Title: RSM Intermediate 7th grade class presentations
1RSM Intermediate7th grade class presentations
- Presented by
- The RSM Guidance Department
2 Our Goals.
- Explain what a counselor can help you with
- Discuss and Explain RSM Promotion Requirements
- Explain how to calculate your Grade Point Average
- Discuss academic success strategies
3RSM Guidance Counselors
- Mr. Sango, 7th Grade Counselor
- (Mondays and Tuesdays)
- Mrs. Bills, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
- Personal problems
- School issues
- Family/Friends
- Promotion requirements
- ANYTHING you need help with
5- Confidentiality
- What is it???
- Certain personal information that you share
with a counselor is confidential or private and
told to no one else without your permission - Things that counselors CANNOT keep private
- 1. If you tell a counselor someone is hurting
you - 2. If you tell a counselor about a situation
involving a clear and present danger to yourself
or others - 3. If you tell a counselor about any planned or
attempted criminal activity
7YOUR CLASSES7th Grade 8th Grade
- English 3 trimesters
- Math 3 trimesters
- U.S. History 3 trimesters
- Science 3 trimesters
- P.E. 2 trimesters
- Health 1 trimester
- Electives 3 trimesters
- (year long or trimester
- long)
- English 3 trimesters
- Math 3 trimesters
- World History 3 trimesters
- Science 3 trimesters
- P.E. 3 trimesters
- Electives 3 trimesters (year long or trimester
Each trimester lasts 12 weeks.
8Promotion Requirements
- Your Grade Point Average (GPA) must be at least
1.5 for the entire year - Math GPA must be at least 1.0
- English GPA must be at least 1.0
- No more than 3 F grades at the end of third
9GPA means
10How to figure out your GPA with your grades
- Change all of your grades to points
- Add all the points together
- Divide this total by the number of grades you
How many points are your grades worth? A 4 B
3 C 2 D 1 F 0
11Lets Practice
12Change all the grades to points. Add up all the
points. Divide the number of points by the number
of grades. What is Robbies GPA? 15 divided by 6
13Promotion Requirements
- Your Grade Point Average (GPA) must be at least
1.5 for the entire year - Math GPA must be at least 1.0
- English GPA must be at least 1.0
- No more than 3 F grades at the end of third
14Black and Blue Roadrunners
GPA 1.33
GPA 1.0
15Robbie Roadrunner
GPA 2.56
16Robbie Roadrunner
Will Robbie be promoted?
GPA is greater than 1.5 English GPA is greater
than 1.0 Math GPA is NOT greater than 1.0 Has 3
or fewer Fs
GPA 2.56
What does Robbie have to do to be promoted?
Fs 1
17Tips for Success
- Use your planner everyday!
- Get organized
- Do homework daily and study
- Turn in ALL assignments
- Read every day (20 to 30 minutes)
- Ask for help
- Catch up when absent - Study buddies!
- Monitor your grades online
- Good attendance
- Start thinking about your future career and
educational plans