Title: IPA Instrument for Preaccession Assistance
1IPA Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
- New generation pre-accession instrument
- simplified replaces 5 former pre-accession
instruments - flexible tailor made assistance for
progressive alignment with standards and policies
of the EU - Legal Basis
- IPA Council Regulation (No 1085/2006 of 17 July
2006) established IPA - IPA Commission Implementing Regulation (No
718/2007 of 12 June 2007) spells in detail the
implementation process
2Scope of IPA
- Western Balkans and Turkey
- in other words
- Potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under
UNSCR1244/99 - Candidates Croatia, Turkey and the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - Lifetime 2007 2013
- Budget 11.5 billion euro
- 5 Components that replace 5 Instruments Phare,
CARDS, ISPA, Sapard and Turkey pre-accession
3IPA 5 components
- For Candidates and Potential candidates
- Component I - Transition Assistance and
Institution Building - Component II - Cross-Border Co-operation
- For Candidate countries only
- Component III - Regional Development (DG Regio)
- Component IV - Human Resources Development (DG
Empl) - Component V - Rural Development (DG Agri)
4IPA How does it work?
- MIFF Multi-annual Indicative Financial
Framework - Political and Financial Framework
- per country and per component
- 3year rolling forward
- MIPD Multi-annual Indicative Planning Documents
- Tailor made for each country
- Cover all components
- 3year rolling forward
- Annual/multi-annual programming documents
53level implementation framework flowchart
ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE, including Multi-annual
Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF) by country
and by component
Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document by
country for all relevant components
Comp. I
Comp. II
Comp. III
Comp. IV
Comp. V
National and Horizontal Programmes
Crossborder Programmes
Operational Programmes/ Large project
Operational Programme
Rural Development Programme
7Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document - MIPD
- Countrybased
- Covers all components
- Prepared by the Commission, in close consultation
with the beneficiary country and the relevant
stakeholders - Reflects Regular Reports, negotiations and
Accession/European Partnership - Priorities to be coherent with national
territorial/sectoral strategies - There is also a Multi-beneficiary MIPD
8IPA Programmes
- 3rd level of the IPA implementation
- Detailed annual or multi-annual programming
documents, depending on the component - Programmes established per component by the
beneficiary country and submitted to the
Commission - Multi-Beneficiary Programme for all IPA
beneficiaries but only under component I and
established in co-operation with the
beneficiaries via in particular the Regional
Co-operation Council (RCC)
9IPA - 4 management types
- Decentralised Management tendering and
contracting - the beneficiary country - Centralised Management tendering and contracting
- the Commission/EC Delegation - Shared Management only for Component II, CBC
programmes between beneficiary countries and
their MS neighbours - Joint Management certain implementing tasks are
delegated to International Organisations
10Programming Component I
- National Multi-beneficiary annual programme
- Prepared by national authorities
(Multi-beneficiary by EC i.c. with Regional
Co-operation Council RCC) - Approved by the Commission
- Implementation (tendering and contracting)
- National Programmes
- National authorities (DIS Turkey and Croatia)
- EC Delegation
- Multi-beneficiary Programmes
- European Commission HQ
11Programming Component II
- Multiannual Joint crossborder programmes
- Jointly prepared by national authorities
- Approved by the Commission
- Implementation (tendering and contracting)
- Member States (shared management) for CBC at EU
external borders - National authorities (Decentralised management)
and EC Delegation (Centralised management)
12Programming Component III, IV, V (candidate
- Multiannual operational programmes
- Prepared by national authorities
- Approved by the Commission
- Implementation (tendering and contracting)
- National authorities (Decentralised management
required Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Turkey)
13IPA web links
- DG Enlargement, financial assistance
- http//ec.europa.eu/enlargement/how-does-it-work/f
inancial-assistance/index_en.htm - EC Delegations in Candidate/potential Candidates
- http//ec.europa.eu/enlargement/press_corner/links
_en.htm - Tenders and Call for Proposals
- https//webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-serv