CS242 Advanced Programming Concepts in Java - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS242 Advanced Programming Concepts in Java


assume fields f1 (float), f2 (object), ..., fk. public boolean equals(Object o) ... 'final' class means that an applications programmer cannot create a subclass ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS242 Advanced Programming Concepts in Java

CS242Advanced Programming Concepts in Java
  • 9/11/07
  • class design
  • interfaces abstract classes

Prof. Searleman jets_at_clarkson.edu
  • Clarkson Student Chapter of the ACM
  • organizational meeting on Thursday, 9/13, at 700
    pm in the CEC (Snell 130)
  • COSI/ITL meeting
  • tomorrow night, 700 pm, ITL
  • Greg Lotko (Clarkson grad) from IBM
  • will talk about careers on Thursday, 9/13 at
    1000 am in the ITL
  • Johnson Johnson peer info session
  • Thursday, September 13, at 730 p.m. in Snell

a horrible death to die
  • Interfaces
  • Comparable
  • compareTo()
  • Abstract class
  • Immutable objects
  • Exception handling
  • HW2 due Tuesday, 9/18/07
  • Read OODP, Ch. 7pp.261-280 Effective Java, Ch.
    3pp 25-44
  • Java Tutorial

Comparable interface
  • public interface Comparable
  • public int compareTo( Object o )
  • for x, y objects of the same class
  • x.compareTo(y) lt 0 means x lt y
  • x.compareTo(y) gt 0 means x gt y
  • otherwise, x is neither lt nor gt y
  • recommended that compareTo() is consistent with
  • if o cannot be cast to the same class as x, then
    generates a ClassCast Exception

  • public class Student
  • private String name
  • public int compareTo( Object o )
  • Student other (Student) o
  • if (this.name lt other.name)
  • return -1
  • if (this.name gt other.name)
  • return 1
  • return 0

severely flawed
This doesnt implement the Comparable
interface String is an object cannot use lt or
gt to compare
  • public class Student implements Comparable
  • private String name
  • public int compareTo( Object o )
  • Student other (Student) o
  • return ((this.name).compareTo(other.name))

use lt gt to compare primitives invoke
compareTo() method to compare objects remember
to have implements Comparable on the class
Contract for compareTo()
  • sgn(x.compareTo(y)) -sgn(y.compareTo(x))
  • x.compareTo(y) gt 0 y.compareTo(z) gt 0 implies
    x.compareTo(z) gt 0
  • x.compareTo(y) 0 implies that for all z,
    sgn(x.compareTo(z)) sgn(y.compareTo(z))
  • strongly recommended that
  • (x.compareTo(y) 0) (x.equals(y))
  • i.e. consistent with equals

Methods common to all classes
  • Item 7 equals()
  • - override Object.equals() for value classes
  • Item 8 hashCode()
  • - always override Object.hashCode() when you
    override equals()
  • Item 9 always override toString()
  • Item 11 consider implementing Comparable
  • Note
  • - equals(), hashCode() toString() are methods
    in class Object
  • - compareTo() is not a method in class Object
    it is a method in the Comparable interface

Generic form for equals()
  • public class X
  • // assume fields f1 (float), f2 (object), , fk
  • public boolean equals(Object o)
  • if (o null) return false
  • if (o this) return true
  • if (!(o instanceof X))
  • return false
  • X other (X) o
  • return ( (this.f1 other.f1)
  • ( (this.f2).equals(other.f2)

  • )
  • // use for primitive fields, equals() for

Generic form for hashCode()
  • public class X
  • // assume fields f1 (float), f2 (object), , fk
  • public int hashCode()
  • int result 17
  • result 37result Float.floatToIntBits(f1)
  • result 37result f2.hashCode()
  • result 37result // cf. pp 38-39
  • return result

  • public class X implements Comparable
  • public int compareTo( Object o )
  • // assume fields f1 (float), f2 (object), , fk
  • X other (X) o
  • if ((this.f2).compareTo(other.f2) lt 0)
  • return -1
  • if ((this.f2).compareTo(other.f2) gt 0)
  • return 1
  • return 0
  • // use lt,gt to compare primitive fields,
  • // use compareTo() for object fields

Abstract Class
  • Some classes exist only so their methods can be
    inherited (guarantees that all descendants share
    a common set of operations on their public
  • cannot instantiate an abstract class
  • examples
  • Number
  • Integer, Float, BigDecimal,
  • Shape
  • Circle, Line, Rectangle,

methods byteValue(), intValue(),
ltltabstractgtgt Number
methods draw(), computeArea()
ltltabstractgtgt Shape
  • public abstract class Shape
  • // can define constants
  • public static final double TWO_PI 2Math.PI
  • // can declare abstract methods
  • public abstract double computeArea()
  • public abstract void draw()
  • // can implement methods
  • public String aka() return euclidean

  • public class Circle
  • extends Shape
  • implements Comparable, Cloneable
  • // override draw() computeArea()
  • // add code for compareTo()
  • public class Rectangle
  • extends Shape
  • implements Comparable, Cloneable
  • // override draw() computeArea()
  • // add code for compareTo()

Abstract class
  • template for a collection of related subclasses
  • may contain instance variables, constants,
    concretely implemented methods
  • when a class extends an abstract class, it may
    implement all or some of the methods if it does
    not implement all abstract methods, then it must
    be declared to be abstract itself
  • cannot instantiate an abstract class
  • can declare a reference to one

  • specification of an interface or protocol for a
    class (may be implemented in unrelated classes)
  • may not contain instance variables or any code,
    but may contain (static final) constants
  • when a class states that it implements an
    interface, it MUST implement ALL methods in the
  • a class can implement more than one interface
  • all methods in an interface are abstract and
    public, with or without the modifiers public
    and/or abstract
  • an interface can be empty, in which case it is a
    marker for a special property (e.g. Cloneable,
  • an interface can be used to implement callbacks
  • interfaces can extend other interfaces
  • cannot instantiate an interface
  • can declare a reference to one

Interface vs. Abstract Class
  • An interface is simply a list of unimplemented,
    and therefore abstract, methods. So how does an
    interface differ from an abstract class? The
    differences are significant.
  • An interface cannot implement any methods,
    whereas an abstract class can.
  • A class can implement many interfaces but can
    have only one superclass.
  • An interface is not part of the class hierarchy.
    Unrelated classes can implement the same

  • Use an abstract class when you want a template
    for a collection of subclasses
  • Subclass when you want to extend a class and add
    some functionality, whether or not the parent
    class is abstract
  • Subclass when you must (e.g. Applets)
  • Define an interface when there is no common
    parent class with the desired functionality, and
    when you want only certain unrelated classes to
    have that functionality
  • Use interfaces as markers to indicate something
    about a class (e.g. Cloneable can make a copy)

  • A common design pattern is to use both an
    interface and an abstract class

methods toString(), equals(), getClass(),
methods abstract computeArea(), abstract draw(),
methods constructors, get/setCenter(),
get/setRadius(), computeArea(), toString(),
equals(), compareTo()
methods constructors, get/setColor(),
toString(), equals()
Class Declaration Elements
Preventing inheritance
  • public final class Manager
  • public final class String

Item 13 Favor immutability
  • cf. Effective Java, p. 63
  • key idea if an object is immutable, then other
    classes using the object have no way to change
    the data in the object
  • examples
  • String
  • BigInteger
  • PhoneNumber
  • Point (java.awt.Point is not immutable, but
    should be)

5 Rules for Immutability
  • 1. No mutator methods
  • 2. No methods can be overridden
  • 3. Make all fields (instance variables) final
  • 4. Make all fields private.
  • 5. Ensure exclusive access to any mutable

  • // Example immutable points
  • public final class Point
  • private final int x
  • private final int y
  • public Point(int x, int y)
  • this.x x this.y y

  • public int getX()
  • return x
  • public int getY()
  • return y
  • public boolean equals(Object o)
  • public int hashCode()
  • public String toString()
  • // end class Point

equals(), hashCode(), toString() as recommended
Immutable or not?
  • if the object is supposed to be a constant, it
    should be immutable
  • if the object will be changed frequently, it
    should be mutable
  • if the object is very large, be careful if you
    opt for immutability (copying the object will be
  • sets and other collections returned from a
    method should be immutable to preserve

Exception Handling
  • exceptions as objects
  • checked vs. unchecked exceptions
  • throwing exceptions (propagation)
  • handling exceptions (try/catch)

What to do when an error is detected?
  • From a users point of view, the program should
  • return to a safe state and allow the user to
  • or
  • allow the user to save work and then gracefully

Sources of error
  • User input errors
  • Device errors
  • Physical limitations
  • Code errors

program expects an int but user types Sept, user
types a nonsyntactic URL,
printer jams, server down,
out of memory, exceeds disk space quota,
invalid array index, attempt to pop an empty
stack, attempt to dereference null,
Exception Handling
  • transfer control from where the error occurred to
    an error handler that can deal with the situation
  • traditional approach return a special error code
    that the calling method must check (e.g. return
    -1 to indicate that a file was not found return
    null if an object was malformed ). this is a

  • import java.io.
  • public class TestIO
  • public static void main(String args)
  • System.out.print("Enter your account")
  • String buffer readLine()

In Java, the class designer MUST design for
potential errors. Some errors can be handled
within the class, but some must be handled in the
Java Exceptions
  • Java allows every method an alternative exit path
    if it is unable to complete its task in the
    normal way.
  • In this situation, the method does NOT return a
    value instead it creates throws an exception
    object that encapsulates the error information
    and it exits immediately
  • Javas exception handling system will search the
    call stack for an exception handler that can
    deal with this error

  • public class Magic
  • public String castSpell(int n)
  • // end castSpell
  • public class Lamp
  • public void init()
  • Magic m new Magic()
  • String arg m.castSpell(42)
  • // end Lamp
  • public class Test
  • public static void main()
  • Lamp t new Lamp()
  • t.init()
  • // end Test

3. Magic.castSpell() currently executing
  • call stack
  • main() Lamp.init() Magic.castSpell()
  • case 1 normal operation. castSpell() returns a
    string to the point of call
  • case 2 exception occurs. execution of
    castSpell() immediately terminates, a string is
    not returned, do not return to point of call
    search backwards through call stack until an
    appropriate exception handler is found if none
    found, program terminates

Types of Exceptions
  • checked (meaning the compiler can check)
  • - most application exceptions are checked
  • - if you call a method which throws a checked
    exception, you MUST specify to the compiler how
    this will be handled
  • either (1) propagate (or throw) it, or
  • (2) handle the error at once
  • unchecked - subclasses of java.lang.RuntimeExcepti
    on or java.lang.Error
  • - programming errors or system errors

Catching Exceptions
  • try
  • // do stuff
  • // more stuff
  • catch(IOException ioe)
  • // handle this case
  • catch(Exception e)
  • // catch-all

  • // Alternative 1 propagate the error
  • // (let someone else in the call stack handle it)
  • public static String readLine() throws
  • // in the body of this method, either
  • // (1) there is a call to another method which
    throws an exception (e.g. System.in.read)
  • // or (2) this method itself creates and throws
    an exception throw new ltexceptiontypegt

  • // Somewhere in the calling stack, there must be
    a // try/catch to handle the exception that was
  • public static String readLine() throws
  • public static void main(String args)
  • System.out.print("Enter a line")
  • try
  • System.out.println(readLine())
  • catch(IOException e)
  • System.out.println(e.getMessage())

  • // Alternative 2 handle the error internally
  • public static String readLine()
  • try
  • // in the body of this method, something
  • // potentially throws an exception
  • catch(IOException e)
  • // do something sensible about it

  • // Exception is handled by the method nothing
  • // needs to be done within the calling stack
  • public static String readLine()
  • public static void main(String args)
  • System.out.print("Enter a line")
  • System.out.println(readLine())

Handling exceptions
  • try
  • // stuff
  • catch (SomeException e1 )
  • // do something sensible about
  • // the error

What to do?
  • if caused by user error, give the user a chance
    to correct it
  • take a sensible default action
  • print (or display) an error message where?
  • display pop-up dialog, etc.

What to do when an exception occurs?
  • All exceptions inherit the properties methods
    of Throwable
  • useful methods include
  • String getMessage() // error message
  • String toString() // short description
  • void printStackTrace() // backtrace
  • void printStackTrace(PrintStream)
  • tip print to standard error stream
  • System.err.println(system malfunction)

Handling exceptions
  • try
  • // stuff
  • catch (SomeException e1 )

System.err.println( e1.getMessage() )
System.err.println( e1.getClass().getName())
e1.printStackTrace( System.err )
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