Title: Summary Slide
1 Multi-agent systemen Working together
2Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving (CDPS)
- How can a MAS task be divided into smaller tasks
- How can a solution be created for a MAS using
results from individual agents - What action coordination techniques can be used
3Task sharing / Result sharing
- Task sharing a problem is decomposed into a
number of sub-tasks (how to allocate the tasks to
the agents?) - Result sharing the sharing of gained information
over the agents (how to communicate the
4Distributed tasks
- MAS perform a task collectively
- Therefore task distribution methods and resource
sharing are important aspects - A successful method is to breakdown the tasks
into contracts
5Allocation of tasks
6Centralized allocation of tasks by a trader
7Nr of messages processed by the trader vs nr of
8Centralized allocation of tasks by a trader (2)
- Advantage Simple to understand and implement
- Disadvantage Centralized source of knowledge
about all agents
9Distributed task allocationAcquaintance networks
Every agent keeps a list of skills of all other
Agent A
A B C D (agents) C1 0 1
1 0 C2 0 0 1 0 C3 1 0 0
1 (skills)
10Distributed task allocation1. Direct
11Distributed allocation2. By delegation
12Task allocation Contract nets
- Based on the market mechanism of making contracts
between two parties - There are 4 stages
- Request for bids to all agents for performing a
task - Proposals from the bidders
- Evaluation of proposals, selection of contractor
- Establishment of contract
13Task allocation Contract nets
14Contract nets
- Requirements
- Communication links between agents
- A common language for requesting, bidding,
evaluation, etc. - Limit date for proposal submission
- Commitment from the contractor
15Contract net languagerequest for bids
16Contract net languageproposal
17Contract nets Ring structure
18Contract nets Problem of sub-contracting
How long do we wait?
19Other types of task allocation
- Combination of contract net and acquaintance
network - Emergent allocation
20Emergent task allocationReactive
Gold mining robots bring gold to the user using
the shortest path method. There can be only one
agent per user (if conflict, react and find other
user or wait)
21Volgende week
- 1. Artikelen
- 10 min (strafpunten vanaf 15min)
- In geval van een duo (20min)
- Powerpoint presentatie (inleveren)
- Geen verslag
- 2. Teambots
- 20 min (strafpunten vanaf 30 min)
- Powerpoint presentatie (inleveren)
- Verslag(inleveren)
22Part IICoordination of actions
23Four-stage model of CDPS(Cooperative Distributed
Problem Solving)
- 1. Recognition (by an agent that it needs others)
- 2. Team formation
- 3. Plan formation
- 4. Team action
24Approaches to coordination between agents
- Partial global plans
- Joint intentions
- Mutual modeling
- Norms and social laws
25Partial Global Planning
26Joint intentions
- Based on commitments and conventions
- A commitment is a promise to do the task
- A convention is a set of rules of how to deal
with commitments - A commitment may be abandoned if another agent
can do the same task (it becomes redundant) - A group of agents share the same commitment
(joint intention) - Commitments and conventions can be coded as rules
in a rule-based system
27Example ARCHON (Jennings 1993)
28Coordination by mutual modeling
What does the other agent want? Share the same
view of the environment (world model) Share the
same believes Optimize personal and MAS utility
(payoff matrix)
- MACE (by Les Gasser,1985) was the first
experimental testbed for MAS - MACE brought five important components together
- 1. Application agents (the actual agent
application) - 2. Standardized system agents (e.g. user
interfaces) - 3. Facilities available to all agents (software
libraries) - 4. Description database (maintains descriptions
of other agents) - 5. Kernels to handle communication, message
passing, etc
30Acquaintance information in MACE
- Class (agents are organized in structured groups)
- Name (of the agent)
- Roles (of the agent in its class)
- Skills
- Goals
- Plans
31Coordination by norms and social laws
- Norms are expected patterns of behavior
- Social laws are imposed norms
32Example Traffic management
- Cars are agents that behave using social laws
(driving on the right lane, right goes first at
cross-sections, etc) - Traffic management is currently heavily studied
33Planning methods
- Centralized planning
- There is a master agent who distributes the
sub-plans over the agents - Distributed planning
- Each agent generates its own plan and merges it
with the other agents. After negotiation the
agents execute their plans
34Centralized planning
MoveFromTo(b,x,y) Precond on(b,x), clear(b),
clear(y) Postcond on(b,y), clear(x)
MoveToTable(b,x) Precond on(b,x),
clear(b) Postcond on(b,T), clear(x)
Given a goal description, a set of operators, and
an initial state description, generate a partial
plan order
35Centralized planning (2)
Possible plans
S1MoveToTable(A,B) S2MoveToTable(C,D)
1. Decompose the plan into sub-plans 2. Check the
preconditions to select the sub-plans 3.
Synchronize the sub-plans 4. Allocate the
sub-plans to agents
S4 MoveFromTo(A,T,E) S5 MoveFromTo(D,T,C) S6
MoveFromTo(B,T,A) S7 MoveFromTo(F,T,D)
S3MoveToTable(E,F) S2MoveToTable(C,D)
S4 MoveFromTo(A,T,E) S5 MoveFromTo(D,T,C)
S6 MoveFromTo(B,T,A) S7 MoveFromTo(F,T,D)
36Distributed planning
Each of the planning agents generates a partial
plan (sub-plan) in parallel Then merge these
plans into a global plan
Agent 1 is specialized in doing
MoveToTable(b,x) Agent 2 is specialized in doing
Merge the plan of agent 1 with plan of agent 2 by
checking the preconditions
The agents need to communicate Typical there is
a-synchronous execution of the plans, therefore
the agents exchange handshake signals
37Distributed planning (2)
Plan agent1
S1MoveToTable(A,B) S2MoveToTable(C,D) S3MoveToT
Plan agent2
S4 MoveFromTo(A,T,E) S6 MoveFromTo(B,T,A) S7
MoveFromTo(D,T,C) S8 MoveFromTo(F,T,D)
Final Plan A1 start with S3 (best move found
after negotiation) S1 S2
Final Plan A2 Wait till A and E are free
S4 S6 Wait till D is free S7 S8
38Aircraft tracking example
39Volgende week
- 1. Artikelen
- 10 min (strafpunten vanaf 15min)
- In geval van een duo (20min)
- Powerpoint presentatie (inleveren)
- Geen verslag
- 2. Teambots
- 20 min (strafpunten vanaf 30 min)
- Powerpoint presentatie (inleveren)
- Verslag(inleveren)