Title: The Oxidation of Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether by Binary
1The Oxidation of Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether by
Binary and Ternary Electrocatalysts for Fuel
Cell Applications
Michael S. Moats, Department of Metallurgical
Engineering, University of Utah
Ethanol and dimethyl ether (DME) can be
sustainable fuels that are stored easily and with
a high energy density. Current catalysts
display low activity to the oxidation of these
fuel thus limiting their ability to be used in
fuel cell applications. The aim of this research
is to develop binary and tertiary catalysts that
display a higher activity for oxidation of these
compounds and thereby promote the use of
alternative fuel sources for portable power
We have generated our first sets of catalysts and
evaluated them for ethanol oxidation. Some show
promise as seen in the voltammogram.
Our next goals are to produce catalyst
combinations designed to facilitate carbon-carbon
bond breakage in ethanol and evaluate all
produced catalysts for DME oxidation.