Title: Inrtoduction to WAN
1Inrtoduction to WAN
- Jacek Ilow
- j.ilow_at_dal.ca
- General definition
- connection-oriented vs connectionless
- Market drivers for packet switching
- network applications, evolution and demographics
- Switching taxonomy
- advantages and disadvantages
- queueing model
- Some basics
- OSI model
- Overview of different forms of packet switching
- connection-oriented
- X25, frame relay, ATM
- connectionless
- IP
- Packet networking
- adaptation standards
- performance
- technology application map
- network engineering challenges
4Packet Switching Definition
- Subdividing the overall message or bit stream
- into individually addressed packets such that
- access and trunk multiplexing can take place
- a transmission channel is occupied only when
there is useful information to send - the full pipe capacity is available for any user
- subject to class of service i.e., no TDM channels
- minimizing protocol processing
- for max throughput and minimum delay
- leveraging improved transmission error
performance (where available) - exploit "bursty" nature and tolerance to delays
of most applications - optionally, may include
- node by node flow control
- node by node error control
5What is a Packet?
- Each packet
- has well-defined start and end
- has a header
- has a destination id
- control info
- is queued for transmission
- is transmitted at line rate
- line rates need not be equal
Packet Network
6Packet Switching-Technology, Standards
- a technology
- switching multiplexing architecture
- based on multi-byte 'packets'
- connectionless or connection-oriented
- can support multiple (including defacto)
interface standards - a service capability
- basis for tariffed services
- various service classes
- connectionless (throughput, delay)
- connection-oriented
- multiple types of variable bit rate
- constant bit rate (ATM only)
- point-point and multicast
- a set of standards
- terminal and networking standards
- user and network interface protocols
- service definitions
- performance parameters
- adaptation and encapsulation standards
7Connection-Oriented vs. Connectionless
- Connection-oriented
- In-band or out-of-band Call Setup/Teardown/Status
- Shared State Information between DTE and Network
- Protocol In Addition to Packet Format
- Multiplexing via Connection-ids
- X.25 LCN, D-Channel LTID, Frame Relay DLCI, ATM
VCI's/VPI' - Sequence preserving
- Connectionless
- Routing Inband Always
- Must Be Able to Route External Addresses As Fast
As Data Transfer - Multiplexing Requires Longer Headers
- NSAPs from OSI, TCP/IP addresses
- Notelayering is possible such that connections
are built on connectionless subnets. e.g., - X25 VC's implemented on datagram
- TCP sessions on top of IP datagrams
- Note connectionless can be encapsulated over
8Networking Technology Taxonomy
Targeted at 10s Mbps and up and suited for
All data devices today with addres- sing, routing
9Packet Switching Advantages/Disadvantages
- bandwidth only consumed when needed
- reduces cost of bandwidth
- reduces cost sensitivity to distance
- host concentration
- host port reduction
- dynamic routing changes possible
- connectionless
- connection when built on connectionles
- but...
- processing requirements during the call
- complexity
- routing algorithms
- congestion control
- protocols
- variable delays
10OSI Model
- layer 1 physical
- standards for transmission of a serial bit stream
- provides communications channel between two
entities - applicable to various forms of data comm
- layer 2 data link layer
- uses layer 1
- operates on link between two communications
entities - variable time delay, error free
- uses a data protocol (end-end or link by link)
- optional flow control and error recovery
- layer3
- network layer using layer 2
- network addressing
- optional multiplexing, flow control
OSI Stack
Application Presentation Session Transport Network
Link Physical
F A C Information (I) field FCS F
- F Flag 01111110
- A Address (DLC identification)
- C Control
- Information frames (send/receive sequence
numbers) - Supervisory frames (RR,RNR conveying N(R), REJ)
- Unnumbered frames (control)
- I Information field (variable length)
- X25 or lP packet, user data
- FCS Frame check sequence (16 or 32 bit
redundancy) - HDLC applications
- (I) leased line data networks (ii) X25 and frame
relay - inter-LAN connectivity
- Note Bit stuffing is used to prevent flag
pattern withinframe (sender always inserts 0 bit
after every five l's receiver always removes 0
bit after five 1')
12Packets/Frames vs Cells
- Packets and Frames
- Variable Length
- Efficient Bandwidth Utilization
- Variable Delay
- Problem for Constant Bit Rate
- Greater Memory Demands
- Bandwidth, Allocation
- Asynchronous (to other frames)
- Framing Detection/Transparency
- Cells
- Fixed Length
- Efficient For Constant Bit Rate
- Controllable Delay
- Better for Constant Bit Rate
- Lower Memory Demands
- Synchronous (Sometimes)
- Fixed Time Available to Route
- End to end features
- connection oriented (SVC's and PVC's)
- X121 numbering plan
- sequence preserving and error free
- throughput class end-to-end rate adaptation
- rich service features (closed user groups, fast
select et - standard adaptation for Async, POS, BSC, SDLC, IP
et al - Physical level
- Bit Rates To 2 Mbps but 9.6 to 64Kbps most common
- Link level
- Node by node HDLC error control
- Network level
- multiplexing via logical channel number
- call establishing and clearing
- window based flow control
- additional protocol features
- segmentation M bitdata type Q bit
- error recovery
OSI Stack
Application Presentation Session Transport Network
Link Physical
14X25 Data Packet Format
- 0 for user data
- 1 for supervisory control
- call request/confirmation
- clear indication/confirmation
- interrupt/confirmation
- Reset request/confirmation
- Restart request/confirmation
- Q Qualifier bit
- D Delivery confirmation bit
- P(R) Receive Sequence Number
- M More data bit for definition of
- packet sequence
- P(S) Send Sequence Number
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Q D 0 1
Logical Channel Number
4 3 2 1
P(R) M P(S) 0
User Data (up to agreed max)
15X25 Flow Control
- Wide Area Network
- at VC set-up, the following two parameters are
defined - maximum user window size (W)
- maximum number of packets (i.e., buffers)
supported (netW) - user can transmit w packets but then must wait
for more credits - network keeps track of packets in the network and
delivers credits if - of packets in transit ltnetW
- receiving terminal has issued credits
- there is no congestion
16Key Features of X.25
- Call control packets, used for setting up and
clearing VC, are carried on the same channel and
same virtual circuit as data packets - Inband
Signalling - Multiplexing of Virtual Circuits takes place at
layer 3 - Both layer 2 and layer 3 include flow control and
error control mechanisms - CONCLUSION
- Considerable overhead
17Frame Relaying
OSI Stack
- End-to-end features
- connection oriented (PVC's--gtSVC's)
- X121 and E164 numbering plans
- committed information rate (CIR)
- sequence preserving
- some additional service features
- standard adaptation for IP et al., IBM protocols
- Physical Level
- Bit Rates To 10's of Mbit/s but 56 to 1.5 Mbps
most common - Link Level
- HDLC Core Framing
- CRC16 but no error recovery
- Multiplexing via Data Link Control Identifier
(DLCI) - HDLC-compatible 2-byte Frame Address
- call establishment/clearing via dedicated
signaling channel
Application Presentation Session Transport Network
Link Physical
Technology Enablers
Low Bit-Error Rates End-End Error
Recovery Higher throughput for data Lower delay
for data
18FR Data Frame Format
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- DLCI Data Link Control Identifier
- C/R command/response
- DE discard eligibility
- E Field extension bit
2 1
User Data (up to agreed max)
19FR Committed Information Rate
128 kbps CIR
64 kbps CIR
256 kbps CIR
Unchannelized T1/E1
- Measure of available bandwidth (kbps) on PVC
- Maximum sustainable throughput allowed
- Applications
- congestion management
- engineering
- tariffing
20Key Differences between X.25 and Frame Relay
- Call control signalling is carried on a separate
logical connection from user data. Thus,
intermediate nodes need not maintain state tables
or process messages relating to call control on
an individual per-connection basis. - Multiplaxing and switching of logical connections
take place at layer 2 and 3 instead of layer 3,
eliminating one entire layer of processing. - There is no hop-by-hop flow control and error
control. End-to-end flow control and error
control are responsibility of a higher layer, if
employed at all.
OSI Stack
- End-to-end features
- connection oriented (PVC's--gtSVC's)
- E164 and NSAP numbering plans
- delay and loss critical classes of services
- sequence preserving
- standard adaptation for CBR via AAL1 and data via
ML314 and 5 - Physical Level
- Bit Rates to Gbit/s but 45 150Mbps today
(in-building and wide area) - Link Level
- 485 fixed length cells
- no error control and recovery
- multiplexing via VCI/VPI
- call establishment/clearing via dedicated
signaling channel
Application Presentation Session Transport Network
Link Physical
Technology Enablers
Fiber Transmission High Speed Hardware Multimedia
networking End-to-end broadband
22ATM Cell Format
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- 0 - user cell (SDU 0) no congestion
- 1 - user cell (SDU 1) no congestion
- 2 - user cell (SDU 0) congestion
- 3 - user cell (SDU 1) congestion
- 4 - segment OAM VCC F5 flow
- 5 - e-e OAM VCC F5 flow
- 6/7 reserved
Generic Flow Control
Virtual Path Identifier
Virtual Channel Identifier
Payload Type
Header Error Check
1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . 53
Cell Payload (48 octetes)
23ATM vs Frame Relay
- Both Connection Oriented
- Frame data only
- Cell multimedia
- Access multiplexing for both
- Frame and cell relay sit on physical medium
- Frame relay (kbps to multi Mbps)
- Cell relay (multi Mbps to Gbps)
- Framing
- Frame variable length HDLC
- Cell fixed length cells ATM adaptation
- Service interworking via frame to cell SAR
Single service concept from kbps tp Gbps
24Packet Switching Adaptation Standards
- family of X25 Packet Assemblers/Disassemblers
(PAD's) defined - X3/X28/X29 for async
- SDLC PAD (IBM's QLLC standard)
- BSC PAD (industry standard)
- Multiprotocol (incl IP) encapsulation over X25
- Industry specific PAD's (e.g., ALC, POS)
- family of FR Assemblers/Disassemblers (FRAD's)
defined - Multiprotocol (md IP) encapsulation over FR
- SDLC FRAD (IBM's standard)
25Packet Switching Adaptation Standards...
- ATM adaptation
- AAL1 for CBR
- for voice and video
- uses one byte of ATM payload
- AAL3/4 and 5 for data (see next chart)
- Multiprotocol (incl IP) encapsulation over ATM
uses AAL5 - Adaptation can be done
- in the terminal,
- at the edge of the network or
- in the network
26Packet Switching Performance Parameters
- transit delay time from transmission to
reception - access link delay (q time, emission time,
propagation time) - network transit delay ( access switch trunk
delay) - throughput
- switch
- trunk
- connection throughput
- measures of efficiency
- processor and trunk utilization
- challenges
- user behaviour
- protecting the network
- main advantage of packet switching highest
performance for bursty traffic for given cost - reduced facility costs through bandwidth sharing
- increased networking flexibility
- packet switching technology widely used in
data-driven environments - packet and router networks
- frame relay networks
- multimedia ATM LAN's and WAN's (emerging)
- many services/capabilities can be supported
- X25, FRS, IP, ATM and other forms of LAN
networking, IBM's SNA and even SS7 - Main challenge
- meeting end user needs while protecting the
network against misuse and congestion
28Networking Engineering Challenges
- Distinguish between technology and services
supported - Watch performance comparisons
- vendors speak of user packets or user frames or
cells per second - throughput may not equal access/trunk speed
- users care about end-to-end delays
- network failure recovery mechanisms effect
application performance - Design the network to fit users
business/application and networking needs - network configuration including private, virtual
and virtual tri - network management distribution