FEVER THERAPUTICS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thin , watery excoriating discharge from nose,feels stopped up. ... Debility and weakness. Cold, clammy sweat on legs at night. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Presented by
  • Dr Reshmi N.E

  • This remedy typifies asthenic fever, and
    corresponds to hyperaemia congestion and
    chill preceding inflammatory fever. Frequent
    chilliness is common in fevers calling for
    Aconite. There is redness of the face, great
    heat and oftentimes an outward pressing
    headache. A slight degree of delirium
    does not contra-indicate Aconite. The mental
    symptoms are all important there is
    anxiety, and restlessness from the violent
    circulatory storm there is dry skin,
    violent thirst, full bounding frequent
    pulse and sweating relieves.

  • Cause. - Dry, cold north or west winds hot
    days and cool nights, getting wet(Dulc.,
    Rhus), suppressed perspiration by uncovering
    or sitting in a draft, by fright rheumatic
    exposure.. The attack of fever often terminates
    with a critical sweat. Aggravation In the
    evening and night the pains are
    insupportable, in a warm room, when rising in
    bed, lying on affected side (Hep., Nux m.).
  • Amelioration During the day, in the open air
    (Alum., Mag.c., Puls., Sab.), while at rest
    (except at night in bed), after perspiration,
    from wine.

Ferrum phosphoricum
  • .

    FEVERSFIRST STAGE.In early stages of febrile
    conditions, it stands midway between sthenic
    activity of Aconite Belladona and the asthenic
    sluggish torpidity of gelsimium.superficial
    redness never assumes dusky hue of
    gelsemium.pulse is soft and flowing. Hughes
    praises this remedy in simple continued
    fevers, where he believes it is specific.
    Gastric fever, he claims, will never run into
    typhoid if treated with this remedy. Fever at
    any time with inflammation of organs joints for
    mucus membranes

  • This generally prevents the spread of the trouble
    and clears up the"colds," whether they are of the
    influenza type or not. Influenzinum has the
    ability to develop old troubles and thus it takes
    a variety of forms in different persons. Influ.
    need not be expected to cure all cases unaided or
    indeed to be appropriate to every case.

  • Bell is associated with sudden and violent onset
    of fever, hot red skin, throbbing
    carotids,flushed face, dryness of mouth throat
    with no thirst with fever.The characteristic skin
    of Bell. is "Uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet
    redness, so hot that it imparts a burning
    sensation to the hand of one who feels
    it."burning ,pungent steaming heat. "Sweat on
    covered parts only" is also a marked symptom of
    Bell. A very general characteristic of Bell. is lt
    on lying down. It refers to headache and all
    kinds of inflammatory affections. Some
    characteristic symptoms are "Tenderness of
    abdomen, lt by least jar"Sleepy, but cannot sleep."

  • This remedy suits dull, stupid, apathetic
    conditions. The patient is dizzy and drowsy,
    the chill is partial there is a full flowing
    pulse with an element of weakness in it.
    It corresponds especially to remittent
    types of fever and to fevers brought on by
    warm, relaxing weather. The fever is
    accompanied by languor, muscular weakness and
    a desire for absolute rest and is
    unaccompanied by thirst. It is indicated in
    the beginning, and esp. in fevers of
    non-malarial origin.

  • The symptoms indicating it are Partial chill,
    starts from the spine running up and down or in
    the hands or from the feet extending upwards,
    with tremor of the whole body it is sometimes
    associated with copious urination and bruised
    aching all over the body during it is-very
    characteristic. Wants to be held , because he
    shakes so.

  • Then comes the fever, with general heat, but
    most decided about the head and fauces, during
    the exacerbation of which, the patient is very
    nervous and restless, tossing about continually
    and he can bear neither noise nor light. The
    sweat is gradual and moderate or partial, but
    always gives relief. The accompaniments are
  • Tongue, coated white or yellow. Thick speech.
    Bowels constipated, the stools yellow.

  • Septic fevers, hay fevers. Periodicity marked
    with adynimia. Thin , watery excoriating
    discharge from nose,feels stopped up. Intense
    heat, with anxious restlessness despite great
    debility, burning thirst esp. for hot
    drinks-cold drinks make him feel chilly, weak or
    thready pulse Lach., great prostration
    external heat relieves. The sweat is cold and
    clammy, sometimes it appears very tardily, and
    does not always relieve. The spleen is

  • .It is often indicated in intermitting type
    of fever It often succeeds Cinchona in the
    treatment of chills and fever. It is called for
    when the paroxysms occur more or less
    periodically. Its chill is not well-defined, in
    fact irregular.

  • Slow insedious onset of fever.after taking cold
    in hot summer weather,exposure to draught of cold
    wind. fevers.the pt lies quietly lt motion. Dry
    white coating of tongue, with thirst for large
    quantites of cold water at long intervals. Chill
    with external coldness, dry hard cough,
    stitches.dryness of mucus memberane. Chill with
    hot head and red face, worse warm room Rheumatic
    fever and typhoid marked by gastro-hepatic
    complications. caused by after taking cold in
    summer, Painful continued.

  • Dry burning heat with worse of all the symptoms.
    Sweat, sour or oily after slight exertion. Easy,
    profuse perspiration. Blood seems hot.along with
    fever cough dry hard with stiching pain in
    chest. Pulse full, hard, tense and quick.
    Severe pain from broken bones,sore lame bruised
    feeling. Joints red, swollen, hot with stitches
    and tearing, worse on least movement.

  • Influenza fever, restless, stiff and sore.
    Triangular red tiped tongue,Chilly, as if cold
    water were poured over him, followed by heat and
    inclination to stretch the limbs Typhoid fever
    tongue dry and brown, sordes, bowels loose, great
    restlessness. chill.diarrhoea with the beginning
    of typhoid.fever blisters around mouth
    chin.lamnee,stiffness and pain,all over body.lt by
    rest.gt by motion.great thirst with dry tongue,
    mouth and thirst.
  • Intermittent fever,before during chill with
    dry cough and restlessness. During heat,
    urticaria. Easily chilled worse least uncovering
    with pain in limbs. Chill in single parts. Heat
    with busy delirium. Sweat, worse during pain with
    sleepiness. Urticaria during fever. Wants to yawn
    and stretch during chill.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum
  • It is a popular remedy in the Malarial districts
    for chills and fever. The chill begins in the
    small of the back Nat. Mur. form 7 to 9 A.M.
    and is preceded by headache, insatiable thirst
    and bitter vomiting, which rarely continue
    into the fever, and is accompanied by aching
    in the limbs, as though every bone in the body
    were being broken in some cases, there is
    double periodicity-the chill comes in the
    morning of one day and in the evening of the
    next. Insatiable thirst before and during chill
    and fever,knows the chill is coming as he cannot
    drink enough.The chill is followed by high fever,
    with increase of the achingdrinking of water
    makes the patient chilly. The sweat is usually
    very slight or it may be profuse.

  • Natrum muriaticum

    Intermittent Fever it shares the honour long
    accorded to Cinchona and Arsenicum and is almost
    similar to Apis. It is to be considered when
    The chill comes characteristically between 10
    and 11 A.M. and begins in the small of the back
    or in the feet blueness flushed face
    accompanied sometimes by thirst and by aching
    pains all
  • over the body sometimes urticaria
    complicates the case.during the entire attack
    thirst for cold water.coldness not gt by heat or
    piling on clothing but by cold drinks. The fever
    is usually violent during the hot
    stage-thirst increases with the heat, throbbing
    headache, fingers scorched with the intense heat
    , and at times so severe that the patient
    becomes delirious or unconscious.

  • By and by sweat breaks out most copiously and it
    relieves the headache and all other symptoms.
    In malarial condition, intense chill, fever and
    sweat, anameia and emaciated people. It removes
    the tendency to intermittent susceptibility to
    colds, periodicity. Acute dropsies after scarlet
    fever. Urine with albumin casts. Dropsy after

  • It is suited to old or maltreated cases .Chill
    occurs in the afternoon, characteristically at
    3 P.M. and is accompanied by thirst (not
    before), and an oppression of the chest,
    with smothering, lt in warmth. Even if there is
    shivering ,the patient cannot tolerate covering.
    It is followed by burning heat all over
    (particularly felt in the abdomen) or heat
    in some places, coolness in others, with
    increased oppressive feeling in the chest,
    drowsiness, fluttering pulse, nose cold, the skin
    hot and dry or alternately dry and moist and
    the hands and arms blue, usually no thirst,
    and there is the general appearance of
    collapse Lach..

  • The warmth of the room during heat becomes
    intolerable. Then comes the sweat, which
    may however, be imperfect, breaking out only
    in spells, soon drying off or it may be absent
    there is never any thirst during the
    sweat-characteristic. The tongue is rd and
    covered on tip and borders with vesicles.
    Urticaria. Inflammation of middle ear with or
    after scarlet fever.Scarlet fever when urine
    loaded with albumin.

Mercurius vivus
  • Catarrhal, gastric, bilious fevers. Patient very
    sensitive to cold. Measles.Profuse perspiration
    without relief during sleep with pains.
    Sweat,oily, foul, sour or with strong sweetish
    penetrating odor, on head, on chest,stains
    indelibly yellow. Heat and shuddering
    alternately. Easily chilled or over heated.
    Creeping chilliness, worse in the evening and
    into. Debility and weakness. Cold, clammy sweat
    on legs at night. Furrow in upper surface of
    tongue lengthwise. Tongue heavy, thick,Moist
    coating, yellow, flabby, teeth-indented, feels as
    if burnt with ulcers.

  • It is useful, when the type has been spoilt by
    Quinine. It is one of the best drugs to give when
    the case is mixed up and there is no
    clearly-defined picture of the case and
    everything is confused. it is particularly
    indicated, when there is short chill, followed
    by long-lasting
  • fever-the characteristic symptom during the
    paroxysm, usually with gastric symptoms, with a
    preponderance of nausea.HAEMMORRHAGE BRIGHT
    RED.tongue clean.vomitting of white glairy
    mucus.bone pains.

  • Icy-coldness of the whole body. Severe cramps
    in extremities, with cold sweat, blue surface
    also collapse. Great prostration. Weak or
    thready pulse.

Nux Vomica
  • Takes cold easily from least provocation,perspires
    easily , causes headache , coryza, stuffed up
    nose.grippe with fever bone pains.Coryzalt warm
    room, before the fever comes on, but during
    fever wants to be covered in all stages of fever.
    Chill begins in hands extremities. Thirst not
    marked.. Tendency to jaundice in all febrile
    states. Abdominal complaints.It is used in
    Intermittent type of fevers, when The chill
    is preceded or accompanied by blueness of the
    finger-nails and well-marked gaping and yawning
    during the chill always aching in the limbs and
    in the back the chill is not usually relieved
    from covering up or from the heat of the stove,
    and is followed by
  • fever, and that by sweat.

  • . Chicken pox, measles and mumps. Childhood
    fevers.. Erratic temperature in fevers.Chilly,
    yet averse to heat in warm stuffy rooms with
    pain, on lying down at night. Chilliness without
    thirst. Chilly with pains in spots,worse evening.
    Chill about 4 p.m. Intolerable burning heat at
    night with distended veins, heat in parts of
    body, coldness in other. One-sided sweat,pains
    during sweat. One sided coldness with numbness.
    External heat is intolerable, veins are

  • During apyrexia, headache, diarrhea,
  • loss of appetite, nausea.. Partial sweat. It may
    be used in Intermittent Fever after the abuse of
    Quinine, when thirst appears at 2 or 3 o'clock
    in the afternoon then comes the chill
    without thirst, with anxiety and oppression of
    the chest-the patient is sleepy, yet he cannot
    sleep. There may be moaning or lachrymation
    during the hot stage sometimes one hand is
    hot and the other cold. General or partial sweat
    at the end of fever

  • Patient so hot,hand under the covers feels as
    though in a steam bath. Sensation of heat causes
    one to draw it back. He is covered with a
    boiling sweat in fever.in intermittents with
    difficult breathing. Chill is not so marked, but
    the heat is intense and sweat copious.

  • Sepia
  • It is to be thought of, in cases-spoiled by
    Quinine or by bungling administration of
    Homoeopathic remedies. In it, during the fever
    both the upper and lower limbs remain cold and
    the face looks yellow.

  • Shaking chill with yawning, worse urinating not
    better by heat. Chill,beginning in thighs. Heat
    rises into chest with icy told hands, nosebleed
  • cough. Orgasm of blood in the evening with
    throbbing in the blood vessels.
  • Sweats only on uncovered parts or all over except
    head, when sleeping, profuse, sour, smelling like
    honey. Sweat profuse on genitals,
  • gushing, worse company. Sweat is foul, oily,
    pungent, sweetish, sometimes garlicky, staining

  • Frequent flashes of heat.Violent ebullitions of
    heat throughout the entire body.Dry skin with
    great thirst. Night sweat on nape occiput.In
    septic states,even when there is a number of
    bryonia like symptoms ,sulphur should be given as
    it take hold of the case simplifies it.

  • Dry hacking cough before the evening chill,lasts
    sometimes during the chill and he knows that the
    chill is coming by the cough, vomiting during
    fever.When the intermittent fever returns ,from
    slightest exposure at the end of 3,4 or 5
    weeks.In intermittent fevers drawing in the limbs
    before fever.Must be covered up during all
    stages.Periodicity and sensitive to weather

  • Profuse sweat. Sweat, easy,cold, clammy, on upper
    parts, on hands, worse coughing, stains
    yellow.General chilliness. Chilly, at beginning
    of sleep yet wants fresh air. Heat on cheek of
    affected side in spots. Flushes of heat worse
    eating. Burning in genitals. Wants covers on in
    all stages of fever.

Nux Vomica
  • Takes cold easily from least provocation,perspires
    easily , causes headache , coryza, stuffed up
    nose.grippe with fever bone pains.Coryzalt warm
    room, before the fever comes on, but during
    fever wants to be covered in all stages of fever.
    Chill begins in hands extremities. Thirst not
    marked.. Tendency to jaundice in all febrile
    states. Abdominal complaints.It is used in
    Intermittent type of fevers, when The chill
    is preceded or accompanied by blueness of the
    finger-nails and well-marked gaping and yawning
    during the chill always aching in the limbs and
    in the back the chill is not usually relieved
    from covering up or from the heat of the stove,
    and is followed by fever, and that by sweat.

Veratrum Album
  • It is indicated when the chill is associated with
    thirst, and (if internal) runs downward, not
    upward face, mouth and tongue cold breathing
    oppressed and labored heart weak weak, thready
    pulse skin blue, cold, inelastic hands blue
    heat has no palliative effect great
    prostration. Cold, clammy sweat, worse on
    forehead. Congestive chill with extreme coldness
    and thirst. General coldness,icy, on vertex, nose
    tongue, mouth, limbs, sweat. Internal heat with
    cold surface, when drinking. Fevers showing
    external coldness only.

Veratrum Viride
  • Congestion esp to base of brain , chest,spine,
    stomach .Red streak down the centre of the
    tongue. Hyperpyrexia or rapidly oscillating
    temperature with sweat. Cold clammy or hot
    sweat. Cerebrospinal, suppurative acute
    rheumatic, fever with high temperature, full hard
    rapid pulse, severe pains in muscles and joints.
    Pulse suddenly increases and gradually decreases
    below normal soft,slow,weak irregular
    intermittent. Fever high in the evening, below
    normal in the morning. Suppurative fevers with
    great variation of temperature.

  • Patient so hot,hand under the covers feels as
    though in a steam bath. Sensation of heat causes
    one to draw it back. He is covered with a
    boiling sweat in fever.in intermittents with
    difficult breathing. Chill is not so marked, but
    the heat is intense and sweat copious.

  • It is useful in Intermittent Fever, which recurs
    in the Spring-time, The chill up the back
    Lyc., comes on at 1 or 2 in afternoon, with
    glistening eyes and icy-coldness of the body
    during the chill the patient feels that he must
    have clothing piled on him, not so much to keep
    him warm, as to keep him still and he wants to
    be held down firmly (a characteristic
    symptom) to relieve the shaking and the pains in
    the chest and head. The fever is
    characterized by burning pungency. During the
    hot stage-thirstlessness and oppressed
    breathing Carbo Veg. oppression of the chest,
    with cold feet, which when becomes warmer
    lessen the oppression oppression of the
    heart drowsiness loquacity, when he often makes
    speeches delirium and convulsions Hyos.
    weak, thready pulse great prostration.
    Copious sweat.It is also indicated in irregular
    cases, with cold nose, etc., livid skin, great

  • It follows Lachesis and is needed when the
    patient becomes drowsy and stupid. The chill
    begins in the back at 3 or 4 o'clock every or
    every other afternoon and is worse from 4 to 8
    P.M. or at 9 P.M. during the chill the hands
    and feet are numb and icy-cold
  • and the chill is followed by sour eructations or
    sour vomiting, particularly the latter, with
    or without heat and then passes into the
    sweating stage or the chill is followed by sweat
    without intervening heat. Thirst, mostly after
    sweat, and the patient
  • desires hot drinks only.

  • It is a valuable remedy in the treatment of
    Intermittent Fever. It is indicated in Ague from
    living in damp places and is useful in fevers of
    either tertian or of the quartan type. The
    symptoms indicating it are Chill, not relieved
    by any kind of warmth with thirst before or
    after, but not during the chill a dry, teasing
    cough during the chill Bry., Rhus Tox.,
    Sabad., and Sul.. Long-lasting heat, usually
    without thirst-the patient desires to uncover
    with fiery-red face and often delirium. The
    sweat which follows is profuse and
    debilitating, with intense thirst. Swollen
    spleen. Neuralgia, occurring mostly in the face
    and recurring quite periodically Ars., Chin.
    Sulph. and Sul.. worse,slight touch,after
    eating ,hard pressure and bending double
    relives.Periodical return of the symptoms

  • It is not often used, but sometimes indicated by
    Thirst during the chill and occasionally
    during the heat also. Pale face even during the
    hot stage. Also, vomiting, canine hunger and
    clean tongue.

Carbo Veg
  • The intermittent type of fever in which it may be
    employed is of a low grade. It is remedy for
    severe and long-standing cases, and is esp. of
    service after the abuse of Quinine, and where
    there is lack of reaction, when the following
    symptoms are present. The chill with thirst
    (not before), often accompanied by cold breath
    and coldness of the body, esp. the feet
    are icy-cold upto the knees-a very
    characteristic symptom of Carbo Veg. one-sided
    chills-of left side generally. Heat comes in
    burning flashed, with loquacity Lach., but
    without any thirst. The sweat is either sour or
    else exceedingly offensive. Flatulency. Collapse.
    Annual return of the paroxysms Lach.. The
    patient is very weak form protracted disease
    and abuse of Quinine.

  • It is used in Ague contracted mainly in hot
    climates, in which it has won favor or in low,
    marshy lands Aran., with congestion of the
    head, flying heat in the face alternating with
    chill, and dry heat, with full quick pulse.
    Neuralgia, returning precisely at
  • the same hour each day.

Chininum Sulph
  • It is indicated in Ague from living in damp
    places Cinch. and has the same symptoms as
    under Cinchona, with these in addition The
    chills recur with clock-like regularity Aran.,
    usually at 3 A.M., with blue nails and pain in
    the the dorsal vertebrae.
  • Periodical attacks of neuralgia, relieved by hard

  • Malignant fevers of a hemorrhagic or putrescent
    character. High
  • fever. Yellow fever, cerebrospinal meningitis.
    The plague. Black water fever.
  • Low bilious remittents. Bloody sweat. Cold
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