Title: Drawing the Face
1Drawing the Face
- A look at facial proportions and examples of
Half-Self Portraits
2Begin by drawing an Egg Shape
3Divide the shape in half vertically
This line represents the line of symmetry for the
face. The nose and mouth will fall on this line.
4Divide the shape in half horizontally
This line is where the eyes will be drawn. The
eyes fall half-way down on the head. Remember
the entire shape includes the head and hair, not
just the face.
5Draw a line halfway down from the eyes.
This line represents the bottom of the nose.
6Draw another line halfway down from the nose.
This line falls just below the mouth.
7Draw in lines for eyebrows a hair line
The eyebrows are different on every face, so you
will need to visually measure how high they are
above the eyes.
The hair line does not begin at the very top of
the head shape. You should draw the hairline
about 1 inch or 2 below the top of the head.
8The face is about 5 eyes wide
Be sure to include a space between the eyes that
is equal to the width of one eye.
9The edges of the mouth line up with the middle of
each eye.
When the mouth is relaxed, the very outside edges
will line up with the centers of the pupils.
10The outside of the nostrils will line up with the
inside of the eyes
This will vary from person to person.
11Examples of Portraits
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15Examples of Student Work
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