Title: BCDEN Cross Border
1- BCDEN Cross Border
- E-Procurement
- 6th July, 2006
- Shane Mulholland
2Pilot Overview
- Pilot consisted of Council staff
- sourcing/trading electronically with local
- Suppliers for below-threshold, non contract
- purchasing using RFQ functionality
- RFQ Request for Quotations
- How it works Demo to Follow
- Training Support Helpdesk
3Available Extras
- Depending on how comfortable LAs
- are with RFQs, access is available to
- Requisitioning Tendering software during
- the project timeline
- SMEs will be granted access to e-Business
software aimed at enhancing their overall
business capability
4NMDC Pilot Results
- Paperless, Quick and Easy of Use.
- Comprehensive Controls on Spending
- Builds up Statistics by Product/Suppliers
- Excellent Audit Trails of all transactions
- Reduces supplier contact by phone and fax
- Introduces e-Business to local SMEs
- Actual Purchase Savings 27 to date
- Value for Money
- Allows for a Dynamic and Pro-Active Dept
- As stated by NMDC Purchasing
5Pilot Timeline
- Start Project June 06
- Train Buyers Suppliers June 06 /July 06
- Live Transactions end July 06 / start August 06
- Performance Checkpoints Nov 06 / Feb 07
- Project Review end March 07
6What Next?
- 27 actual purchase savings
- Free software, training support
- Local SMEs e-Business
- Individually or Collectively?
- Do you want to be involved?
- Can you afford to miss out?????
7Questions Answers
'The RFQ solution is a logical, user friendly and
economic solution that has delivered on what was
promised to Kerry County Council. The solution
has increased the timeliness, accuracy and
competitiveness of the quotation process and has
lead to considerable time and cost savings. We
have received very positive feedback from both
internal department users and suppliers and the
whole solution is backed by an excellent support
team.' Catherine Carmody, e-Government Officer,
Kerry County Council