Title: Introducing NonLinearities
1Introducing Non-Linearities
- Decision boundary w0x0w1x1w2x2 0
- This represents a linear decision boundary
- x2 -(w1/w2) w0/w2
- How could we introduce non-linearities in the
input layer resulting in a separation boundary is
which is not a straight line (Elliptical Boundary
) - Use same training algorithm
- Introduce non-linearities
- The following equation represents an ellipse in
the two dimensional input vector space - w0 w1x12 w2x1 w3x1x2 w4x2 w5x22 0
3Non-linear Neuron Architecture
x0 x1 x12 x2 x22 x1x2
4Non Linear Neuron - Exclusive OR
X 1, -1, -1 1, 1, 1 Training
Vectors 1 -1, 1 1, 1, -1 1, 1,
-1 1, 1, -1 1, 1, 1 1, 1,
1' t -1, 1, 1, -1 Target
Values alpha .01 Learning rate
5Exclusive OR 3D
6Exclusive OR 2D
7Reading Assignment
- Finish reading chapter 2 ( skip section 2.4.5 )
- Quiz on Tuesday
8Assignment 2 Due Thursday, January 10th
- PART 1 of 2 Parts
- Program the Delta Learning Rule in MATLAB
- Use following parameters ( AND Function )
- X 1, -1, -1 Training Vectors
- 1 -1, 1
- 1, 1, -1
- 1, 1, 1 '
- t -1, 1, 1, 1 Target Values
- alpha .01 Learning rate
- Experiment with tolerance and learning rate. Does
it find the correct weights every time? - Plot final boundary
9Example of 2D plotting Script
plotBoundary.m Roger S. Gaborski, December 19,
2001 reads in weights and plots 2D
boundary Wn weights x1 -2 .5 2 x2
-1(Wn(2)/Wn(3))x1 -(Wn(1)/Wn(3)) Wn indices
larger than notes because
matrix starts at index 1 instead of
zero plot(x1,x2), axis(-2,2,-2,2) grid hold
on plot(1,1,'') plot(1, -1, '') plot(-1, 1,
'') plot(-1, -1, 'o')
10Example of AND Decision Boundary
11Assignment 2 Due Thursday, January 10th
- Part 2
- Implement the Exclusive OR using nonlinearities
- Create 3D plot and thresholded 2D shown in
previous slides
12Assignment 2 Due Thursday, January 10th
- Write up observations
- Turn in hardcopy of MATLAB code
- Email MATLAB scripts and directions
rsg_at_cs.rit.edu -
- Content Addressable
- Distributed, robust, noise tolerant
- Fast retrieval
- Adaptive
14Memory Model
Memory Model
Two input patterns mapped to this pattern
M output patterns
Learning Stage
M input patterns
- If input is noisy, distorted or only partial
information available the memory model will
respond with the output to correct output
16Memory Model
Memory Model
Similar Pattern
M output patterns
17Memory Damage
Memory Model
Similar Pattern
M output patterns
18Memory Damage
19Pattern Association
- Learning form associations between patterns
- Visual image associated with another visual image
- ( recognize a person we have only seen in a
photograph ) - Visual image associated with a smell
- ( beach scene ? coconut smell (suntan oil))
- - Music ? a few notes ? artist ? events when ong
as popular ? where you lived, job, chool
20Pattern Association
- Single Layer Neural Network
- Store associations
- Retrieve information based on content rather than
computer memory address - Information is distributed in the weights
- ? Does not have specific storage address
21Pattern Associations
- How are associations different that
classification neural networks?? - No thresholding into different classes
- Output usually a vector
- Not always single forward pass. Sometime an
iterative operation is employed
22Pattern Association
- Each association is an Input Output vector pair
st - If s t, autoassociative memory
- If s ? t, heteroassociative memory
- Not only learns specific pairs used in training,
but able to recall a stimulus that is similar,
but NOT identical
23Heteroassociative Memory s ? t
- Each association is a pair of vectors ( s(p) ,
t(p) ) p1,2,3,P - Each vector s(p) is an n-tuple
- Each vector t(p) is an m-tuple
- Weights can be found using either the Hebb Rule
or the Extended Delta Rule
24Hebb Rule for Pattern Association
- Use either binary or bipolar vectors
- Training vector pairs st
- Testing Input Vector x
- Procedure
- Initialize all weights to 0, wij 0, ( i
1,,n j 1,,m) - For each training pair
- Set activations for input neurons to current
training input ( i 1, , n ) xi si - Set activation for output neurons to current
target output ( j 1,,m) yj tj - Update weights wij(new) wij(old) xiyj
25Hebb Rule using Outer Products
- For individual input / output pair
- s ( s1, , si , sn ) 1xn vector
- t ( t1, , tj , tm ) 1xm vector
- S s S is nx1 after transpose
- T t T is still 1xm, no transpose
- ST
s1 . . sn
s1t1 s1tj s1tm . . . snt1 sntj sntm
t1, , tm
26Hebb Rule using Outer Products
- For a set of Associations s(p)t(p)
- W ? s(p) t(p)
Just sum weight matrices for each pair
27Heteroassociative Memory
Y1 Yj Ym
X1 Xi Xn
Output vector y is the pattern associated with
input vector x
28Hebb Learning for Heteroassociative Memory
- Step 1 Initialize weights
- Step 2 For each input vector
- Set activations for input layer equal to the
current input vector - Compute net input to output neurons
- y_inj ?xiwij
- Determine activation of output units
- 1 if y_inj gt0
- yj 0 if y_inj 0
- -1 if y_inj lt 0
29Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory - 1
Input row vectors s ( s1, s2, s3, s4 ) Output
vectors t ( t1, t2 ) s1 ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) t1
( 1, 0 ) s2 ( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) t2 ( 1, 0 ) s3
( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) t3 ( 0, 1 ) s4 ( 0, 0, 1,
1 ) t4 ( 0, 1 )
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 0
1 0
30Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory - 2
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1
0 1
The weight matrix to store all four patterns is
simply the Sum of the four individual patterns
2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
31Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory 3 TESTING
Test on training date W
x ( 1, 0,0,0 )
2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
2 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
( 1, 0,0,0 )
(2,0 )
xW ( y_in1, y_in2 )
f(2) 1, f(0) 0, y ( 1,0 )
32Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory 4 TESTING
( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) W ( 2,0 ) ? (1,0 ) where f is
the activation function
Test on new data similar to training date (
0,1,0,0 ) W ( 1,0 ) ? ( 1,0 )
Is this a reasonable response?? Original
Data s1 ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) t1 ( 1, 0 ) s2
( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) t2 ( 1, 0 ) s3 ( 0, 0,
0, 1 ) t3 ( 0, 1 ) s4 ( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
t4 ( 0, 1 )
33Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory 5 TESTING
Hamming distance is a measure of how different
two digital Words are. Simply count the number of
places where the words differ Input codeword
(0,1,0,0) s1 ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) hamming distance
2 s2 ( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) hamming distance 1 s3
( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) hamming distance 2 s4 ( 0,
0, 1, 1 ) hamming distance 3 The second
codeword is closest to the input word, and
its Recall word is ( 1,0 )
34Example of Hebb Outer Product Rule for
Heteroassociative Memory 6 TESTING
Consider ( 0, 1,1, 0) This codeword differs in
two positions s1 ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) hamming
distance 3 s2 ( 1, 1, 0, 0 ) hamming
distance 2 s3 ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) hamming
distance 3 s4 ( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) hamming
distance 2 (0, 1, 1, 0)W (1,1) ? (1,1) Not a
valid stored word- FAILS
35Bipolar vs Binary
Bipolar data gives you the ability to represent
unknown (noisy data) with a 0, and good data
with 1 or 1
36How well does it work??
- If input vectors are orthogonal, the Hebb rule
will produce the correct weights. - Testing on training vectors will result in the
expected answer ( scaled by the square of the
norm of the input vector, where the norm is the
inner product with itself ) - Details
- Recall, two vectors s(k) and s(p), k?p, that are
orthogonal have a dot product 0 - s(k) s(p) 0
? si(k) si(p) 0
37How well does it work 2 ??
- Calculate Weight matrix W ? s(p) t(p)
- The net response to an input is y xW
- If the input vector is he kth training vector, x
s(k) - s(k)W s(k)?s(p)t(p) s(k)s(k)t(k)
?s(k)s(p)t(p) - Where s(k)s(k)t(k) is target t(k) scaled by
square of norm of s(k) - And ?s(k)s(p)t(p) if s(k) is orthogonal to s(p)
this term is 0
38Delta Rule for Pattern Association
- Recall Hebb learning is a one pass learning
process. - Delta Rule is an iterative learning process
- Can be used for input patterns that are linearly
independent, but not orthogonal - Avoids difficulty of cross talk which is
encountered in Hebb Rule - Delta Rule produces least square solution when
input patterns are not linearly independent
39Extended Delta Rule
- The original Delta Rule used the identity
function for the activation function of the
output neuron resulting in - ?wij ?( tj yj ) xi
- The Extended Delta Rule uses a differentiable
activation function resulting in - ?wIJ ?( tJ yJ ) xI f ( y_inJ )
- This is the update for the weight between neuron
I and J