Title: Teacher Evaluation
1Teacher Evaluation
- ???
- ????Handbook on Teacher Evaluation
- (Chapter 1-3)
- J. H. Stronge P. D. Tucker ?
2Identifying Evaluation Purposes
- The performance improvement purpose
- Related to personal growth and development
- Formative nature
- The accountability purpose
- Reflects a commitment to the professional goal of
competence and quality performance - Summative nature and relates to effectiveness of
educational goal
3Linking professional growth and accountability in
teacher evaluation
- Improved teachingSchool improvement
- 3-level improvements
- Improvement in performance of individual teachers
- Improvement of programs and services to students,
parents, and community - Improvement of the schools ability to accomplish
its mission
4Key components of constructive climates for
teacher evaluation(1)
- Communication in evaluation
- Public communication
- Private communication
- Commitment to evaluation
- Establishing a culture for teacher evaluation
- Organizational commitment
- Establishing teaching excellence
- Allocating time and attention to the
implementation - Devoting available resources (funds counsel)
5Key components of constructive climates for
teacher evaluation(2)
- Collaborative in evaluation
- Maintaining trust is key to developing a sense of
ownership -
- Teacher evaluation is not an event but a
dynamic, evolving process. - -McLaughlin
6Guidelines for developing and implementing
quality teacher evaluation systems
- Relate the overall teacher evaluation system and
individual performance roles to goals of the
organization - Consider the context of teacher evaluation
- Base teacher evaluation on clearly defined job
duties - Use multiple sources of evidence to document
teacher performance - Design and use a performance assessment rubric to
make fair judgments in teacher evaluation - The overall teacher evaluation system should
facilitate professional growth and improved
7Background and context the role of the teacher
changed over time
- Fundamental expectation
- Subject matter expertise
- Ability to plan lessons
- Additional expectation
- Assessment
- Communication and community relations
- Ongoing development
8Major frameworks
- Interstate new teacher assessment and support
consortium (INTASC) standards - National board for professional teaching standards
9Models of teacher evaluation
- Teacher trait model
- Process-oriented model
- Duties-based evaluation
- Accountability
- Goals-based evaluation
- Professional growth model
- hybrid
10Standards for quality personnel evaluation
- Propriety
- Utility
- Feasibility
- accuracy
11The hybrid model-Goals and Roles Evaluation Model
- Assumption
- The improvement efforts of individuals must be
embedded in larger organizational change efforts - Encourage the improvement of professional
educators as a means of improving the school
system as a whole
12The hybrid model-Goals and Roles Evaluation Model
- Purpose
- To contribute to the successful achievement of
the goals and objectives of the whole school
system - To improve the quality of instruction by assuring
accountability for classroom performance - To provide a basis for instructional improvement
through productive teacher appraisal and
professional growth - To create a collaborative process for evaluation
between teacher and administrator
13The hybrid model-Goals and Roles Evaluation Model
- Key features
- Use of straightforward, understandable language
- Adaptability
- Systematic approach to evaluation
- Emphasis on communication through the evaluation
process - Legally and technically sound evaluation system
- Use of multiple data sources
14The hybrid model-Goals and Roles Evaluation Model
- Step in the Goals and Roles Evaluation Model
- Development phase
- Identify system needs
- Develop job performance standards
- Set performance criteria
- Implementation phase
- Document performance
- Evaluate performance
- Improve and maitain performance professional