Title: Using AEA Online Resources in Research Student Resource Center
1Using AEA On-line Resources in Research -Student
Resource Center
2Things to consider before you look for
- Have I thought of likely search terms and
synonyms ? - Do I know how to spell my search terms and
synonyms ? - Do I know when why to use quotes?
- Did I remember to check Full text ?
- Do I know how to use Find or Find in this
page ?
3Where can I get free, reliable, up-to-date info?
- Google/Internet sources are free but not
necessarily reliable or current. - Government sites are reliable, but not
necessarily free or up-to-date. - Educational sites are reliable and up-to-date,
but not necessarily free. - So where CAN I go?
4Iowa AEA Online
Atomic Learning
United Streaming
World Book
- Go to here to get newspaper, magazine,
encyclopedia, and MORE information that is Free!
Reliable Up-to-date! Go to www.aea1.k12.ia.us
5Any time, anywhere you need information, just
know this.
- Your User Name
- keystone_ _ _
- Your Password
- keystone
6Go to the Keystone site and click on Online
7EBSCO Magazine Index
For print info go here
8Where Can I go to get Magazine, Newspaper,
Reference Articles, plus Photos and Maps?
9Each type has its advantages
Go to search
10After you know your search term (or terms) put it
in the box next to Find.
Select which sources to use with a v.
Always select Full Text with a v.
11Then look at Lexile Reading Level
Keep it at All
Move it to your grade level by clicking on the
pull down menu
OR Choose your own lexile score, if you know it.
12Type in your topic click on Search when you
have made all your selections.
13If the titles look useful, click on them to read
If you need other titles, look over
the additional suggestions in the box (above and
left) called Narrow Results by Subject.
14To cite your source, look here
15CONGRATULATIONS!You now have accurate, current
information for research!