Title: The Ultimate Break of WEP
1The Ultimate Break of WEP
- Recovering the Secret Key through a Passive
Attack - David Düblin, Ramun BergerMay 2003
2Talk Overview
- Introduction
- Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir Attack
- RC4 Review
- Implementation of Attack
- Demonstration
3 Corporate Network
- Overview
- Encryption
- Decryption
- Insecurities
5WEP Overview
- Wired Equivalent Privacy protocol (WEP)
- WEP is the link-layer security protocol commonly
used for 802.11 (wireless data transmissions)BUT
by default disabled ! - Security goals
- Prevent eavesdropping privacy
- Prevent message modification integrity
- Control network access access control
- Only protects the wireless link
- not an end-to-end solution
6WEP Overview
- WEP uses RC4 cipher and relies on a (40-bit or
104-bit) secret key and (24-bit) initialisation
vector IV - Current WEP standard fails to specify how to
choose IV - 3 Modes of IV Selection
- incremental (counter)
- random selection
- value flipping
7Key Entry Example
8WEP Encryption
ICV Integrity Check Value (CRC-32) IV
Initialisation Vector (plaintext) 24 bitkey
Pre-shared Key 40 or 104 bit
C P ? RC4(IV,key)?WEP packet IV prepended to
9WEP Decryption
- P C ? RC4(v,k) (P ? RC4(v,k)) ? RC4(v,k)
P - ICV recomputed and compared against original
10WEP Insecurities
- WEP is vulnerable to a number of attacks(refer
to last weeks talk on Wireless LAN Security and
see Appendix) - The Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir Attack compromises
WEP entirely by recovering the private key by
passive means
11Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir Attack
- WEP protects packets with RC4, which occasionally
produces ciphers that are cryptographically weak. - These weak (resolved) packets can be identified
by their unencrypted initialisation vectors. - Resolved packets can leak information about the
subsequent byte of the current key.
- Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA)
- Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm (PRGA)
- Resolved Case
- Weakness
13RC4 Overview KSA(K)
14RC4 Overview PRGA(S)
15RC4 Resolved Case
The output word depends only on 3 specific
permutation elements.
If the KSA reaches a stage i where XSi1 and
XY Si1 SiSi1, then with Prgt0.05, the
value ZSS1 SS1 will be output as the
first word of the PRGA ? resolved case.
16RC4 Resolved Case
Output of PRGA in round 1
? SS1SS1S03S35 So the packet
Pbyte1 XOR 5 is sent.
BUT we know byte1 ? we know S3 as we know
every byte up to K2, we can determine K3 by
17RC4 Weakness
- We must correctly guess each key byte before any
packet gives us information about a later key
byte. - First word of plaintext is often an easily
guessed word (in WEPknown). - We have a 5 chance of correctly guessing the
next key byte. - This makes the attack statistical in nature.
18Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir Attack
- To bias the probabilistic guessing toward the
right key, many encrypted packets are needed (5
million). - Specifically, unique initialisation vectors are
needed (2 thousand) - Theoretical description of attack only (no
- Goals
- Preparation
- Mounting
- Improvements
- Discussion
- Demonstration
20Implementation of Attack
- by A. Stubblefield, J. Ioannidis, A.D. Rubin
(August 2001) - Goals
- Show that attack works in real-world
- Verify how cheap and easy it is
- Find improvements
21Preparation of attack
- Simulation of RC4 attack
- Capturing WEP encrypted packets- Using normal
wireless card- Linux driver and patch- Modified
version of ethereal - Not that easy
22Mounting the attack
- Determine the true value of the first plaintext
byte of each packet- Well known (0xAA) thanks to
802.2 encapsulation header (identical for ARP
and IP traffic) - Collect a large number of packets- Found that IV
is simply incremented (counter mode)- 5 mio
packets few hours on a partially loaded network
23Key Recovery Algorithm
RecoverWEPKey() Key0. . .KeySize 0 for
KeyByte 0. . .KeySize Counts0. . .255
0 foreach packet P if P.IV ?
(KeyByte3,0xFF,N) N ? 0x00. .
.0xFF CountsSimulateResolved(P,Key)
1 KeyKeyByte IndexOfMaximumElement(Counts)r
eturn Key
- WEP keys have to be entered manually ? human
memorable pass phrase ? ASCII (7 bits only)
reduces key space - Improvements resulted in a drop of number of
required packets from around 5 Mio to around 1
25Discussion - IV selection
- Value flipping mode Not vulnerable to this
attack, but same key is used every other packet! - Other modes vulnerable
- Only solution Testing IV before sending to see
if resolved case ? extra processing? decreases
IV space (24 bit already small)
26Discussion - Key selection
- No key management results ? human memorable pass
phrase? very low frequency of change - Currently pass phrase mapped directly to key
(ASCII only) - Hashing would make attack slightly more
27Discussion - Key selection
- Ciscos LEAP protocol allows per user and per
session key - Prevents attack only if session is short
- ?Suggestion Rekeying after approx. 10000
28Discussion - RC4
- RC4- Efficient stream cipher- When used
correctly ? good security - In case of WEP- Protocol designers insufficient
knowledge in security ? incorrect implementation
? insecure
- Attack implemented with off the shelf hardware
and software in a few days - WEP is insecure and does not add security to the
wireless link layer - Place Access Points outside firewall
- Use higher-level security mechanisms ? VPN (EPFL)
- Tools available for script kiddies (e.g.
Airsnort, WEPcrack)
30Appendix WEP Insecurities I
- Violating Confidentiality via Keystream Reuse
- Build Decryption Dictionary of keystreams
- Step 1 Gather plaintext using IP fields,
well-defined message structures (eg login), fake
emails, etc... P ? C P ? (P ? RC4(v,k))
RC4(v,k) - Step 2 Use this particular keystream to decrypt
any message with the same IV.C ? RC4(v,k) (P ?
RC4(v,k)) ? RC4(v,k) P
31Appendix WEP Insecurities II
- Violating Access Control via Message Injection
- With a retrieved keystream, valid ciphertext can
be constructedC P ? RC4(v,k) - The messages in the constructed ciphertext can be
injected into the network without triggering any
alarms because IVs are reusable.
32Appendix WEP Insecurities III
- Violating Data Integrity via Message Modification
- Construct C that decrypts to MM M ? ?
- C C ? ?, c(?) RC4(v,k) ? M,c(M) ?
?,c(?) RC4(v,k) ? M ? ?,c(M) ? c(?)
RC4(v,k) ? M,c(M ? ?) RC4(v,k) ?
M,c(M) - This attack allows IP Redirection which can lead
to further attacks.