Title: Matrix Algebra - Tutorial 6
1Matrix Algebra - Tutorial 6
Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
following matrices (note the eigenvalues are
Suppose the eigenvectors of A are denoted ?1 and
?2 and let X ?1 ?2. Find X-1 A X.
Comment. When evaluating the eigenvectors of B,
show that the three equations represented by
(B-lI)x 0 are linearly dependent.
The Stochastic Matrix equation below shows how
the values of R, C and I change over time. R,C
and I are percentages. Use eigenvalue techniques
to show that their values will stabilise if this
equation is repeatedly applied and hence find
their steady value.
In the rotational system above, the angular
position of the mass is q, its angular velocity
is w d?/dt, and it can be shown that -kq -Fw
Jdw/dt Express these equations as two state
equations in q and w if J 2kgm2, F 6Nm per
rad/s and k 4Nm per rad. Find the general
response of q and w and the particular response
if at time 0, w 0 rad/s and q 1 rad.
The above circuit can be modelled by equations
Use eigenvalue techniques to find the general
response of v2 and i1 when L 4H, R 8W and C
0.25F, and the particular response if at time t
0, i1 0 and v2 2V.
Consider the following, being a permanent magnet
armature controlled d.c. motor in a feedback loop
with controller C. The command input is 0.
Let q be the motor position and w its speed.
Question continued..
6Examining the block diagram, the equations
describing the system are w dq/dt and Tdw/dt
-Cq - w.
Express the above in terms of the state variables
w and q and find the complex eigenvalues and
eigenvectors to the system if T 0.5s and C 5.
Hence write down the general solution to the
system. Find the particular solution if at time
t 0, ? 0 rad/s and ? 3 rad.
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