Middleware CS3254 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middleware CS3254


ue. s a. re. s. pe. c. i. f. ie. d. b. y t. he. o. r. de. r d. ec. l. ar. e. d ... Reflection: Ability to enquire about properties of a class, such as names and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Middleware CS3254

  • Joel Wein
  • Note As is true of many of my slides, these draw
    heavily from the teaching slides of Coulouris,
    Dollimore and Kindberg
  • (http//www.cdk4.net)

  • Elevator Summary
  • Cleaner way of thinking about communications and
    organization in distributed systems
  • Background Concepts
  • Heterogeneity (CDK 1.4)
  • External data representation (CDK 4.3)
  • Examples
  • Java RMI case study (CDK 5.5)
  • XML/Webservices

Background Concepts Heterogeneity
  • Applies to all of the following
  • networks
  • Internet protocols mask the differences between
  • computer hardware
  • e.g. data types such as integers can be
    represented differently
  • operating systems
  • e.g. the API to IP differs from one OS to another
  • programming languages
  • data structures (arrays, records) can be
    represented differently
  • implementations by different developers
  • they need agreed standards so as to be able to
  • Middleware provides a programming abstraction and
    masks the heterogeneity of networks etc.

Figure 4.1Middleware layers
External Data Representation and Marshalling (CDK
  • Data structures must be flattened (converted to a
    sequence of bytes) before transmission and
    rebuilt on arrival.
  • Representations are machine and OS-specific.
  • To enable two computers to exchange data values
  • Values can be converted to an agreed external
    format before transmission and converted to local
    form on receipt.
  • Values can be sent in senders format with a
    description of format.

  • Marshalling The process of taking a collection
    of data items and assembling them into a form
    suitable for transmission in a message.
  • Unmarshalling Disassembling them on arrrival to
    produce equivaent collection of data items at the

  • Some approaches to external data representation
    and marshalling
  • CORBAs common data representation
  • Usable by multiple languages
  • Javas object serialization
  • Flattening and external data representation of
    any single object or tree of objects that may
    need to be transmitted in a message or stored in
    a disk.
  • SUN XDR (RFX 1832). Developed by SUN for use in
    client-server communication in SUN NFS.
  • All of these marshall primitive data types into
    binary form as opposed to ASCII text (HTTP).

  • 15 primitive types
  • Constructed types Primitive values that comprise
    each constuctued type are added to a sequence of
    bytes in a particular order.

CORBA CDR for constructed types (Figure 4.7)
CORBA CDR message (Fig. 4.8)
Marshalling in CORBA
  • Marshalling operations can be generated
    automatically from the specification of the types
    of data items to be transmitted in a message.
  • Types of data structures and basic data items
    described in CORBA IDL (Interface Def. Language)
  • CORBA interface compiler generates appropriate
    marshalling and unmarshalling operations.

Java Object Serialization
  • Object an instance of a java class
  • Serializable interface allows instances to be
  • Serialization Flattening an object or connected
    set of objects into a serial form that is
    suitable for storing on dis or transmitting in a
  • Some information about the class of each object
    included in serialized form, allowing recipient
    to load appropriate class when object
  • Information about class name and version number.

  • Java objects can contain references to other
  • When object serialized, all references serialized
    together with it to ensure that when
    reconstructed all references can be fulfilled at
    the destination.
  • Handles
  • Make sure object written only once.

Javas use of Reflection
  • Reflection Ability to enquire about properties
    of a class, such as names and types of instance
    variables and methods.
  • Enables classes to be created from names,
    constructors created.
  • Makes it possible to do serialization and
    dserialization in a completely generic manner.
  • No need to generate special marshallinh functions
    for each type of object.

Remote Object References
  • Identifier for a remote object that is valid
    throughout a distributed system.

Representation of a remote object reference
Figure 4.10
  • a remote object reference must be unique in the
    distributed system and over time. It should not
    be reused after the object is deleted. Why not?
  • the first two fields locate the object unless
    migration or re-activation in a new process can
  • the fourth field identifies the object within the
  • its interface tells the receiver what methods it
    has (e.g. class Method)
  • a remote object reference is created by a remote
    reference module when a reference is passed as
    argument or result to another process
  • it will be stored in the corresponding proxy
  • it will be passed in request messages to identify
    the remote object whose method is to be invoked

Figure 4.11Request-reply communication
select object
Figure 4.12Operations of the request-reply
public byte doOperation (RemoteObjectRef o, int
methodId, byte arguments) sends a request
message to the remote object and returns the
reply. The arguments specify the remote object,
the method to be invoked and the arguments of
that method. public byte getRequest
() acquires a client request via the server
port. public void sendReply (byte reply,
InetAddress clientHost, int clientPort) sends
the reply message reply to the client at its
Internet address and port.
Figure 4.14RPC exchange protocols
Distributed object model
Figure 5.3
  • each process contains objects, some of which can
    receive remote invocations, others only local
  • those that can receive remote invocations are
    called remote objects
  • objects need to know the remote object reference
    of an object in another process in order to
    invoke its methods.
  • the remote interface specifies which methods can
    be invoked remotely

Invocation semantics
  • Local invocations are executed exactly once
  • Remote invocations cannot achieve this. Why not?
  • the Request-reply protocol can apply
    fault-tolerance measures

Invocation semantics failure model
  • Maybe, At-least-once and At-most-once can suffer
    from crash failures when the server containing
    the remote object fails.
  • Maybe - if no reply, the client does not know if
    method was executed or not
  • omission failures if the invocation or result
    message is lost
  • At-least-once - the client gets a result (and the
    method was executed at least once) or an
    exception (no result)
  • arbitrary failures. If the invocation message is
    retransmitted, the remote object may execute the
    method more than once, possibly causing wrong
    values to be stored or returned.
  • if idempotent operations are used, arbitrary
    failures will not occur
  • At-most-once - the client gets a result (and the
    method was executed exactly once) or an exception
    (instead of a result, in which case, the method
    was executed once or not at all)

The architecture of remote method invocation
Figure 5.6
RMI software - between application level objects
and communication and remote reference modules

Introduction to CORBA
  • The Object Management Group (OMG) was formed in
    1989. Its aims were
  • to make better use of distributed systems
  • to use object-oriented programming
  • to allow objects in different programming
    languages to communicate with one another
  • The object request broker (ORB) enables clients
    to invoke methods in a remote object
  • CORBA is a specification of an architecture
    supporting this.
  • CORBA 1 in 1990 and CORBA 2 in 1996.

Introduction to CORBA
Don't be put off by GIOP and IIOP They are just
names for familiar things
The architecture allows for mixed languages
  • The main components of CORBAs RMI framework are
  • An interface definition language known as IDL.
  • An architecture.
  • The General Inter-ORB protocol (GIOP) defines
  • an external data representation, called CDR
  • specifies formats for the messages in a
    request-reply protocol.
  • including messages for enquiring about the
    location of an object, for cancelling requests
    and for reporting errors.
  • The Internet Inter-ORB protocol (IIOP) defines a
    standard form for remote object references.
  • IIOP is GIOP implemented in TCP/IP
  • CORBA services - generic services useful in
    distributed applications e.g. Naming Service,
    Event Service.

GIOP is just about external data
representation and a Request-reply protocol
allowing for objects to be activated
IIOP is just about remote object references

  • CORBA RMI is a multi-language RMI system.
  • The programmer needs to learn the following new
  • the object model offered by CORBA
  • the interface definition language and its mapping
    onto the implementation language. (e.g. a struct
    in IDL is mapped onto what in Java?)
  • CORBA's object model
  • similar to the remote object model in Chapter 5
    (what are the main features?)
  • clients are not necessarily objects (why not?) a
    client can be any program that sends request
    messages to remote objects and receives replies.
  • The term CORBA object is used to refer to remote
  • a CORBA object implements an IDL interface, has a
    remote object reference and its methods can be
    invoked remotely.
  • A CORBA object can be implemented by a language
    without classes.
  • the class concept does not exist in CORBA.
  • therefore classes cannot be defined in CORBA IDL,
    which means that instances of classes cannot be
    passed as arguments.

CORBA IDL interfaces Shape and ShapeList
Differences from a Java remote inteface?
why are argument types defined in the IDL? (not
necerssary in Java remote interfaces)
struct Rectangle long width long
height long x long y
struct GraphicalObject string type
Rectangle enclosing boolean isFilled
interface Shape long getVersion()
GraphicalObject getAllState() // returns
state of the GraphicalObject
typedef sequence ltShape, 100gt All interface
ShapeList exception FullException
Shape newShape(in GraphicalObject g) raises
(FullException) All allShapes() // returns
sequence of remote object references long
Figure 17.1

Parameters in CORBA IDL
  • Passing CORBA objects
  • Any parameter or return value whose type is
    specified by the name of a IDL interface, e.g.
    Shape, is a reference to a CORBA object (see
  • and the value of a remote object reference is
  • Passing CORBA primitive and constructed types
  • Arguments of primitive and constructed types are
    copied and passed by value. On arrival, a new
    value is created in the recipients process.
    E.g., the struct GraphicalObject (argument of
    newShape and result of getAllState)
  • Note the method allShapes returns an array of
    remote object references as follows
  • typedef sequence ltShape, 100gt All
  • All allShapes()
  • Type Object - is a supertype of all IDL
    interfaces (its values are object references).
    When would it be useful? Hint
  • Think about the name server

CORBA Naming Service (see Section17.3.1)
  • It is a binder that provides methods including
  • rebind for servers to register the remote object
    references of CORBA objects by name (e.g. rebind
    (path, Object) e.g of 2nd argument?
  • resolve for clients to look them up by
    name.(e.g.Object resolve(path))
  • these methods belong to an interface called
    NamingContext (Fig 17.10)
  • The names are structured in a hierarchy,
  • a path is an array of NameComponent (a struct
    with a name in it)
  • the path starts from an initial context provided
    by CORBA
  • This makes access in a simple example seem rather
  • The name service is present in all CORBA
    installations. (Its role is like the Java RMI
  • Its use will be shown in program examples

Illustration of programming CORBA
  • We illustrate CORBA with a Java client and server
  • The interface compiler is called idltojava
  • when given an IDL interface, it produces
  • server skeletons for each class (e.g.
  • proxy classes (e.g. _ShapeListStub)
  • a Java class for each struct e.g. Rectangle,
  • helper classes (narrow method) and holder classes
    (for out arguments)
  • the equivalent Java interfaces (e.g. ShapeList

(No Transcript)
The ShapeListServant class of the Java server
program for the CORBA interface ShapeList. Figure
  • A Java server has classes for its IDL interfaces
    (e.g. Shape and ShapeList). Here is the class

This class has to create CORBA objects of type
Shape. How does it do that?
import org.omg.CORBA. class ShapeListServant
extends _ShapeListImplBase ORB
theOrb private Shape theList private int
version private static int n0 public
ShapeListServant(ORB orb) theOrb orb
// initialize the other instance
variables public Shape newShape(GraphicalObjec
t g) throws ShapeListPackage.FullException
version Shape s new
ShapeServant( g, version) if(n gt100)
throw new ShapeListPackage.FullException()
theListn s
theOrb.connect(s) return s
public Shape allShapes() ...
public int getVersion() ...
CORBA objects are instances of servant
classes. In non-OO languages implementations of
CORBA objects cant be classes. What might they
be in C?

Java class ShapeListServer (the server class)
import org.omg.CosNaming. import
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage. import
org.omg.CORBA. public class ShapeListServer
public static void main(String args)
try ORB orb ORB.init(args, null)

ShapeListServant shapeRef new
ShapeListServant(orb) orb.connect(shapeR
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
NamingContext ncRef
NamingContextHelper.narrow(objRef) NameCompone
nt nc new NameComponent("ShapeList",
"") NameComponent path
nc ncRef.rebind(path, shapeRef)

java.lang.Object sync new
java.lang.Object() synchronized (sync)
sync.wait() catch (Exception e) ...
Figure 17.4

Java client program for CORBA interfaces Shape
and ShapeList
import org.omg.CosNaming. import
org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage. import
org.omg.CORBA. public class ShapeListClient pu
blic static void main(String args)
try ORB orb ORB.init(args, null)
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef
NamingContext ncRef NamingContextHelper.nar
row(objRef) NameComponent nc new
NameComponent("ShapeList", "") NameComponent
path nc ShapeList shapeListRef
Shape sList shapeListRef.allShapes()
GraphicalObject g sList0.getAllState()
catch(org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) ...
Figure 17.5

The main components of the CORBA architecture
  • The CORBA architecture is designed to allow
    clients to invoke methods in CORBA objects
  • clients and objects can be implemented in a
    variety of programming languages
  • it has the following additional components
    compared to Figure 5.6
  • object adapter, implementation repository and
    interface repository


Figure 17.6

Object adapter
  • an object adapter bridges the gap between
  • CORBA objects with IDL interfaces and
  • the programming language interfaces of the
    corresponding servant (classes).
  • it does the work of the remote reference and
    despatcher modules in Fig. 5.6.
  • An object adapter has the following tasks
  • it creates remote object references for CORBA
  • it dispatches each RMI via a skeleton to the
    appropriate servant
  • it activates objects.
  • An object adapter gives each CORBA object a
    unique object name.
  • the same name is used each time an object is
  • it is specified by the application program or
    generated by the object adapter.
  • Each active CORBA object is registered with its
    object adapter,
  • which keeps a remote object table to maps names
    of CORBA objects to servants.
  • Each object adapter has its own name - specified
    by the application program or generated

Implementation repository
  • Implementation repository
  • it activates registered servers on demand and
    locates running servers
  • it uses the object adapter name to register and
    activate servers.
  • it stores a mapping from the names of object
    adapters to the pathnames of files containing
    object implementations.
  • when a server program is installed it can be
    registered with the implementation repository.
  • when an object implementation is activated in a
    server, the hostname and port number of the
    server are added to the mapping.
  • Implementation repository entry

- not all CORBA objects (e.g. call backs) need be
activated on demand - access control information
can be stored in an implementation repository

Interface repository
  • it provides information about registered IDL
  • for an interface of a given type it can supply
    the names of the methods and for each method, the
    names and types of the arguments and exceptions.
  • a facility for reflection in CORBA.
  • if a client has a remote reference to a CORBA
    object, it can ask the interface repository about
    its methods and their parameter types
  • the client can use the dynamic invocation
    interface to construct an invocation with
    suitable arguments and send it to the server.
  • the IDL compiler gives a type identifier to each
    IDL type
  • a type identifier is included in remote object
  • this type identifier is called the repository ID
  • because the interface repository stoes interfaces
    against their IDs
  • applications that use static invocation with
    client proxies and IDL skeletons do not require
    an interface repository.
  • Not all ORBs provide an interface repository.

  • IDL provides facilities for defining modules,
    interfaces, types, attributes and method
  • examples of all of the above, except modules, in
    Figures 5.2 and 17.1.
  • IDL has the same lexical rules as C but has
    additional keywords to support distribution,
  • for example interface, any, attribute, in, out,
    inout, readonly, raises.
  • It allows standard C pre-processing facilities.
    e.g. typedef for All in Figure 17.7.
  • The grammar of IDL is a subset of ANSI C with
    additional constructs to support method

  • CORBA addresses heterogeneity
  • RMI between a client and a remote remote object
    in different languages.
  • GIOP
  • specifies an external data representation called
    CDR clients and servers can have different
  • specifies OS independent operations for
    request-reply protocol
  • specifies a standard form for remote object
  • IIOP implements the request-reply protocol over
  • Object adapter
  • relates request messages to implementations of
    CORBA objects
  • Implementation repository
  • enables CORBA objects to be activated on demand
  • Interface repository
  • allows dynamic invocation of CORBA objects
  • IDL for defining interfaces

  • Joel Wein

  • Webservices
  • XML
  • SOAP
  • WSDL

Webservices from the SUN Java Webservices
  • Web services, in the general meaning of the term,
    are services offered via the Web. In a typical
    Web services scenario, a business application
    sends a request to a service at a given URL using
    the SOAP protocol over HTTP. The service receives
    the request, processes it, and returns a
    response. An often-cited example of a Web service
    is that of a stock quote service, in which the
    request asks for the current price of a specified
    stock, and the response gives the stock price.
    This is one of the simplest forms of a Web
    service in that the request is filled almost
    immediately, with the request and response being
    parts of the same method call.
  • Another example could be a service that maps out
    an efficient route for the delivery of goods. In
    this case, a business sends a request containing
    the delivery destinations, which the service
    processes to determine the most cost-effective
    delivery route. The time it takes to return the
    response depends on the complexity of the
    routing, so the response will probably be sent as
    an operation that is separate from the request.
  • Web services and consumers of Web services are
    typically businesses, making Web services
    predominantly business-to-business (B-to-B)
    transactions. An enterprise can be the provider
    of Web services and also the consumer of other
    Web services. For example, a wholesale
    distributor of spices could be in the consumer
    role when it uses a Web service to check on the
    availability of vanilla beans and in the provider
    role when it supplies prospective customers with
    different vendors' prices for vanilla beans.

  • Web services depend on the ability of parties to
    communicate with each other even if they are
    using different information systems. XML
    (Extensible Markup Language), a markup language
    that makes data portable, is a key technology in
    addressing this need. Enterprises have discovered
    the benefits of using XML for the integration of
    data both internally for sharing legacy data
    among departments and externally for sharing data
    with other enterprises. As a result, XML is
    increasingly being used for enterprise
    integration applications, both in tightly coupled
    and loosely coupled systems. Because of this data
    integration ability, XML has become the
    underpinning for Web-related computing.

What is XML (More from SUN)
  • XML is an industry-standard, system-independent
    way of representing data. Like HTML (HyperText
    Markup Language), XML encloses data in tags, but
    there are significant differences between the two
    markup languages. First, XML tags relate to the
    meaning of the enclosed text, whereas HTML tags
    specify how to display the enclosed text.

XML Example
  • ltpriceListgt   
  • ltcoffeegt     
  • ltnamegtMocha Javalt/namegt
  •      ltpricegt11.95 lt/pricegt  
  •   lt/coffeegt
  • ltcoffeegt
  •      ltnamegtSumatralt/namegt  
  •     ltpricegt12.50lt/pricegt
  •  lt/coffeegt
  • lt/priceListgt
  • The ltcoffeegt and lt/coffeegt tags tell a parser
    that the information between them is about a
    coffee. The two other tags inside the ltcoffeegt
    tags specify that the enclosed information is the
    coffee's name and its price per pound. Because
    XML tags indicate the content and structure of
    the data they enclose, they make it possible to
    do things like archiving and searching.

XML continued
  • A second major difference between XML and HTML is
    that XML is extensible. With XML, you can write
    your own tags to describe the content in a
    particular type of document. With HTML, you are
    limited to using only those tags that have been
    predefined in the HTML specification. Another
    aspect of XML's extensibility is that you can
    create a file, called a schema, to describe the
    structure of a particular type of XML document.
    For example, you can write a schema for a price
    list that specifies which tags can be used and
    where they can occur. Any XML document that
    follows the constraints established in a schema
    is said to conform to that schema.

  • Probably the most-widely used schema language is
    still the Document Type Definition (DTD) schema
    language because it is an integral part of the
    XML 1.0 specification. A schema written in this
    language is commonly referred to as a DTD. The
    DTD that follows defines the tags used in the
    price list XML document. It specifies four tags
    (elements) and further specifies which tags may
    occur (or are required to occur) in other tags.
    The DTD also defines the hierarchical structure
    of an XML document, including the order in which
    the tags must occur.
  • lt!ELEMENT priceList (coffee)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT coffee (name, price) gt
  • lt!ELEMENT name (PCDATA) gt
  • lt!ELEMENT price (PCDATA) gt

What Makes XML Portable?
  • A schema gives XML data its portability. The
    priceList DTD, discussed previously, is a simple
    example of a schema. If an application is sent a
    priceList document in XML format and has the
    priceList DTD, it can process the document
    according to the rules specified in the DTD. For
    example, given the priceList DTD, a parser will
    know the structure and type of content for any
    XML document based on that DTD. If the parser is
    a validating parser, it will know that the
    document is not valid if it contains an element
    not included in the DTD, such as the element
    ltteagt, or if the elements are not in the
    prescribed order, such as having the price
    element precede the name element.

Webservices Elements
  • SOAP
  • The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), an XML
    based communication protocol for interacting with
    Web services.
  • The SOAP specification includes
  • (1) a syntax to define messages (envelope, with
    optional header and body),
  • (2) encoding/serialization rules for data
    exchange, and
  • (3) conventions for representing RPCs.

  • The SOAP message exchange model
  • Upon receiving a message, the local application
  • identify the parts of the message intended for
  • verify that the parts from step 1 are supported
    by the local application and process them
    accordingly (if not, the message is discarded),
  • if the local application is not the final
    destination, the parts from step 1 have to be
    removed before the message is forwarded to its
    final destination.

  • The specifications (i.e., interface) of services
    can be described using WSDL (Web Services
    Description Language). WSDL is a general
    framework (based on XML) for describing network
    services as collections of communication
    endpoints capable of exchanging messages. It
    describes where a service is located, what
    operations are supported, and the format of the
    messages to be exchanged based on how the service
    is invoked. WSDL does not mandate a specific
    communication protocol used (it supports various
    bindings such as SOAP and HTTP).

  • The Web service vision foresees a proliferation
    of services which in turn requires the
    availability of public directories that can used
    for the registration and lookup of services. UDDI
    (Universal Description, Discovery and
    Integration) provides a mechanism for service
    providers to advertise their services in a
    standard form and for service consumers to query
    services of interest, thereby paving the way for
    interoperability between services. A UDDI entry
    consists of white pages (e.g., address, contact
    information), yellow pages (e.g., industrial
    characterization based on standard ontologies),
    and green pages (e.g., references to
    specifications of services). UDDI is itself
    implemented as a Web service using SOAP as the
    message protocol.

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