Title: Poster Title
1Poster Title Authors Affiliation
Introduction Text should be at least 36 point
for normal reading
Scanned Images will have resolution of 600dpi.
Insert as a pict format or bitmap if possible.
PCM structures
Avoid a high percentage of colored background.
If you absolutely have to have a lot of color in
the background use kinkos. The paper we normally
use will not support high color density
TLM measurement of contact and sheet resistance
Simple drawings can be constructed directly with
power point application.
Use Bit maps or windows meta files for best
results Embedded application images like to hang
up now and then Paste Special as Picture,
Enhanced Windows Meta etc.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Conclusion This is a simple template that can be
used. This template was test fired on July 28,
2004 by D. Barlage and D. Rouse.
Graph showing relationship between RT, RC, LT, d
- Objectives
- Equations should be converted to pictures before
print out
Acknowledgements Celon Blair, for initial
poster. Doug Barlage for commentary Alison
Al-Baati for original poster template.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 5
1 Computer generated objects should be
converted as well