Title: Results on e e- - production
1Results on ee- - production
2Single Arm analysis - Cuts
- Timing cut (-5s, 8 s)
- Position cut (ylt 5 cm)
- Limit the analysis to crystal part of HyCal using
a restriction on lepton energy
3Single Arm analysis Timing Cut
4Single Arm analysis Timing Cut
The cut on for this plots was 15 ns, as a result
only 0.9 of events have an ambiguity in initial
photon (energy) selection
5ee- - production, Single Arm analysis
Sources of background pair production from beam
halo and Compton scattering
Only a timing cut is used for this plots
6Single Arm analysis ylt 5 cm cut
7Single Arm analysis ylt 5 cm cut
y lt 5cm cut effectively eliminates the
background from the beam halo, and practically
does not cut into the yield within the high
resolution crystal part of HyCal
8Single Arm analysis Compton Background
- Compton electrons affect only the electron arm
of pair production events - Compton photons are uniformly distributed
9Single Arm analysis Compton Background
By restricting the analysis to the Crystal part
of HyCal one effectively eliminates the Compton
photon background (Elepton gt 1.7 GeV). The y
lt 5 cm cut also helps to some extend.
10Single Arm analysis Compton Background
Compton electron background is simulated and
subtracted bin-by bin for the electron arm.
11Theoretical cross-section
12Theoretical cross-section
13Cross Section
14Cross Section
15ee- - production, summary of errors
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
18Cross Section
19Theoretical Cross-section