Title: Fine-Grained Authorization in Databases
1Fine-Grained Authorization in Databases
S. SudarshanIIT Bombay/Microsoft Research
Parts of this talk joint work with Rizvi,
Mendelzon and Roy
2Access Control Databases
- Motivation
- Fine-grained access control models
- View Replacement Model
- Oracle VPD
- Non-Truman Model
- Cell-level Authorization and Nullification
- Multi-Level Security
- Unconditional and Conditional Validity
- Inferring validity
- Etc.
- Conclusions
4Fine Grained Access Control
- Fine-grained access control examples
- Students can see their own grades
- Students can see grades of all students in
courses they registered for - Variant but not the associated student-ids
- Public can see average grades for all courses
- Faculty can see/update/insert/delete grades of
courses they taught - SQL does not support such authorization
- SQL authorization at the level of table/column
- not row level
5Fine-Grained Authorization
- Usual solution fine-grained authorization
handled by application programs - Application-layer access control limitations
- Complex, redundant code
- Malicious/careless programmers
- SQL injection problems
- Application code runs in super-user mode always
- Repeated security logic
- Solution access control inside database
6Access Control Using Views
- Common solution Views
- Per-user views difficult to administer
- Solution parametrized views
- create view MyGrades as select from Grades
where student_id userid - Authorization-conscious querying
- Instead of grades, must use MyGrades for
students, another view for faculty, etc,
7Access Control Requirements
- Authorization-transparent querying
- Queries written on base relations
- System can
- Replace relations by authorized views, or
- Accept and run as is if safe, else reject query
- Avoid erroneous/misleading answers
- No erroneous query rejections
- Minimal time overhead in query processing
8Authorization-Transparent Querying
- View-level data independence
- Analogous to physical/logical data independence
- Changes to underlying authorization should not
directly affect queries - Querying base relations rather than views
- Easy to build applications
- Views can be user-specific, for multi-user apps
- Generated queries better not be user-specific
9The View Replacement Approach
- AKA Filter model
- Transparent query modification
- Used in Oracles Virtual Private Database
Grades of all students
select from Grades
Grades of current user (Shawn)
select from Grades where studeint_id Shawn'
10Oracle VPD
- Predicates transparently added to query/update
where clause - for each relation used in query/update
- User-defined functions (specified by application)
generate the predicates - Functions encode security logic, can be in C/Java
- Secure application context stores session
parameters, which can be accessed by function - Application context
- Database user information is insufficient, need
to know application user - Oracle provides mechanism for application to
inform DB about end user - Handles DB connection pooling
11Oracle VPD (Cont.)
- Example applications
- Application service providers (hosted
applications) - E.g predicate companyid AppContext.comp_id()
- Web applications
- E.g. predicate userid AppContext.userid()
- Extensions in 10g
- E.g. Relevant column enforcement and masking
- Flaw in the model that allows information leakage
found recently - and apparently fixed
Flaw User defined functions with side effects
can leak information if executed before VPD
inserted predicate
12The Truman Show (1998)
He's a prisoner. Look at him, look at what
you've done to him!
13Drawbacks of View Replacement
- May provide misleading information
- Query executes in an artificial world
- Inconsistencies between the answer and users
external information - Even if query is actually authorized!
Average grade across all courses and across
all students
select avg(grade) from Grades
Average grade across all courses for the
current user
select avg(grade) from Grades where student_id
14The Authorization Inferencing (Non-Truman) Model
- User queries written on base relations
- Authorization-transparent querying
- But can access views if so desired
- Idea If query can be answered using information
in authorized views - Then accept query and execute as is
- Else reject query
15Authorization Inferencing History
- Query rewriting using views
- (Motro ICDE89, JIIS96)
- Partial results for unauthorized queries
- Description of incompleteness
- Query q authorized if any equivalent query q'
(possibly using views) is authorized - (Rosenthal Sciore DBSec99, DBSec01, DMDW00)
- Applications in data warehousing
- Extended to conditional equivalence
- (Rizvi, Mendelzon, Sudarshan and Roy,
SIGMOD04) - More on this later
16Authorization Inference
- Benefits
- Correctness of answers guaranteed
- Query executed as written without modification
- Drawback
- Inferencing undecidable in general
- False rejection possible
- More on inferencing later
- How to handle show me everything Im authorized
to see (within query result)? - Integration with view replacement model?
17Cell Level Authorization
- E.g P3P opt-in/opt-out model
- Patient names are released to pharmacy
- patient can opt-in to have email disclosed to
pharmacies - Pharmacy issues select name, email from patient
- Show information in cell if authorized, else
return null - Limited disclosure models and implementation
approaches - LeFevre et al VLDB04
- Storage alternatives
- Query alternatives outerjoin vs. subquery in
select clause
18Multi-Level Security
- Security level with each tuple and security
clearance level for each user - E.g. top-secret, secret, confidential, pubilc
- Read allowed only on data with lower security
level than users clearance - Write down may be prohibited
- Not a fully general solution
- E.g. cannot handle students can see only their
own grades - Oracle Label Security
- Allows sensitivity labels plus compartment plus
group - Now allows SQL predicates to be added to label
security - IBM DB2 for zOS
- Work at IBM Toronto (Rjaibi and Bird, VLDB04)
- Adds labels to MLS
19Extending Query Rewriting Techniques for
Fine-Grained Access Control
Alberto Mendelzon University of Toronto
S. Sudarshan IIT Bombay
Prasan Roy IBM IRL
20Our Contributions
- Non-Truman model
- Formalization of access control by query
rewriting using views - Conditional validity
- A new dimension to query rewriting using views
- Required to capture a special class of valid
queries - Inference rules to deduce query validity
- An implementation framework for this model
21The Non-Truman Model
- Test Is the query q valid under the given
authorization? - If yes, execute it unmodified
- Else, reject it
- Hence
- Authorization-transparent querying
- No query modification
22Unconditional Validity
- DEFINITION (Unconditionally Valid Query)
- A query q is said to be unconditionally valid
if - there is a query q' that is written using only
the - instantiated authorization views, and is
- equivalent to q.
- That is, q and q' produce the same result on all
- database instances
- (Equivalence refers to multiset equivalence)
23Basic Inference Rules for Unconditional Validity
- Inference rule U1
- If the query is an authorization view, it is valid
Auth View
- Inference rule U2
- If the query combines only unconditionally valid
subqueries, it is unconditionally valid
24Implementing inference rule U2 Query Rewriting
Using Views
- Extensive work by database community
- Query optimization, view maintenance, data
integration systems, - Testing complete rewriting with conjunctive query
and conjunctive views is NP-hard (Halevy
VLDBJ01) - Queries with arithmetic comparisons (Chaudhuri et
al. ICDE95) - Multiset semantics (Chaudhuri et al. PODS94)
- Queries/views with aggregation/grouping (Gupta et
al. VLDB95, Levy et al PODS95, Chaudhuri and
Shim EDBT96, Srivastava et al. VLDB96, Cohen
et al. PODS99, Bello et al VLDB98,
Zaharioudakis et al. SIGMOD00, Larson et al
SIGMOD01, etc)
25Unconditional Validity Is Too Strong!
create authorization view MyDocuments as select
Document. from User, Document where User.uid
user-id and Document.level lt User.level
A user can see all documents rated lower than
or equal to her level
select from Document where doc-id '5'
Return document 5
- Query is valid if
- Document 5 is present, and is rated the users
level - Query is invalid if
- Document 5 is present, and is rated gt the users
level - Document 5 is absent
26Unconditional Validity Is Too Strong!
- What should happen?
- Query is valid if
- Document 5 is present, and is rated the users
level - Query is invalid if
- Document 5 is present, and is rated gt the users
level - Document 5 is absent
- What will happen with just unconditional
validity? - Query is declared invalid
- Unconditional validity decides without looking at
the database - Need a notion of validity that looks into the
database and is sensitive to the above cases!
False Negative!
27Beyond Unconditional Validity
- Unconditional validity gives false negatives
- q and q' - equivalence over all database
instances - But user has some information on the current
database instance (from the authorization views!) - So, equivalence over a more restricted set of
instances should do fine! - Naïve take Test equivalence on the current
database state - Too weak leaks information
28A Special Set of Database Instances
- Need equivalence on a set of database instances
that captures exactly what the user knows - PA-Equivalent database states database
instances (states) that give the same result for
all authorization views - P database states PA-equivalent to the current
database state Intuition The user can not
distinguish any two instances in P from each
other but can distinguish an instance in P from
an instance outside P
Current databas state
29Conditional Validity
- DEFINITION (Conditionally Valid Query)
- A query q is said to be conditionally valid if
- there is a query q' that is written using only
the - instantiated authorization views, and is
- equivalent to q over all database instances that
- are PA-equivalent to the current database
- instance
30Inferring Conditional Validity
- Basic idea generate test queries to lookup the
database - Back to example
- Result should be non-empty
- This query itself should be conditionally valid
- Set of inference rules incomplete
- But handles a large class of queries
select distinct 1 from Document where doc-id
'5' and level lt 7
Extensions and ongoing work (with Navneet
Loiwal, IIT Bombay)
31Conclusions (for Authorization Checking)
- Inference rules implemented (partially) into a
Volcano-style query optimizer - Piggy-back on the rewriting capability of the
query optimizer - Sufficient conditions for conditional validity
are expensive - Requires test queries to be executed
- Ideas on caching/reusing inferences need to be
tested - Exact (but extremely expensive) test for
conditional equivalence for conjunctive queries
(Zhang and Mendelzon, ICDT 05) - Unconditional and conditional validity testing
are undecidable in general - Can users live with notion that a query may be
unfairly rejected even if actually authorized? - How rare would this be in reality?
32Overall Conclusions
- Lots of interest in fine-grained access control
- View replacement vs. authorization checking model
- Each has its benefits and drawbacks\
- Multi-level security of limited value without
integration with other forms of fine-grain
authorization - Need to worry about application developer
- User interface needs to check for authorization,
even if enforced at database - Are we easing developers task or doubling their
33Extra Slides
Too strong
You dont want to do this!
Just right
35Non-Truman Model Authorization Specification
- Normal relational views
- Parameterized views
- Instantiated on access
- Administered to users using SQL grant/revoke
create authorization view AllGrades as select
from Grades
create authorization view MyGrades as select
from Grades where sid user-id
36Non-Truman Model User Queries
- User queries written on base relations
- Authorization-transparent querying
create authorization view MyGrades as select
from Grades where sid user-id
select from Grades where sid '16856612'
37Non-Truman Model The Test
- DBMS tests if the query is valid
- Intuition A query is valid if it can be answered
using the information contained in the
authorization views available to the user - We develop the formalization next
- Example (assuming the user is 16856612)
create authorization view MyGrades as select
from Grades where sid user-id
select from Grades where sid '16856612'
A user can see the course-id of all courses she
has registered for
create authorization view MyCourses as select
course-id from Registered where sid user-id
create authorization view MyGrades as select
MyCourses.course-id, Grades.grade from
MyCourses, Grades where MyCourses.course-id
A user can see all her grades
select Registered.course-id, Grades.grade from
Registered, Grades where Courses.course-id
Grades.course-id and Registered.sid '16856612'
Return all my grades
select course-id, grade from MyGrades
39Inference Rules using Integrity Constraints
Integrity constraint
create authorization view RegStudents as select
s.name, r.course-id from Students s, Registered
r where s.student-idr.student-id
q1 v
Names of students and course-ids they have
registered for
Integrity constraint Each student must register
for at least one course
q2 q
select distinct name from Students
- Given the integrity constraint, the user can see
all distinct names from the authorization view
41Naïve Take Leaks Information
select from Document where doc-id '5'
- Naïve Test
- Is there a query q' written on view MyDocuments
equivalent to q over the current database
instance? - Case 1 document 5 present AND its level users
level - Equivalent query is select from MyDocuments
where doc-id '5' - Case 2 document 5 present AND its level gt users
level - No equivalent query
- Case 3 document 5 not present
- Equivalent query is empty query
- Information Leak Cases 2 and 3 were
indistinguishable to the user with just the
MyDocuments view, but now they are