Title: Teenage Pregnancy Topic Group Scrutiny Seminar
1Teenage Pregnancy Topic Group Scrutiny Seminar
National overview including targets and
trends Sue Beck 18 May 2006
2Teenage Pregnancy Strategy
- 10 year strategy, produced by Social Exclusion
Unit - and launched by the Prime Minister in 1999
3National Targets
- To halve the under 18 conception rate by 2010
(with an - interim target of 15 reduction by 2004) and
establish - a downward trend in the under 16 rate
- Increase participation of teenage mothers in
education, - training, employment to 60 by 2010 to
reduce their - long term risk of social exclusion
4Causes of Teenage Pregnancy
- No single explanation but 3 factors stand out
- Low expectations
- Ignorance
- Mixed Messages
5Risk Factors for Teenage Pregnancy
- Poverty
- Children who are Looked After or Leaving Care
- Children of teenage mothers
- Educational problems
- Not in education, training or work post 16
- Sexual abuse
- Mental Health problems
- Crime
6Key Elements to National Strategy
- Local co-ordination
- Media
- Better prevention
- Better contraceptive services
- Support for young parents
7Under 18 Conception Rate (15-17 yrs)for England
8Under 18 Conception Rate for England 1998-2004
9Under 16 Conception Rate (13-15 yrs) in England
10Under 16 Conception Rate for England 1998-2004
11Other National Drivers
- NHS Plan
- Change for Children Every Child Matters
- National Service Framework for Children, Young
People - and Maternity Services
- Sexual Health and HIV Strategy
- Choosing Health
- Extended Schools
- Early Years Strategy
- Children Centres
- Supporting People
12Related Performance Indicators
- Teenage Pregnancy cuts across all five Every
Child - Matters outcomes e.g.
- The DH PSA to reduce the rate of infant
mortality by - 10 by 2010 (being healthy)
- The DfES PSA to reduce the proportion of
children - living in households where no one is working
by 2008 - (economic well being)
13Examples of National Initiatives
- Policy Development
- Sexwise advice helpline for young people 0800
28 29 30 - Website www.ruthinking.co.uk
- Care to Learn
- Work on delaying first sex
- Supporting Parents Time to Talk
- Want Respect campaign