Title: IST Call 6
1IST Call 6
- Klaus PENDL
- European Commission
- DG Information Society and Media
- International Relations Unit
Belgrade Workshop 21 March 2006
2Participating Countries
25 EU Member States (MS) 4 Associated Candidate
Countries (ACC) 5 Associated States
(AS) plus INCO target countries (receive
funding) Other third countries (exceptionally
receive funding)
3Participation Rules
- Minimum number of Participants
- 3 from MS or AS (of which 2 from MS or ACC)
- 1 for Specific Support Actions
4IST FP6 Calls
- 1 1070 M (2002/2003)
- 2 525 M (2003)
- 3 28 M (2004) INCO part
- 4 1120 M (2004/2005)
- 5 638 M (2005)
- 6 140 M (2005/2006) INCO part
- FET-Proactive 80 M (2004) FET-Open 120 M
(2002- 14 March 2006)
5Call 6
- Open 20 December 2005 - 25 April 2006
- Budget 140 M
6Call 6 Strategic Objectives
- Advanced Robotics
- Ambient Assisted Living in the Aging Society
- Search Engines for Audio-Visual Content
- Accompanying Actions in support of participation
- International Co-operation
71. Advanced Robotics
- Support evolution of robotics from an industrial
technology to introduction in everyday human
environments, and co-operation with people - 37 M
82. Ambient Assisted Living
- ICT-based solutions to extend time elderly can
live independently in their home environment - Focus on individuals rather than hospitals
- 40 M
93. Advanced search technologiesfor digital AV
- Solutions for creating, organising, searching and
accessing digital AV content and objects - Consolidating and linking existing research
- 30 M
104. Accompanying Actions
- Stimulating participation in FP7, with focus on
- NCP network
- SMEs
- New Member States, Associated Candidate
Countries, INCO countries - 3 M
115. International Co-operation
- Targeted research actions
- Actions to identify constituencies and
potentialities for deeper strategic co-operation - 30 M (25/5)
125. INCO part 1
- Targeted INCO research actions on
- Digital TV Broadcasting and Interactive
Applications - Latin America - Digital Broadcasting / Mobile Convergence - China
- Grid technologies - China
- eGovernment and eParticipation Western Balkans
- Early warning systems for geo-physical hazards
Asia, Mediterranean, - 5 M each
135. INCO part 2
- identifying partner countries, common needs and
opportunities for deeper strategic co-operation
through - Consultation of broad communities
- Awareness raising measures
- 5 M
145. INCO part 2
- Each proposal expected to
- Contribute to global strategy for future
initiatives - Focus on well-identified region
- Include partners from region addressed
- Cover all technologies relevant to co-operation
- Yield results within 12-18 months
- Be based on local needs and/or opportunities best
addressed jointlyEmphasis on emerging,
developing, neighbourhood countries
15How to get started? CORDIS
16Partner search e.g. on CORDIS
17Partner search other possibilities
- IST National Contact Points http//www.cordis.l
u/fp6/ncp.htm - Ideal-IST service http//www.ideal-ist.net
- IST Information days and other events
- http//www.cordis.lu/ist/events/events.htm
- Calls for expression of interest announced from
time to time http//eoi.cordis.lu/search_form.cfm
- Informal association of RTD contact points in
Brussels http//www.iglortd.org/ - Other support services
- http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/othersupport.htm
18Proposal submission
- Register for Call 6 FP6-2005-IST-6
- Electronic Proposal Submission Service register
- EPPS Technical Helpdesk 322/2333760
- Does proposal meet evaluation criteria?
- Complete, readable, printable?
- Make trial submission
- Press Submit
- Be on time
- Eligibility checking (complete, in scope of call,
participants, in time, electronic submission) - Evaluation by independent experts
- Individual and consensus evaluation
- Evaluation criteria (Annex to Work Programme)
- 4-6 criteria (e.g. relevance, impact, quality of
management/consortium/coordination, ST
Excellence, mobilisation of resources) - Thresholds (individual overall)
20INCO specific evaluation criteria
- Consult Annex to Work Programme Fourth Update
- Partners in the targeted countries or regions are
well identified and included in the proposal - good balance in the participation
- Proposal is coherent with research priorities in
the targeted countries and regions - is building on or complements RD activities
in Europe and/or targeted countries or regions - co-operation has a clear added value
21Project Timeline
- Deadline 25 April 2006, 17hrs (BXL time)
- Evaluation 14-19 May 2006
- Evaluation Summary Reports sent End June 2006
- Invitation to Contract Negotiation July 2006
- Signature of first contracts from August 2006
- Contract enters into force Upon signature of
coordinator - and Commission
- Duration As specified in the contract
22Further information
National Contact Points http//www.cordis.lu/fp6/n
cp.htm IST Help Desk ist_at_cec.eu.int Commission
contact persons firstname.surname_at_cec.eu.int Tha
nk you