A1262288553YSAcV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... regard it as his mission to condemn people according to merely human principles (cf. Jn 8:15) ... too human way of viewing God's judgment as a cold act of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A1262288553YSAcV

Jesus Christ Has the Power to Judge General
audience of September 30, 1987
  •  God is the judge of the living and the dead
  • the final judge, the judge of everyone.
  • Already in the catechesis preceding the descent
    of the Holy Spirit on the pagans
  • St. Peter proclaimed concerning Christ
  • "He is the one set apart by God as judge of the
    living and the dead."
  • This divine power (exousia) is,
  • according to Christ's teaching,
  • connected with the Son of Man.

  • The well-known text in St. Matthew's Gospel on
    the last judgment begins with the words,
  • "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, escorted
    by all the angels of heaven, he will sit upon his
    royal throne, and all the nations will be
    assembled before him. Then he will separate them
    into two groups, as a shepherd separates sheep
    from goats"
  • (Mt 2531-33).

  • The text then speaks of the unfolding of the
    process and foretells the sentence
  • that of approbation
  • "Come, you have my Father's blessing!
  • Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
    creation of the world"
  • (Mt 2534)
  • and that of condemnation,
  • "Out of my sight, you condemned, into that
    everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his
  • (Mt 2541).

  • Linked with the power to grant life
  •  Jesus Christ,
  • who is Son of Man,
  • is at the same time truly God because he has the
    divine power to judge human works and
    consciences, and this power is definitive and
  • He himself explained why he has this power,
  • "The Father himself judges no one,
  • but has assigned all judgment to the Son,
  • so that all men may honor the Son just as they
    honor the Father"
  • (Jn 522-23).

  • This power is linked by Jesus with the power to
    grant life.
  • "Just as the Father raises the dead and grants
  • so the Son grants life to those to whom he
  • (Jn 521).
  • "Just as the Father possesses life in himself, so
    has he granted it to the Son to have life in
  • The Father has given over to him power to pass
    judgment because he is Son of Man"
  • (Jn 526-27).
  • Therefore, according to this assertion of Jesus,
    the divine power to judge has been linked to
    Christ's mission as Savior, as Redeemer of the

  • Judgment itself belongs to the work of salvation,
  • to the order of salvation
  • it is a definitive salvific act.
  • The scope of the judgment is the full
    participation in the divine life as the final
    gift made to man
  • the definitive fulfillment of his eternal

  • At the same time the power of judging is linked
    with the external revelation of the Father's
    glory in his Son as Redeemer of mankind.
  • "The Son of Man will come with his Father's
    glory...and he will repay each one according to
    his conduct"
  • (Mt 1627).
  • From the very beginning the order of justice has
    been inscribed in the order of grace.

  • The final judgment is to be the definitive
    confirmation of this bond.
  • Jesus said clearly that
  • "the saints will shine like the sun in their
    Father's kingdom"
  • (Mt 1343).
  • But he no less clearly announced the rejection of
    those who have done evil
  • (cf. Mt 723).
  • As is evident from the parable of the talents
  • (Mt 2514-30),
  • the measure of judgment will be the cooperation
    with the gift received from God, cooperation with
    grace or its rejection.

  • The divine power to judge each and every person
    belongs to the Son of Man.
  • The classical text of Matthew's Gospel emphasizes
    the fact that Christ exercises this power not
    only as God the Son, but also as man.
  • He exercises it
  • and pronounces sentence
  • in the name of solidarity with every person, who
    receives from others either good or evil.
  • "I was hungry and you gave me food"
  • (Mt 2535),
  • or "I was hungry and you gave me no food"
  • (Mt 2542).

  • The works of charity in regard to one's neighbor
    are a fundamental element of the judgment.
  • Christ identifies himself precisely with this
  • "As often as you did it for one of my least
    brothers, you did it for me"
  • (Mt 2540)
  • "As often as you neglected to do it to one of
    these least ones, you neglected to do it to me"
  • (Mt 2545).

  • According to this text of Matthew we shall all be
    judged according to love.
  • But there is no doubt that we shall all be judged
    also on our faith.
  • "Whoever acknowledges me before men
  • the Son of Man will acknowledge him before the
    angels of God"
  • (Lk 128).
  • "If anyone is ashamed of me and my doctrine,
  • the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he
    comes with the holy angels in his Father's glory"
  • (Lk 926 cf. also Mk 838).

  • We learn from the Gospel this truth
  • which is one of the fundamental truths of faith
  • that God is judge of all humanity in a universal
    and definitive way,
  • and that this power has been assigned by the
    Father to the Son
  • (cf. Jn 522)
  • in close relationship with his mission of
    salvation. Jesus attested this during his
    nighttime conversation with Nicodemus
  • "God did not send his Son into the world to
    condemn the world, but that the world might be
    saved through him"
  • (Jn 317).

  • If it is true, as we learn especially from the
    Synoptics, that Christ is judge in the
    eschatological sense, it is also true that the
    divine power to judge is linked to God's salvific
    will, which is manifested in the whole messianic
    mission of Christ.

  • This is especially underlined by John,
  • "For judgment I came into this world, that those
    who do not see may see, and that those who see
    may become blind"
  • (Jn 939).
  • "If anyone hears my words and does not keep them,
    I am not the one to condemn him, for I did not
    come to condemn the world but to save it"
  • (Jn 1247).

  • Without doubt, Christ is and presents himself
    especially as Savior.
  • He does not regard it as his mission to condemn
    people according to merely human principles
  • (cf. Jn 815).
  • He is, first of all, the one who teaches the way
    of salvation, and not the accuser of the guilty.
  • "Do not imagine that I will be your accuser
    before the Father
  • the one to accuse you is Moses...
  • for it was about me that he wrote"
  • (Jn 545-46).

  • In what then does the judgment consist?
  • Jesus replied,
  • "The judgment of condemnation is this
  • the light came into the world,
  • but men loved darkness rather than light,
  • because their deeds were wicked"
  • (Jn 319).

  • It must therefore be said that, in the presence
    of this light which is God revealed in Christ,
  • in the presence of this truth,
  • each one is judged by one's own deeds.
  • The will to save humanity on God's part is
    definitively manifested in Christ's word and
    work, in the entire Gospel up to the paschal
    mystery of the cross and resurrection.

  • It becomes at the same time the deepest
    foundation, so to say, the central criterion of
    the judgment of human works and consciences.
  • Especially in this sense
  • "the Father...has assigned all judgment to the
  • (Jn 522),
  • offering in him to everyone the possibility of

  • In this same sense man is already condemned,
  • when he rejects the possibility offered him.
  • "Whoever believes in him avoids condemnation, but
    whoever does not believe is already condemned"
  • (Jn 318).
  • Not to believe means precisely to reject the
    salvation offered to man in Christ
  • ("He did not believe in the name of God's only
  • Jn 318).

  • It is the same truth foreshadowed in the prophecy
    of the ancient Simeon reported in Luke's Gospel
    when he announced of Christ
  • "He is destined to be
  • "the downfall and the rise of many in Israel"
  • (Lk 234).
  • The same can be said of the reference to the
  • "stone rejected by the builders"
  • (cf. Lk 2017-18).

  • It is a certitude of faith that
  • "the Father...has assigned all judgment to the
  • (Jn 522).
  • Now then, if the divine power to judge belongs to
    Christ, it is a sign that he
  • the Son of Man
  • is true God,
  • because judgment belongs to God alone.

  • Since this power of judgment is deeply united to
    the will to save,
  • as is seen from the Gospel,
  • it is a new revelation of the God of the
  • who comes to mankind as Emmanuel,
  • to liberate people from the slavery of evil.
  • It is the Christian revelation of the God
  • who is Love.

  • This corrects the too human way of viewing God's
    judgment as a cold act of justice or some kind of
  • In actual fact, this term, judgment, which is
    clearly of biblical derivation, is the last link
    in the chain of God's love for all of us.
  • God judges
  • because he loves and in view of love.
  • The judgment which the Father entrusts to Christ
    is according to the measure of the Father's love
    and of our liberty.
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