Capacity for Instruction in Science and Mathematics in a Primary School 01 March 2006 CICE, Hiroshim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Capacity for Instruction in Science and Mathematics in a Primary School 01 March 2006 CICE, Hiroshim


Policy Impact: A Link with Self-Reliance & Sustainability Approaches. PRESENTATION OUTLINE ... Sustainability Approaches. MoE is the missing link in the study? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Capacity for Instruction in Science and Mathematics in a Primary School 01 March 2006 CICE, Hiroshim

Capacity for Instruction in Science and
Mathematics in a Primary School 01 March 2006
CICE, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Promoting A Self-Reliant Approach To Basic
    Education Development in Africa Programme
  • Loyiso C. Jita
  • Thembi C. Ndlalane
  • Sibusiso J. Chalufu
  • University of Pretoria, South Africa

  • Statement of the Problem
  • Preliminary Literature Review
  • A New Conception of Capacity for Instruction
  • Research Questions
  • Study Design
  • Phase 1 (Pilot) Data Collection
  • Launching Activities and the Dialogue
  • Research Findings
  • Policy Impact A Link with Self-Reliance
    Sustainability Approaches

schools, with similar sets of resources, offer
instruction of radically different qualities
and/or to have markedly different student
achievement levels?
Preliminary Literature Review
3 Major Research Programmes Investigating Quality
and Effectiveness in Schools (Conceptualization
of Capacity)
  • Effective Schools Research (ESR)
  • School Improvement Research (SI)
  • Improving Educational Quality (IEQ) Project

Effective Schools Research (ESR)
  • ?Colemans study US (1966) Schools dont
    matter as much as family background in explaining
    achievement differences (black white schools).
  • ?Heynemans study Uganda (1976) disproved
    Colemans thesis in a developing country context.
  • ?Plethora of studies (USAID/WB) developing a set
    of school characteristics teacher behaviours
    associated with effective schools.
  • Capacity viewed as deficit at school level
    (labs, textbooks, etc.) or at the level of
    teachers (knowledge, qualifications).

Effective Schools Research (ESR) Critique
  • ?Failure to locate conceptions measures of
    school quality effectiveness within the
    everyday classroom processes of teaching,
    learning, assessment organization.
  • ?Limited conceptions of effectiveness as defined
    by test scores.
  • ?Flawed research designs in most studies (e.g.,
    failure to control for learners background,
    history of the schools achievement, etc., in

School Improvement Research (SI)
  • ?SI research has a distinct stamp in major govt.
    supported reform initiatives in RSA mainly
  • ?Whole School Development (WSD)
  • ?Quality Learning Project (QLP).
  • WSD Major problem in RSA context de-emphasis of
    classroom processes of teaching learning.
  • QLP Major thrust of intervention training
    evaluation beginning with district personnel
    school officials in organizational systems
    dev., then educators in curr. mgt, content
    knowledge, use of learner support materials
    learner assessment.
  • Also has an evaluation component to assess
    extent to which the above-mentioned training
    leads to improvement in learner performance.

School Improvement Research (SI) Critique
  • ?Shares some history with SER relies largely on
    developing lists of characteristics of schools
    or teachers that define the outcomes of the
    proposed intervention.
  • ?SIR studies suffer from their reluctance to
    study develop detailed analytic case studies of
    schools constructing their conditions defining
    their capacities for teaching learning as a
    basis for engagement in improvement.
  • ?The pre-specification of the effectiveness
    factors towards which a school improvement
    intervention is geared, cannot adequately account
    for the interactions relationships in the local
  • This fails to account for two most important
    factors about capacity multidimensionality the
    fact that it is dynamic.

Improving Educational Quality (IEQ) Projects
  • ?IEQ significant improvement from its
  • did not import a specific research project.
  • ? Issues to be addressed, the design,
    instrumentation, data collection, analysis and
    reporting were a collaborative activity between
    IEQ core staff and host country research team
  • ? In-depth focus on generating knowledge about
    the school and classroom experiences of
    educators and students (a focus on the
    processes context).

Improving Educational Quality (IEQ) Projects
  • ?Its scope and time-frame too short to foster a
    sustained reflection and discourse of the kind
    that would lead to redefinition of capacity
  • (e.g., RSA component of the IEQ was for 1994

A new Conception of Capacity For Instruction
  • Instructional capacity as a framework for
    bringing together, in a dynamic way, the
    investigations of classroom processes school
    wide organizational resources arrangements that
    promote quality instruction and learning.
  • Conception of capacity as something much more
    than just the power or ability of an individual
    or an organization to do some particular thing.

Corcoran and Goertz (1995)
  • Conception of capacity as the maximum or optimum
    amount of production of worthwhile learning
  • ?Issue of results (student learning and/or
  • ?Issue of efficiency (amount of production from
    a given set of resources and organizational
  • Studying instructional capacity of schools from
    this perspective enables our research to focus on
    any school type (high or low achieving) as having
    some capacity in terms of the quality of its
    instruction (i.e the organization and utilization
    of resources).

Cohen and Ball (1996 1999)
  • Linking capacity with classroom instruction.
  • Central Thesis Instruction begins with
    involves interactions among 3 components
    teacher, students materials (both physical
    intellectual) instructional unit (see next
  • If quality instruction requires all 3 components,
    then instructional capacity the capacity to
    produce worthwhile learning - must also be a
    function of the interactions among these 3
    elements, not one, such as teachers knowledge
    and skill or the curriculum.
  • Capacity to deliver high quality instruction
    depends not only on the individual teachers
    intellectual personal resources but also on
    their interaction with, inter alia, specific
    groups of students, colleagues at school, subject
    area committees, the curriculum materials
    developed by others, the broader social norms
    conventions at the school in the society about
    teaching learning.


Instructional Capacity Framework
Instructional Capacity (Multidimensional /
Classroom Processes
School-wide Resources Arrangements
Institutional Culture
Curriculum Physical Resources
Parent Community
Research Questions
Research Questions
Research Questions
Research Questions
Study Design
  • Longitudinal Qualitative Study (3-year period)
  • Selection of School Sites
  • ? 6-8 schools
  • ? Groups of 2 per area (different in terms of
    performance and/or quality of instruction).
  • ? Sample Characteristics mix of schools
    originally designed to serve the different
    population groups in RSA
  • ? Sample, at least, one pair of rural schools.

Study Design
Organizational Structure
  • Phase 1 (2005/2006)
  • Phase 2 (2006/2007)
  • Phase 3 (2007)
  • Pilot phase (2 schools) development and
    refinement of the instruments techniques
    preliminary data analysis approaches.
  • Thorough discourse, training development of
    instruments, collaborators research students.
  • Full Study (additional 6 schools)
  • Focus of Investigation Research Question 1, 2
    (limited extent), 3 4 5.
  • Continue exploration of longitudinal aspect (how
    capacity for instruction changes over time).
  • Data analysis (continued)
  • Report writing compilation
  • Dissemination (seminars national conference
    policy briefs Ministry of Education journal

Phase 1 (Pilot) Data Collection
  • Multiple Case Study Approach (in-depth analysis
    of complex issues involved in the construction of
    schools capacity).
  • Although our unit of analysis schools, the
    research is designed to capture the
    multi-dimensionality of the concept of capacity.
  • Data Collection Techniques Mixed Method
    (interviewsindividual focus groups,
    observations, etc.).
  • Sample Two neighboring Primary Schools in one
    Province of South Africa.

Phase 1 (Pilot) Data Collection
Launching Activities and the Dialogue
A Recap On the Dimensions of Instructional
Coding and Making sense of the Data
  • Teachers knowledge, skills, and dispositions
    (and how it is used in curriculum, pedagogy, and
  • Professional Community social organization of
    instruction (culture, as defined by
    collaborations, collective goals, etc.).
  • Instructional Programme Coordination focus
    within school.
  • Instructional) leadership guidance and authority
    on curriculum and instructional matters.
  • Material/Physical Resources Quality and Quantity
    of resources e.g. staffing levels, instructional
    time, class sizes, special rooms and equipment,

Teachers Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions
  • All teachers hold required qualification. Few
    teachers certified to teach at secondary level.
  • Majority of teachers are well experienced (five
    years ). All senior phase each have 15 years.
    Collectively, senior phase teachers have about
    100 years of teaching experience.
  • Few teachers demonstrated exceptional
    intellectual command of their subject areas.
  • Self-definition of the teachers is unusualas
    science/mathematics teachers. Positively
    disposed to subject area and the learners.

Strength of Professional Community
  • School is active in setting up nurturing
    professional communities for its teachers and
    neighboring schools. 2 teachers are cluster
    leaders (Maths/English). School as center for
    Teacher Development in lesson study.
  • Teachers engaged in setting up discussion groups
    on new curriculum. All teachers attended
    regional/provincial training.
  • School is part of network of schools that have
    set up relationship with local university for
    professional development in M/S.

Programme Coherence and Focus
  • School programme is coordinated and focused
    around national/provincial curricula (teachers
    fully trained on new curriculum).
  • School has appointed a curriculum coordinator
    (not paid) to attend all curricula workshops.
    Each level of education has an HOD who is
    responsible for programme coherence and focus.
  • School timetable is structured around the key
    learning areas such as language and mathematics
    (more time is allocated on the timetable for
    these subjects).

School leadership and Physical/Material Resources
  • Little data collection on these two issues (Use
    of general school information instrument and
    general teacher interview).
  • Clear structure of formal and informal leadership
    at the school. For most part there is congruence
    between formal and informal leaders, sometimes
    though divergence (to follow up closely during
    data collection).
  • No exceptional resources for teaching and
    learning science (no laboratories, manipulatives,
    etc.) . How are material resources identified,
    activated and organized?

Policy Impact A Link with Self-Reliance
Sustainability Approaches
  • The study promises to contribute a broader
    understanding of what makes a school effective
    allows it t offer quality learning in science
    and/or mathematics.
  • Findings will present characterizations of
    capacity in various schools the factors
    affecting its development use.
  • School practitioners policy-makers will be
    presented with several models of how capacity is
    constructed utilized (for better or worse) in
    the different case study schools, thereby
    encouraging informed debate choices in the
    service of school development and reform.
  • Developing a Peer Review Mechanism for School

Dialogue with the Ministry of Education
  • MoE is the missing link in the study?
  • Major Policy Issues What is a school? Quality
    Assurance Mechanism for (Secondary) Schools?
  • Clarification of the concepts Development of
    the Instruments and Protocols and Implementation
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