Title: Adina Teusan
1Adina Teusan Online Products Scholarly
Reference works Oxford University Press Iceland,
May 2008
2Product Range
3Oxford English Dictionary Online
- Conceived in 1857. First edition completed in
1928. Second Edition published in 1989 - 34 million revision programme began 1990
- The worlds largest dictionary 23 volumes of
information - Definitions of over 600,000 words
- 2.5 million quotations
- Up to 3,000 new and revised words each quarter
- Unique way of exploring and researching the past
and present of the English language
4 This is the homepage
5Or click on Search the site for the full site
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11 Use an asterisk for any number of missing
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13 Or use a question mark per missing letter
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15Finding wordsSimple search
16Take a look at adjacent entries in the
This is your entry for nice.
17By selecting the List by Date tab you can
view entries for other words appearing in English
at the same time as nice.
18Within the entry for each word, the definitions
are listed in chronological order with the
oldest appearing first. Scroll through the entry
to see how the meaning of nice has changed over
19You can customize your view of the dictionary by
selecting the relevant tabs at the top.
20Each different meaning is also illustrated by
useful quotations
21as well as a date chart, showing you when each
meaning of nice was in use.
22Finding wordsAdvanced search
23Know the meaning but not the word?
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26Need help with crosswords? Clue A saucy dance.
Here we are searching for definitions that
contain both sauce and dance
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29 Which nouns derived from Hindi, entered English
between 1800 and 1890, and relate to food?
30and heres the list
31The title will take you to the home-page.
32Seeing something different on your screen?
- Please note that if you try the searches shown
- here for yourself, you might find different
results due to the constant updating of the OED.
33Whats great about OED?
- Ultimate authority on the English language
- Range of search possibilities in OED.com is
astonishing - Involves you in the rich history of English
- Saves space and time and is available whenever
you need it
34Thank you. Adina Teusan adina.teusan_at_oup.com