Title: The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases
1The Equilibrium Properties ofthe Polarized
Dipolar Fermi Gases
2Outline Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases
- Motivation and model
- Methods
- Hartree-Fock local density approximation
- Minimization of the free energy functional
- Self-consistent field equations
- Results (normal phase)
- Zero-temperature
- Finite-temperature
- Summary
- Physical System
- Fermionic Polar Molecules (40K87Rb)
- Spin polarized
- Electric dipole moment polarized
- Normal Phase
- Second-quantized Hamiltonian
4Dipole-dipole Interaction
- Polarized dipoles (long-range anisotropic)
- Tunability
- Fourier Transform
- Box homogenous case
- Harmonic potential trapped case
Oblate trap ? gt1
Prolate trap ? lt1
6Theoretical tools for Fermi gases
7Energy functional Preparation
- Energy functional
- Single-particle reduced density matrix
- Two-particle reduced density matrix
8Wigner distribution function
9Free energy functional
- Total energy
- Fourier transform
- Free energy functional (zero-temperature)
- Minimization The Simulated Annealing Method
10Self-consistent field equations
Finite temperature
- Independent quasi-particles (HFA)
- Fermi-Dirac statistics
- Effective potential
- Normalization condition
11Result Zero-temperature (1)
T. Miyakawa et al., PRA 77, 061603 (2008) T.
Sogo et al., NJP 11, 055017 (2009).
12Result Zero-temperature (2)
- Density distribution
- Stability boundary
- Collapse
- Global collapse
- Local collapse
13Result Zero-temperature (3)
- Phase-space deformation
- Always stretched alone the attractive direction
- Interaction energy (dir. exc.)
14Result Finite-temperature Homogenous
- Dimensionless dipole-dipole interaction strength
- Phase-space distribution
- Phase-space deformation
- Thermodynamic properties
- Energy
- Chemical potential
- Entropy
- Specific heat
- Pressure
15Result Finite-temperature Trapped
- Dimensionless dipole-dipole interaction strength
- Stability boundary
- The anisotropy of dipolar interaction induces
deformation in both real and momentum space. - Variational approach works well at
zero-temperature when interaction is not too
strong, but fails to predict the stability
boundary because of the local collapse. - The phase-space distribution is always stretched
alone the attractive direction of the
dipole-dipole interaction, while the deform is
gradually eliminated as the temperature rising.
17Thank you for your attention!