin.mabie, 303-497-6137
- Scope of Proposed Work for FY10 - Digitize daily
magnetic variation data on 35-mm film and paper
records to digital images from NOAA historical
data holdings. Ingest this data into the NGDC
archive system, and make data available to the
user community. - Funding Request
- CDMP Contractor 100,000
- NGDC Data Prep 10,000