Title: Dehydration Device Midterm
1Dehydration DeviceMidterm
- Karthik Balakrishnan,
- Sofia Basterrechea,
- Jason Burt,
- Heejae Kim,
- Han Bin Man
2Marketing Updates
- Sofi traveled to Pasajquim and Tecpan
- Marketing research
- Videos, photos, interviews
- Researched videos outside Tecpan
- They sell a kintal (100 pounds) of broccoli for
Q60.00 8 - Movie
3Marketing Updates
- Sofi has contacted Mario Blanco
- Waiting for reply from two engineers from
Landivar University - Industrial scale vacuum dehydration device
- Mary Annas in San Jose?
- Bella Viva Orchards
- Similar dried fruit producer
- Inquired about preservation methods
- Waiting for reply
4Research Updates
- Commercial Dehydrator Estimates (Excalibur
Dehydrator) - 300 Air Flow Drying System
Apples 7-15 hours
Apricots 20-28 hours
Bananas 6-10 hours
Berries 10-15 hours
Cherries 13-21 hours
Cranberries 10-12 hours
Figs 22-30 hours
Grapes 22-30 hours
Kiwi 7-15 hours
Nectarines 8-16 hours
Peaches 8-16 hours
Pears 8-16 hours
Persimmons 11-19 hours
Pineapple 10-18 hours
Prune Plums 22-30 hours
Rhubarb 6-10 hours
Strawberries 7-15 hours
Watermelon 8-10 hours
5Research Updates
- Predehydration Preparation
- Sulfur
- Preserves color and flavor and also vitamin C in
the fruit. - Blanching
- 8 liters of water/kg of product
- 1 gallon of water/ lb of product.
Crop Time
Apple 45 minutes
Apricot 3 hours
Peaches 3 hour
Pear 5 hour
Product Time of boiling water (minutes)
Broccoli 3
Peas 5
Cauliflower 3 (add 4 spoons of salt)
Carrot 5
Corn 7
Mushroom 3 - 5
Potato 4 -10
6Refined Concept Drawings
Isometric wireframe view of drying rack
Side-view of wireframe of drying rack
7Refined Concept Drawings
Wireframe assembly of platform, funnel and exhaust
Rendered assembly of platform, funnel, and exhaust
- We expect to have a functional prototype and a
target business plan - A lot of energy is being focused towards the
design aspect of our project - Marketing our product to the Guatemalan people is
difficult and has a steep learning curve - First, make a prototype and then test market
hypotheses and carry out further market research
9Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- Difficult to predict whether or not our device
will function properly before the prototype stage - More design iterations
- The characteristics of our final dehydrated
product are also unknown at this time - Test our own product and apply quality control
- We can then better market it towards the people
that will respond to it positively.
10Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- Must convince farmers that our device warrants
their investment - Must make sure our product meets our own
expectations before attempting to market it to
farmers - Regulation of the heat source will be difficult
- Difficult to achieve constant heat level that is
consistent throughout trials. - Must try to standardize procedure for a certain
type or amount of fruit. - After testing, heat indication might need to be
added, such as a simple bi-metallic strip.
11Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- Product implementation involves many steps
- Harvesting?Dehydratable Product
- Peeling
- Slicing
- Cutting
- Predehydration preparation
- Sulfur
- Blanching
- Dehydration
- Storage and sale of product
- We must outline a specific procedure
- Preparation?dehydration?processing?storage?sale
12Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- Identify markets with extreme specificity
- Sofi is conducting field research into the
customer base - Still much lost in translation
- Strive to manage cost and produce a cheap but
efficient product - Interaction with users is critical to product
improvement and upgrades with a purpose
13Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- We will perform analysis on the convection
process and verify the heating specifications
found from online references - Estimate how much the level of heat will change
throughout the funnel - Conduct extensive testing on the device through
design iteration and testing - Continue in-depth, on-site research in Guatemala
14Identifying and Addressing Challenges
- Possible Design Improvements
- Temperature detection device
- Rain Cover
- Tray Design
- Mesh
- Woven Baskets
- Grill Racks
- Convection Issues
- Hot air might not be delivered uniformly and
quickly - Fan to drive air flow might be necessary
- Bug Screen
15Team Comments
- Functioning well due to good communication
- Great data and information from Sofi in Guatemala
- Prototyping is next many different
responsibilities - Everyone is committed to making a positive
- Chioffi, N. and Mead, S. 1991. Keeping the
Harvest. Pownal, Vermont Storey Publishing. - Miller, M. et al. 1981. Drying Foods at Home.
University of California. Division of
Agricultural Science, Leaflet 2785. - Kitinoja, L 1992. Consultancy for Africare /
USAID on food processing in the Ouadhai, Chad,
Central Africa. Extension Systems International,
73 Antelope Street, Woodland, California 95695. - Fuller, R.J 1993 Solar Drying of Horticultural
Produce Present Practice and Future Prospects.
Postharvest News and Information 4 (5) 131N-126N
- Best, R., Alonso, L and Velez, C. 1983 The
development of a through circulation polar heated
air dryer for cassava chips. 6th Symposium.
International Society for Tropical Root Crops
(Lima, Peru, Feb. 21-26, 1983). - FAO. 1985. Prevention of Post-Harvest Food
Losses A Training. Manual. Rome UNFAO.