Title: A1262290326DiLKA
1Modeling Environmental Factors Response of
Trees to Environmental Factors General
Principles 1. Trees respond to AN
environmental factor individually. Response
f (one factor for example temperature)
2Modeling Environmental Factors General
2. Trees also respond cumulatively or
simultaneously to other factors. Response
f (one or more factors) Environmental Effects
are modeled individually and cumulatively
3Modeling Environmental Factors
Approaches to Modeling Environmental Effects
1. Minimum or Most Limiting
Factor Principle Cumulative Environmental
Effects is dictated by the Most Limiting
Factor Model Growth Goptimal Min
f1, f2, , fn
4Modeling Environmental Factors
Approaches to Modeling Environmental Effects
Model Growth Goptimal f1 f2
5Multiplicative approach Approach used by JABOWA
Model Growth Goptimal f1 f2 fn
6Factoring Environmental Effects ?D ?D
(?D f1 f2
fi ?t ?t (?t )opt (multiplicative
assessment of cumulative effect)
f1, f2, , fi ? individually, denotes the
trees response to one environmental factor
fi ? response functions
? all scaled so that 0 lt fi lt 1
7Factoring Environmental Effects ?D ?D
(?D f1 f2
fi ?t ?t (?t )opt
f1 f2 fi ? tree responding to
cumulative effect ? interactive and
synergistic effect ?
multiplicative interactions
8 ?D ?D f(intrinsic growth, environmental
factors) ?D
GD(1-DH/DmaxHmax) f(environ.) 2743b2D-4
b3D2 __________ adjustment
to optimal growth
Factoring Environmental Effects
9Factoring Environmental Effects
f(environment) fi(AL) Qi S(BAR) fi(AL)
the light response of the species S(BAR)
maximum basal area that the plot can support
Qi product of response functions
10Factoring Environmental Effects
Qi product of response functions
Tfi WiFi WeFi NFi Nfi ? index
of tree response to nitrogen ( 0 lt Nfi lt 1
) Tfi ? temperature response function (0
lt Tfi lt 1 ) WiFi ? wilt factor (index of
drought cond.) ( 0 lt WiFi lt 1) WeFi
? soil wetness factor ( 0 lt WeFi lt 1 )