Title: Developing the
1Developing the in all Camden SchoolsMaking
the Vision a reality
2London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Target All Schools in Camden LA to use London
MLE by 2010
3London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Target All Schools in Camden LA to use London
MLE by 2010
- Key strategies to achieve target
- Key stakeholder engagement in the vision
- 2. Creation of Local level MLE support team
- 3. Share emerging good practice with all possible
4London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Camden School developing MLE
MLE Teaching Learning support(LGfL Curriculum
Camden LA support
MLE 14 19 / Secondary Support(MLE Development
Consultant )
MLE functionality support(CLC trainer)
MIS / MLE integration support (Camden MIS
MLE admin support(CLC network manager)
Strategic Overview(Strategy Manager)
5London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Camden School developing MLE
MLE Teaching Learning support(LGfL Curriculum
Camden LA support
MLE 14 19 / Secondary Support(MLE Development
Consultant )
MLE functionality support(CLC trainer)
Contractual MLE support from Fronter UK
MIS / MLE integration support (Camden MIS
MLE admin support(CLC network manager)
Strategic Overview(Strategy Manager)
SLT meetings 2 day training MLE
helpdesk (Fronter UK)
6London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Camden School developing MLE
MLE Teaching Learning support(LGfL Curriculum
Camden LA support
MLE 14 19 / Secondary Support(MLE Development
Consultant )
MLE functionality support(CLC trainer)
Contractual MLE support from Fronter UK
MIS / MLE integration support (Camden MIS
LGfL support
MLE admin support(CLC network manager)
Strategic Overview(Strategy Manager)
SLT meetings 2 day training MLE
helpdesk (Fronter UK)
LGfL support
7London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
Progress so far? 1. Emerging examples of
excellent practice (Primary and
Secondary) 2. Success of MLE support
team 3. Support is both proactive and
reactive 4. Good practice shared with all
possible stakeholders
8London MLE in all Camden Schools by 2010Making
the Vision a reality
- Key ingredients for success?
- 1. Team work at all levels
- 2. Good communication between support staff
- Flexible approach to supporting school needs
- 4. Tenacity!