Title: Network Intrusion Detection
1Network Intrusion Detection Intrusion Prevention
The information world is truly
electronic-theres no turning back. - Winn
- Network Intrusion Detection System - attempts to
detect unauthorized and anomalous activity by
monitoring packets traversing a given network - Network Intrusion Preventation System - block or
reject packets that match a particular signature
or behavior and sits in-line instead of using a
network tap or port span
3History of IDS/IPS
- Between 1984 and 1986, Dorothy Denning and Peter
Neumann researched and developed the first model
of a real-time IDS. This prototype was named the
Intrusion Detection Expert System (IDES). This
IDES was initially a rule-based expert system
trained to detect known malicious activity. - First commerical implementation in the early
1990's by Haystack Labs - Started to grow in popularity with Cisco buying
out vendors in the mid/late 90s
4Types of IDS/IPS Systems
Anomaly detection model The IDS has knowledge of
normal behavior so it searches for anomalous
behavior or deviations from the established
baseline. While anomalydetections most apparent
drawback is its high false positive, it does
offer detections of unknown intrusions and new
exploits. Misuse detection model The IDS has
knowledge of suspicious behavior and searches
activity that violates stated policies. It also
means looking for known malicious or unwanted
behavior. In fact, its main features are its
efficiency and comparably low false alarm rate.
5Types of IDS
- Rule Based
- Protocol Analysis
- Policy Based
- Heuristic Based
- Unix IDS
- Not an "Out-of-the-box" solution
- Types of Alerts
- Log Alerts
- Real Time Alerts
- System Command Execution
- Does not require software to be installed on each
host - Single network host
- Custom Scripting Language for Rulesets
- Snort2Bro - Custom tool to convert Snort
Signatures to Bro Format - Also enables Bro features in converted signatures
to reduce false positives -
- How is Bro different from Snort?
- "Snort is signature based, while Bro can store
information about previous network activity and
store it for analysis of current activity."
- Ability to automagically encrypt email alerts
- Custom policies to adjust to different network
designs -
- const web_servers www.lbl.gov,
www.bro-ids.org, const mail_servers
smtp.lbl.gov, smtp2.lbl.gov, const
allow_my_services setaddr, port
mail_servers, smtp,web_servers, http,
- Geo-Location to detect and map attacks
- global ftp_location_log file
ftp_reply(c connection, code count, msg
string, cont_resp bool)local client
cidorig_hlocal loc lookup_location(client)
if (locregion "OH" loccountry_code
"US")print ftp_location_log, fmt("FTP
Connection from s (s, s, s)",\ client,
loccity, locregion, loccountry_code) -
10Hogwash IDS
- Started by a student in 1996 at Idaho State
University - Versatile network IDS with three different modes
- Regular IDS
- Watches traffic on a span port (switch/router)
and generates alerts based on what it sees - Inline Scrubber
- Actively filters the traffic (acts as a
firewall). Sits between the cloud and the
internal network - HoneyPot Control
- "arbitrates IP address and MAC address conflicts
to help run the honeypots. It is possible to have
an array of honeypots behind a single Hogwash
box, all with the same IP and MAC address" - Still experimental
11Hogwash in HoneyPot Control Mode
12Types of IPS
- Packet Filtering
- Session Analysis
- Packet Manipulation
- IP Blocking
13IPS Packet Filtering
- Ability to block individual protocols
- Allow FTP and HTTP but block AIM or VNC
14IPS Session Analysis
- Inspect each packet that applies to a protocol
and ruleset and match traffic against signature
based rules or policies
15IPS Packet Manipulation
- Manipulate data inside a packet and pass packet
along to its destination -
- Can be used to remove shellcode or exploit
attacks -
- Remove sensitive information
16IPS IP Blocking
- Can automagically block IP addresses based on
signatures or policies -
- Keep a database of blocked IPs
- Block on a time limit or block permanently
17Cisco IPS
- A hardware based Network IPS
- Operates at Layers 2 - 7
- Uses the Cisco IPS signatures (Anomaly/Behavioral)
- Anti-IPS Evasion Techniques
- TCP stream reassembly
- De-obfuscation
- Traffic normalization
- Works in conjunction with the Cisco Security
Agent (HIDS) for a complete solution
18Snort_Inline IPS
- Uses libipq - IPTables - Rather than libpcap
- Uses Snort ruleset to tell IPTables to drop the
connection or let it through -
- Built on top of existing Snort installation
- Improves Security of Intrusion Detection System
19Snort_Inline IPS
- Built-in ClamAV Integration
- IPTables Rule
- Alert, Block, Pass, Drop, Reject
- Alert - Alert user (IDS Functionality)
- Block - Blocks connection through IPTables
- Pass - Ignore Alert and allow traffic
- Drop - Drop connection through IPTables and log
- Reject - Send Reset packets
- SDrop - Drop connection without logging
20Snort_Inline IPS
- drop udp HOME_NET any -gtEXTERNAL_NET
46604799(msg "BLEEDING-EDGE P2PeDonkey
Search" content"e3 0e"offset 0 depth
url,www.edonkey.comsid 2001305 rev3)
21Introduction To Snort
- http//www.snort.org/docs/snort_htmanuals/htmanual
22The Art of Writing Snort Rules
- Basic Rule
- alert protocol HOME_NET port -gt EXTERNAL_NET
any ( \ msg"Message to alert" \ - flowestablished,to_server \
- content"0d 0aUser-Agent\ Mozilla/4.0
\(compatible)0d 0a" \ - classtypetrojan-activity \
- sid2008012801 \
- rev1 )
23Using Snort Against a Pcap
- snort k none c ./rules A console q l /log/
r packed.pcap -
- Runs snort straight from terminal
- Sets checksum mode to none
- Sets rulset to use - Can use snort.conf (uses
includes) - Sets output of alerts to console
- Logs to /log/
- Reads in packed.pcap and tests against ruleset
24Snort Modes
- Sniffer mode -
- ./snort -vde
- Packet logger mode -
- ./snort -dev -l ./log -h ASCII Logging ./snort
-l ./log -b
PCAP file - NIDS Mode -
- ./snort -dev -l ./log -h
-c snort.conf
25Evasion Techniques
- String Matching Weaknesses
- Polymorphic Code
- Fragmentation Attacks
- Denial of Service
- http//secunia.com/advisories/20413/
26Evasion Techniques (Cont.)
- TCP Splicing Attacks
- Passes payload over multiple packets
- Defeats pattern matching
27Emerging Threats
- Open source collection of Snort rules that can be
used by any individual/company -
- Rules are updated a few times a day, seven days a
week -
- Received grant money from both the NSF and the
Army Research Office -
- A crazy amount of rules, that include Games,
Adult Material, Malware, P2P, the RBN,etc
- Open Information Security Foundation
- Non-Profit organization based out of Indiana
- Founded in October 2008
- Goal is to develop a new Open Source IDS/IPS
engine - Any person/company/organization can submit ideas,
some include - Passive fingerprinting built-in
- Native IPv6 support
- Hardware acceleration
- First production release at the end of 2009
29Detecting Binary Packers
- Binary Packers compress binary files
- Examples of compression
- Winzip, Winrar, Tar, Gzip, etc.
- Byte Pattern of application used to compress
binary file -
- Many binary packers are used for malicious
purposes - UPX, Armadillo, VMProtect, SecureRom cough
- http//malforge.com/snort/output_all.zip
- http//malforge.com/snort/userdb_all.zip
30Questions, Comments, Conerns, Criticisms?
- http//www.sans.org/resources/idfaq/id_vs_ip.php
- http//www.snort.org/about_snort/
- http//www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/detec
ion_344?show344.phpcatdetection - http//www.ece.drexel.edu/telecomm/Talks/thiel.pdf
- http//hogwash.sourceforge.net/docs/overview.html
- http//www.openinfosecfoundation.org/index.php/faq
- http//en.hakin9.org/attachments/hakin9_6-2006_str
22-33_snort_EN.pdf - http//www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1514