Title: Annual Report
- Annual Report
- 2005-01-012005-12-31
2Budget 2005 Compared to Actual
BUDGET ACTUAL Incomes Memberfees 15.000
NOK x 65 975.000 NOK 900.000 Utilization of
Profit brought forward 375.000 NOK 0 from
previous years ----------------------------------
------------- Total incomes 1.350.000 NOK 900.000
Expenses Secretary 95.000 NOK 63.000 IT 70.
000 NOK 60.000 Consultants 750.000 NOK 325.000
Administrative costs 20.000 NOK 12.000 Confe
rences 250.000 NOK 226.000 Travels 135.000 NOK
80.000 Others 30.000 NOK 15.000 -------------
----------------------------- Total
expenses 1.350.000 NOK 781.000 ----------------
----------------------------------- Operating
Profit 0 NOK 119.000
3Revised Budget 2006
OLD NEW Incomes Memberfees 15.000 NOK x
65 975.000 NOK 915.000 ----------------------
-------------- Total incomes 975.000 NOK 915.000
Expenses Secretary 95.000 NOK 125.000 IT 55
.000 NOK 55.000 Consultants 475.000 NOK 250.00
0 Administrative costs 20.000 NOK 20.000 Con
ferences 190.000 NOK 300.000 Travels 110.000 N
OK 110.000 Others 30.000 NOK 55.000 ----------
----------------------------- Total
expenses 975.000 NOK 915.000
- Allocation of Profit
- or Coverage of Loss
5Administration Report
Appropriation of profits At the disposal of the
General Meeting
- Determination of Annual Fee
7Budget 2007
Incomes Memberfees 15.000 NOK x 65 975.000
NOK -----------------------------Total
incomes 975.000 NOK
Expenses Secretary 125.000 NOK IT 55.000 NO
K Consultants 275.000 NOK Administrative
costs 20.000 NOK Conferences 300.000 NOK Trav
els 110.000 NOK Others 90.000 NOK -----------
------------------ Total expenses 975.000 NOK