Title: Luke
1(No Transcript)
2Chapter 121-57
Fear and Greed
The Cornerstones of Hypocrisy
3Structure of the Text(speaking to the disciples)
1. Hypocrisy and Persecutions (1-12)Fear 2. Hypoc
risy and Possessions (13-34)Greed 3. Hypocrisy
and Preparedness (35-57)Earthly Focus
4Hypocrisy and Greed
- The Setting Teacher, tell my brother to divide
the family inheritance with me. (1213 NASB) - The Warning Beware, and be on your guard
against every form of greed (1215) - The Principle For not even when one has an
abundance does his life consist of his
possessions. (1215)
5Hypocrisy and Greed
- The Problem And I will say to my soul, Soul,
you have many goods laid up for many years to
come take your ease, eat, drink and be
merry. (1219) - The Punch Line You fool! This very night your
soul is required of you and now who will own
what you have prepared? (1220) - The Application So is the man who stores up
treasure for himself, and is not rich toward
God. (1221)
6Hypocrisy and Greed
- Foolish in failing to recognize where his wealth
had come from. (Jas. 116-17) - Foolish in his understanding of the purpose of
abundance. (Eph. 428) - Foolish in presuming that he would have time to
enjoy his abundance. (Jas. 413-16) - Foolish in that he saw his possessions as a basis
for ceasing to be productive. (Mt. 2536) - Foolish in the way he defined life.(1Tim.
7Hypocrisy and Greed
TO THE WAY WE LIVE OUR LIFE. - Satans lie from the beginning You surely will
not die. - Jesus can command His disciples to give up their
possessions, their self interest, and even their
lives, to follow Him, for the things they give up
are not life, but He is.
8What Life Is REALLY All About
- Obeying God
- Drawing Near to God
- Loving/Helping Others
- Developing Godly Character
- Leading Our Family, Friends and Neighbor To Heaven
9Worth More Than Riches
- Wisdom (Prov. 313-18)
- Fear (Prov. 1516-17)
- Righteousness (Pr. 168)
- Integrity (Prov. 191)
- Good Name (Prov. 221)
- Soul (Matt. 1626)
10Chapter 121-57
Fear and Greed
Cornerstones of Hypocrisy
11Will You Become A Christian?
Hear the Gospel (Rom. 1017) Believe that Jesus
is the Son of God (Mk. 1616) Repent of Your Sins
(Acts 1730) Confess Jesus as Lord (Rom.
109-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins
(Acts 238) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev.
12Luke 111 (NKJV)
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