Title: Flavor Physics at the Tevatron
1Flavor Physics at the Tevatron
Franco Bedeschi INFN - Sezione di Pisa
2Flavor Physics at the Tevatron
- Main features of Heavy Flavor production at the
Tevatron - Experimental issues
- Basic signals and first round of results
- Masses, lifetimes, branching fractions and
integrated CP asymmetries - Other results and future prospects
- Baryons
- Bc search
- Rare decays, mixing
- xs, DG, b, g
3HF at the Tevatron
- Very large production of b/c quarks at the
Tevaton (ECM 1.96 TeV)! - b/c-quarks masses much heavier than u, d, s, but
small relative to ltsgt - Mc 1.5 GeV/c2
- sc 500 mb
- S/N 10-3
- Mb 5 GeV/c2
- sb 100 mb
- sb 1 nb at B-factories, 7 nb at LEP
- S/N 10-3
- 0.2 at B-factories, 0.14 at LEP
4HF at the Tevatron
- Production more complex than in ee-
- s, t, u-channel and NLOLO
- Motion of CM of primary interaction
- Larger spread over available phase space
- Acceptance
- Looser f and q correlation
- No beam ECM constraint
- HF hadron from hadronization of primary quarks
- All types of b-hadrons produced
- Looser momentum correlations
- Beam renmant
- More background from particles other than HF
5Tevatron vs B factories
- In the end comparable amount of usable Bu, Bd
- Pt, h acceptance reduces TeV sample available
- B factories luminosity higher
- NOW ? Tev 250 pb-1, Belle/BaBar 150 fb-1
- Tevatron environment more difficult
- Incoherent b-pair production
- Bs, Bc and HF baryons hard or impossible at B
factories - Some measurements are possible only at the
Tevatron - Eg. Bs mixing, Bc properties, .
- Other measurements are complementary
- Eg. CP violation angle g
Run 1
6Some History
- First fully reconstructed B mesons observed at a
hadron collider - CDF 1992 (2.6 pb-1)
- PRL 68, 3403 (1992)
B ?J/y K
7Run 1
- Successful B physics program at Tevatron during
run 1
First evidence of sin(2b)
Integrated luminosity 120 pb-1
8Run II Tevatron
- Peak luminosity
- 7x1031
- Delivered/on tape
- 500/400 pb-1
- Analyses based on
- 240 pb-1 gt 2 x Run 1
8.6 fb-1
4.4 fb-1
Base plan no recycler
Tevatron long range plan will deliver 4 8 fb-1
by end of FY 2009
9The Upgraded CDF Detector
Central muon
Central calorimeters
Partially new
Front end Trigger DAQ Offline
Endplug calorimeter
Silicon and drift chamber trackers
Forward muon
10D0 side view
Tracker Silicon, Fiber, 2T Solenoid
Forward Muon System
Partially New
Central Muon System
20 m
Front End Electronics Triggers / DAQ
(pipeline) Online Offline Software
11Trigger is the key to B physics
- S/N 10-3 ? need strong signatures
- Leptons from SL decay
- 10 for each mode
- Large mass ? large ptrel
- Leptons from J/Y decay
- B ? J/Y X 1
- J/Y ? m m-, e e- 6 each
- Secondary vertex!
- ctD ctB 300 - 500 mm
- Only way for had. decays
l -
12CDF SVT trigger
- Need dedicated impact parameter trigger
- CDF SVT trigger operating since 2001
- D0 trigger still being commissioned
Online track impact param.
8 VME crates Find tracks in Si in 20 ms with
offline accuracy
s48 mm
13PID at CDF
- Time of Flight
- dE/dx in COT and SVX
TOF gt1? K/p separation up to p2 GeV
dE/dx in COT K/p sep. gt1.4?_at_Ptgt2GeV (was 1.2)
1.5 GeV/c
dEdx in Silicon Vertex for low-pt tracks PLAN
combine them all !
14Run II Results
- Large sample of J/y for both CDF and D0 (2.5 M
events at CDF) -- 20 from B decays - Calibrate mass scale
- Clean samples of exclusive decays B? J/y X
15X (3872)
- Search for X?ypp-
- Confirm signal from Belle
X yield 730 90 cand. (11.6 s)
m(pp) gt 500 MeV
M 3871.30.7 0.4 MeV
16Rare decays Bd(s) ? mm-
Best world result for Bs (improves CDF Run I x3)
1 event in the overlap region
Slightly better results than Belle and BaBar for
- Muon Ptgt1.5-3.0 GeV, etalt0.6
- Blind analysis cuts optimized
- before looking at the signal region
2.0 ? 10-7
1.6 ? 10-7
17Bs ? mm- implications for SUSY
R. Arnowitt et al., PLB 538 (2002) 121, new plot
by B.Dutta
R-parity violating
New limit excludes significant amounts of the
previously allowed SUSY models parameters -
Expect 10-7 with 1fb-1
18Run II Results
- Precision mass measurements
- M(Bu) 5279.100.410.34 MeV/c2
- M(Bd) 5279.570.530.30 MeV/c2
- M(Bs) 5366.010.730.30 MeV/c2
- M(Lb) 5619.7 1.2 1.2 MeV/c2
- Current world best values
19Run II Results
- CDF Lifetimes measurements
- D0 has best measurement of ratio of Bu and Bd
lifetimes - t(Bu)/t(Bd) 1.0930.0210.022
- (CDF
- ?Bu/?Bd 1.080 ? 0.042
- ?Bs/?Bd 0.890 ? 0.072)
- Consistent and only slightly worse than BaBar PDG
result - New technique used fitting the ratio of lifetime
distributions in semileptonic decays
20Run II Results
- D0 lifetime ratio determination
- m-DX mostly Bd
- m-D0X mostly Bu
- Fit ratio rN(mD)/N(mD0) in 8 visible lifetime
bins - Account for feed-down from D using MC
- Shows power of large statistics semileptonic
Example of lifetime bin
21Toward DGs
- Lifetime difference of two CP eigenstates of Bs
can be large in SM 10 - Related to Dms DGs 3.7x10-3 Dms
- Easier to measure as Dms gets harder!
- Dms 24 ps-1 ? DGs /Gs 15
- Best measurement from comparing a CP specific
decay with a flavor specific decay (roughly
50-50) - e.g. CP specific Bs?J/y f mostly CP even
- Need to measure fraction of CP even with angular
analysis - e.g. Flavor specific Bs?Dsp, Bs?lnDs
22Run II Results
- Polarization analysis consistent with B factories
for Bd?J/y K0 - Best measurement for Bs ? J/y f
- Important step toward DGs
- A0, A// are CP-even 75
23The Bc, rediscovered
CDF Run1
Box still closed for blind analysis of J/y p (10
of J/y ln)
24Run II Results
- Large samples of hadronic exclusive decays of all
beauty and charm hadrons at CDF - Measure relevant BR
- Start understand how to measure lifetimes
- Prime samples for mixing measurements, in
particular Bs - Significant samples of 2 body decays
- Measure BRs and integrated CP asymmetries
- Basic samples for future g measurements
25Run II Results D0 BR and ACP
- Clean sample of 200 k D0 from D?D0 psdecay
- Charge of soft pion tags initial D0 type
Best measurements! Better than FOCUS 03
BR(D0?KK)/BR(D0?Kp) 9.96 0.11(stat) 0.12(syst)
BR(D0?pp)/BR(D0?Kp) 3.6080.054(stat)
0.040(syst) ACP(D0?KK) 2.0 (1.7) 1.2 (stat)
0.6 (syst) ( norm. to D?Kp) ACP(D0?pp) 1.0
(0.5) 1.3 (stat) 0.6 (syst)
26Run II Results
- Now going for BR and ACP of D? ppp - No
experiment ever had gt1500 ev - Expect 6k events after flavor tag
- BR known at 10 will become 1
- Unique possibility to see ACP in Charm
190 pb-1
55,000 events !
27Run II Results
- - MC templates used to fit mass spectrum.
- - B ?DK is another mode of interest for CP
28?b??c? with ?c?pK?
- Backgrounds real B decays
- Reconstruct p as p Bd ? D?p?Kp?p?p
- Use MC to parametrize the shape.
- Data to normalize the amplitude
- Dominant backgrounds are real HF
- proton particle ID (dE/dx) improves S/B
Fitted signal (65 pb-1) Now 36128 with 195
Cleaner with PID !
New Result ! (based on 65 pb-1)
BR(Lb ? Lc p?) (6.0 ?1.0(stat) ? 0.8(sys) ?
2.1(BR) ) x 10-3
29More BaryonsFirst observation of X0c, Xc
30Run II Results
- - Bs ?Ds-? is the golden mode for measuring xs.
- - Fully reconstructed mode for minimal
uncertainty in the boost of the Bs.
- m 5.252(2) GeV/c2
- ? 41.1(1.9) MeV/c2
Fitted contributions
Bd?K? Bs?KK Bd?? ? Bs?K ?
mode Yield (65 pb-1)
B0?K? 148?17(stat.)?17(syst)
B0??? 39?14(stat.)?17(syst)
Bs?KK 90?17(stat.) ?17(syst)
Bs?K? 3?11(stat.) ?17(syst)
First observation of Bs?KK? !! Result Measure
32Unfolding two body decays
- Unfolding
- Kinematics (momentum ratio)
- Mpp vs q1(1-p1/p2)
- Different correlations for various species/decay
channel - dE/dx in Central Tracker
33Latest B-gthh BR direct ACP
Bd??? 160 ? 27
Bs?KK 225 ? 29
Bs?K? 28 ? 25
Bd?K? 542 ? 30
Very preliminary
ACP(Bd?K?) -0.08 ? 0.07
- Substantial yields in 180pb-1
- Bd yields 80fb-1 Babar
- RAW yields for the moment
- Update of LP03 result at ICHEP04
- Direct Acp(Kp) to 7 (Babar 5_at_same yield)
- BR(Bs?KK) to 15 -gt Constraints CKM (angle ?)
- Largest fully reconstructed Bs sample, CP
eigenstate ? ??s
34B?hh expectations
CDF 180 pb-1
Current single best measurement
Scaling from current yields
35B ? ?K
- Pure-penguin, b-gtsss decay
- Sensitive to Vts and NP
- BR direct-ACP (180pb-1)
36First Observation of Bs ? ff
Good S/B !
5? significance
37B Flavor Tagging
OST (opposite side tagging) Bs produced in
pairs ? tag flavor of opposite B
JETQ sign of the weighted average charge
of opposite B-Jet SLT sign of soft lepton
from decay of opposite B
- SST (same side tagging)
- B0 (B0) is likely to be accompanied by a ? (??)
- Search for the track with minimum PTREL
Kaon taggers (new in CDF) OST (K from b?c?s
transition) SST (K from fragmentation)
- Evaluation in progress, expectations between
5-10 - Learning process in runII no faster than
simpler algorithm
38First Bd mixing results
- CDF Same Side Tagging
- Exclusive samples
- D0 m tagging
- Semileptonic sample
?md0.506?0.055(stat)?0.049(syst) ps-1
Tagging efficiency 4.8 /- 0.2 Tagging
purity 73.0 /- 2.1 (D 0.46)
39Hadronic Yields for Bs mixing
- Currently 1.5pb of hadronic 1pb needing
reflection cleanup
BR paper draft
Need 2pb and ?D2 5 for 5? sensitivity up to
24ps-1 in 3.2 fb-1
- - xs is the most complex of all
- B measurement
- Need to combine many ingredients
40Bs mixing reach
- Assumptions
- Yield
- 2k ev./fb-1
- From data
- Flavor Tagging
- eD2 5
- Pessimistic
- Needs work
- Time resolution
- 50 fs
- Need L00
- Signal/Noise
- 2/1
- Data is better
Go beyond SM preferred range 5s measurement if
Dms 18 ps-1 with 1.7 fb-1 5s measurement if Dms
24 ps-1 with 3.2 fb-1
- Tevatron is finally delivering luminosity
- Experiments are accumulating data of excellent
quality - D0 is in business thanks to new magnetic tracking
- CDFs secondary vertex trigger is a major success
- Wealth of new results from fully hadronic decays
promises a very interesting future! - Analyses involving flavor tagging are starting
now and still need optimization of the basic
tools - Results on Bs mixing and g require statistics at
the fb-1 level. This will take at least until
42Backup slides
43Semileptonic samples
- CDF/D0 have large samples
- Lifetimes need refinement of systematics
- Mixing measurements will follow
44D cross section
- Get prompt charm fraction from study of D impact
parameter - Fprompt 80-90 varies with D species
45D meson signals
- Huge D samples sraw 10 nb
- Use D?Dps for cleanup
- ps gives sign of kaon Dm
- Measure BR of suppressed 2 body decays to PDG
accuracy - Measure CP asymmetries
D0?pp ACP21.70.6
D0?KK ACP31.90.6
46b-decay Bs mixing (prospects)
- Signal (N)
- Need all charged hadronic mode for resolution and
statistics ? secondary vertex trigger is
essential - Bs ? Ds p?, Ds 3p ?
- Ds ? f p, K0 K, K0S K
- Expectations for Run IIA in 2 fb-1
- 20,000 events (P-909)
- 75,000 Yellow Book
- Realistic 7,000
- S/B
- 11 from Run I extrapolations
- Assume 12 21 range
- Small effect on significance
CDF preliminary Run II data
Few pb-1
47b-decay CP violation
- As usual one measures
- Aobs(t) D ACP(t) D sin(2b) sin(Dmdt)
- Important to calibrate dilution with mixing
analyses - Typical CP eigenstates have small Branching
Ratios 10-5! - Large b x-section at Tevatron is very useful
- CDF Run 1 measurement is not competitive with
B-factories, but it is very useful to estimate
our future capabilities in Run II
Measurements of sin(2b) PDG 2003
48b-decay CP violation
- CDF Run 1 result is based on
- 400 B0 ? J/y K0S
- All available taggers
- Opposite side lepton, Jet-charge
- Same side pion charge correlation
- Result
400 B ? y K0S
Asymmetry Vs. lifetime
49b-decay CP violation (prospects)
- Extrapolation based on analytic formula for the
error on the time integrated asymmetry - In addition we account for improvements made by
studying the time evolution - Expectations in 2 fb-1
- Rare decay D0?mm
- SM 3x10-13
- R-violating SUSY 3.4x10-6
- Best so far 4.1x10-6
- Beatrice/E771
- CDF limit 2.5 (3.3)x10-6 _at_ 90 (95) CL
- Luminosity used 63.5 pb-1
- Method
- Yield of D? D0 p ? mm p relative to D? D0 p
? ppp - 1x10-7 by end of run II
Phys. Rev. D68, 091101 (2003)