Title: Consumer Health Informatics
1Consumer Health Informatics
- Deborah Lewis, Ed.D, RN, MPH
- Associate Professor of Nursing
- University of Pittsburgh
- Consumer health informatics is the branch of
medical informatics that analyses consumers
needs for information studies and implements
methods of making information accessible to
consumers and models and integrates consumers
preferences into medical information systems.
- Eysenbach, 2000
3Consumer health information (CHI) is information
on health and medical topics provided in
response to requests from the general public,
including patients and their families. In
addition to information on the symptoms,
diagnosis and treatment of disease, CHI
encompasses information on health promotion,
preventive medicine, the determinants of health
and accessing the health care system.
Medical Library Association, 2000
4 Consumer Health Informatics is defined as the
integration of consumer health information and
information technology in an environment of
shared healthcare decision-making that supports
effective self-health action.
Lewis and Friedman, 2000
5 Inputs
Family, Friends and Healthcare Providers
Accurate Health Information
Current Health Status
Personal Beliefs and Values Personal Health
Goals Prior Understanding
Model for Consumer Health Informatics
6What has caused recognition of the importance of
Consumer Health Informatics
- Changing values toward patient autonomy and
self-care - Changing cost models
- Withdrawal or change in previously-delivered
service - New opportunities for access and connectivity
Adapted from P. Brennan
7The Possibilities
- For the consumer distributed systems make it
possible for information delivery to transcend
the hospital/clinic environment when the
teachable moment most often occurs. New media
will make access more affordable. - For the educator/clinician The use of web-based
technologies provide for easy upgrades of content
and access to multiple information sources.
8- Technology can provide a vehicle for basic
information and supportive interaction
(Internet). - Technology-based Media can model non-linear
processes. - Computers are available whenever the patient is
available.(if the patient has access)
9Characteristics of Todays Healthcare Consumer
10Todays Health Consumer
- Busy with little free time
- Well educated
- Less intimidated by physicians
- Want choices
- Eager to take control or play a major role in
their own health
Adapted from Hospitals Health Networks
11Where Do People get Health Information?
12They want
- Comprehensible, relevant knowledge
- Communication with peers and professionals
- Personal health information management tools
13Applications for Consumers
- Medical Information
- Drug Information
- Storage of Personal Medical Records
- E-Mail to Physicians
- Body Mass Index Calculators
- Health Risk Assessment
14A 32-year old mother of two living in Wausau,
recently diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, locates
and enrolls in a clinical trial lead by a
University-affiliated oncologist in her
A married couple, their three children, and the
wifes mother live on a 200 acre farm and get
weekly updates on ground water quality and
contamination from their states Health Alert
The Health Planning Council of a medium size
town conducts a resource assessment and concludes
that their community lacks services for
disenfranchised people (unemployed, uninsured,
transients, migrant workers, racial and ethnic
A single father of a 7 year old
child learns from her pediatrician that
the child has Crohns disease. The
father reviewed his childs records,
including laboratory tests and physician
notes over the web from his home
computer, and was also able to look at
health information from major research
A 72-year old woman works out a plan with her
physician to modify her medication schedule so
that on the days she plays bridge she takes her
diuretic AFTER the game is over
15The Contexts of Care
- Living Environment
- Homes
- Communities
- Social Environments
- Families
- Cultural Groups
- Psychological Environments
- Illness representations
- Human Information Processing
- Technological Environments
16Where do people keep health information?
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19Computer-based Approaches to Patient Education
20Knowledge Transfer improved knowledge in Children
with Asthma improved knowledge in Elderly with
Arthritis improved knowledge in Adults with
Diabetes improved medication knowledge in Adult
psychiatric patients Health Behaviors improved
self-care behaviors in Adults with
Arthritis improved adherence to medication
therapy in Elderly Clinical Outcomes reduced fat
intake and decreased HgbA1c in Adults with
Diabetes decreased HgbA1c in Adults with
Diabetes decreased hospital admissions in Adults
with Asthma decreased plasma cholesterol in
Adults with Hyperlipidemia
21Relationships with Care Providers
- Patients prefer live interaction for some types
of communication
Skill Development and Decision Support
- Computer-based technologies are used effectively
to transfer self-care management skills in
22Social Factors
- Rural patients and patients from low
socio-economic backgrounds respond well - Gender does not make a difference
Persons with Disabilities
- Virtual learning environments enhance
interaction, diminish feelings of isolation and
improve self-esteem
23Literacy Considerations
- Use of multimedia make programs more
understandable by persons with limited reading
ability. - One study found that patients who were less
well-educated benefited most from an interactive
video program.
24Developmental Considerations
- School age children responded positively and had
improved health outcomes (n6) - Elderly clients with little prior computer
experience have improved knowledge scores and
reported satisfaction with CBPE (n4)
25The Internet
26Growth of the Internet
- 17 million Americans use the Web to search for
Health Information - Average age 41
- 53 are female
- Average annual income 61K
- 81 have a college degree
27What has the Internet brought us? Convenience Inc
reased Access to Resources New Media
Possibilities Concerns about Information
Quality Information Overwhelmus
28Issues of Information Overload and Information
- Amount of Information is Overwhelming
- Increased Quantity of Information may not be an
increase in Quality - There is an ongoing need for new approaches to
assist Consumers in locating Information that is
Accurate, Understandable and Personally
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33How will we reach those who need health
information most? Aging population 18-25 who
are poor and uninsured 9 million Americans who
are functionally illiterate. (National Adult
Literacy Survey, 1993) Those without access The
digital divide
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35Caring Place
- Communication and Information resource for
Family Caregivers (Parents) of Children with
36Caring Place, will provide individualized
clinical information, patient-centered
information resources, and access to online
family-provider and family-to-family
communication for family members of children with
37Health Almanac
The Health Almanac module includes a framework
for summarizing the childs clinical record.
Specific information for the Caring Place will
include the chemotherapeutic protocol, lab values
and radiology reports. Information resources
(found in the Information Library) will assist
the parents in understanding what their childs
health information means. A calendar function
will also be available to allow parents to track
38Gathering Place
Online access to discussion groups within
self-designated communication groups. They will
be able to decide how they wish to participate.
Each family communication group will have the
opportunity to access their childs participating
healthcare providers or other family caregivers
who are participating in the study. The
discussion group participants will be able to
post text-based messages and upload external
files (for example, images, video, sound files,
word processing documents, or spreadsheets)
39Information Library
The Information Library module is under
development. It will contain specific information
for pediatric oncology patients. These
information resources will be patient-centered
and will include traditional patient education
materials currently being use in the oncology
clinic at Childrens Hospital, Pittsburgh. The
traditional information resources are primarily
paper-based and have been developed by oncology
clinic staff at Childrens Hospital of
Pittsburgh. We will include those resources that
apply directly to treatment, side-effects,
clinical tests, and social support. Links will
be provided to selected external web-based
resources. Additional paper-based resources
will remain available from the information
shelves in the patient waiting areas of the
Oncology Clinic.
40Review of the Prototypes
41Family Caregivers Internet Use n40
- 83 access Internet from Home
- 14 access Internet from Work
- 72 find the information they are looking for
most of the time or always - 97 have searched for information related to
their childs diagnosis - 64 searched for information regarding new
medications - 64 searched for answers to unanswered questions
after MD visits
42- 78 use search engines
- 39 use e-mail to communicate with care providers
- 72 have not participated in online support
groups - 61 are concerned about the security of
electronic health information - 63 question the quality of the information they
43Comments from Parents
- The website should contain
- Current valid and reliable information resources
- Easy to search
- Information regarding clinical trials
- Access to e-mail with healthcare providers
- The Internet is my only way of fighting this
44Usability Testing
- 17 parents
- Average age 42
- Time since diagnosis 1 wk 4.5 yrs average 1.25
years - 16 have computers
- 15 have Internet access
- Use ranged from never (n2) to daily (n8)
- The one person who had no computer used the
Internet often at the public library and carried
all the information with her.
45User testing comments
- Need a disclaimer about outside sites
- Need a place to ask questions
- Need drug information
- Information needs to be tailored to your child
- Need to be able to organize all the information
they give you - Need chat rooms for kids and teensNot everyone
is rationale at first, the Internet may not be
the best choice for information seeking
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47Personal Experience First Questions
- What does this diagnosis mean?
- How will this change her life?
- Will her normal development change?
- Will she still be able to go to school?
- More information about the drug?
- What was the name of that drug?
- How will I get help when I go home?
48First Internet Encounter
49What Ive learned
- The Internet can cause great stress
- It is not always easy to find the Information you
are seeking - The .gov sites dont often appear in searches
- The Healthcare team is the best resource for
individualized information but they are not
always available - Rationale thought leaves you when your child is
diagnosed with a serious illness - There is much work to do in the area of Consumer
Health Informatics - We need to leverage these new technologies in
ways that will meet consumer and healthcare
providers needs
50Top Consumer Health Information Web Sites
- AMA Health Insight On-Line Health Information
for Everyone http//www.ama.org - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
http//www.cdc.gov - Healthfinder TM http//www.healthfinder.gov
- National Cancer Institutehttp//www.cancer.gov/ca
ncerinfo -
51Top Consumer Health Information Web Sites
- HealthWeb http//www.healthweb.org
- HIV InSite http//hivinsite.ucsf.edu
- Mayo Clinic Health Oasis http//www.mayohealth.org
- MEDLINEplus http//medlineplus.nlm.nih.gov/medline
52Top Consumer Health Information Web Sites
- National Women's Health Information Center
http//www.4women.gov - NOAH New York Online Access to Health
http//www.noah-health.org - OncolinkUniversity of Pennsylvania
http//www.oncolink.upenn.edu - American Cancer Societyhttp//www.cancer.org
53Top Consumer Health Information Web Sites
- Clinical Trials http//www.clinicaltrials.gov/
- Oncology Nurses Societyhttp//www.ons.org
- Leukemia Society http//www.leukemia.org
54'Understand me and my tumor. Neither one of us
reads your textbooks.'