FDA Experience: Topical Corticosteroids and HPA Axis Suppression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FDA Experience: Topical Corticosteroids and HPA Axis Suppression


Used to assess the function of the end organ - the adrenal gland - in the ... determine the largest dose over a 7 day period that would not cause significant ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: FDA Experience: Topical Corticosteroids and HPA Axis Suppression

Rx Topical Corticosteroids
HPA Axis Suppression and Cutaneous Effects
Denise Cook, M.D. Medical OfficerDivision of
Dermatology and Dental Drug Products
  • Background
  • Class Labeling for Topical Corticosteroids
  • HPA Axis Suppression The FDA Experience
  • Trial Data from Approved Drug Products
  • Resultant Labeling Changes
  • Postmarketing Summary
  • Cutaneous Adverse Events from Topical
    Corticosteroid Use

Topical Corticosteroid Classification
  • Seven Classes
  • Class I Superpotent
  • Class II High Potency
  • Classes III, IV, V, VI Midpotency
  • Class VII Low Potency
  • Vasoconstrictor Assay

Cosyntropin Stimulation Test
  • Used to assess the function of the end organ -
    the adrenal gland - in the hypothalamic-pituitary-
    adrenal axis
  • In the case of topical corticosteroids, assessing
    an exogenous unwanted treatment effect
  • Cosyntropin 0.125 mg or 0.25 mg is administered
    IV at baseline and end of treatment
  • Blood is drawn for serum cortisol values at 30
    minutes and sometimes 60 minutes post stimulation
  • Interpretation of the results determines a normal
    or abnormal response

Evolution of Interpretation of Normal Function
of the HPA Axis
  • 1985
  • am serum cortisol
  • Urinary corticoid concentrations
  • 1996 Cosyntropin Stimulation Test
  • 30 minute post stimulation serum cortisol gt 20
  • If prestimulation serum cortisol 20 µg/dL, then
    needed a 6ug/dL increment
  • 1999
  • 30 minute post stimulation cortisol gt 18 µg/dL

Evolution of Interpretation of Normal Function
of the HPA Axis
  • 2001 - Cosyntropin Stimulation Test
  • Control plasma cortisol level should exceed 5
  • 30 minute level should show an increment of at
  • 7 µg/100mL
  • 30 minute level should exceed 18 µg/100mL
  • 2004
  • 30 minute level should exceed 18 µg/100mL

Class Labeling for Rx Topical Corticosteroids -
  • Effects on the HPA Axis
  • Effects on Glucose Metabolism
  • Development of Cushings Syndrome
  • Effects on Growth
  • Effects on Intracranial Pressure

Two open-label trials withTemovateTM Ointment
  • Trial 1
  • 6 adult patients with psoriasis applied 7
    grams/day to 30 BSA for 7 days
  • ACTH stimulation was performed at baseline and 2
    post-treatment A.M. cortisols
  • 3/6 or 50 of patients exhibited decreases in
    cortisol production

Two open-label trials with TemovateTM Ointment
  • Trial 2
  • Objective - determine the largest dose over a 7
    day period that would not cause significant
    suppression of the adrenal gland
  • 3 doses were used - 7 grams/day, 3.5 grams/day,
    2.0 grams/day
  • Suppression was determined by A.M. plasma
    cortisol levels and urinary corticoid
  • None of the psoriatic patients suppressed at 7.0
    grams/day or 3.5 grams/day but doses as low as
    2.0 grams/day caused marked suppression of
    cortisol secretion in patients with atopic

Temovate Label - 1985
  • TEMOVATETM (clobetasol cream and ointment),
    0.05, a Class I steroid
  • PRECAUTIONS General TEMOVATETM is a highly
    potent topical corticosteroid that has been shown
    to suppress the HPA axis at doses as low as 2 g
    per day.
  • Pediatric Use Use of TEMOVATETM Cream and
    Ointment in children under 12 years of age is
    not recommended.

Class Label Precautions Section
  • General Systemic absorption of topical
    corticosteroids can produce reversible
    hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis
    suppression with the potential for gluco-
    corticosteroid insufficiency after withdrawal
    from treatment. Manifestations of Cushing's
    syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria can also
    be produced in some patients by systemic
    absorption of topical corticosteroids while on

  • Patients applying a potent topical steroid to a
    large surface area or to areas under occlusion
    should be evaluated periodically for evidence of
    HPA axis suppression. This may be done by using
    the ACTH stimulation, A.M. plasma cortisol, and
    urinary free cortisol tests.

  • If HPA axis suppression is noted, an attempt
    should be made to withdraw the drug, to reduce
    the frequency of application, or to substitute a
    less potent steroid. Recovery of HPA axis
    function is generally prompt upon discontinuation
    of topical corticosteroids. Infrequently, signs
    and symptoms of glucocorticosteroid insufficiency
    may occur requiring supplemental systemic

  • Class Label
  • Pediatric Use Section

  • Safety and effectiveness in children and infants
    have not been established. Because of a higher
    ratio of skin surface area to body mass, children
    are at a greater risk than adults of
    HPA-axis-suppression when they are treated with
    topical corticosteroids. They are therefore also
    at greater risk of glucocorticosteroid
    insufficiency after withdrawal of treatment and
    of Cushing's syndrome while on treatment.

  • HPA axis suppression, Cushing's syndrome, linear
    growth retardation, delayed weight gain, and
    intracranial hypertension have been reported in
    pediatric patients receiving topical
    corticosteroids. Manifestations of adrenal
    suppression in pediatric patients include low
    plasma cortisol levels to an absence of response
    to ACTH stimulation. Manifestations of
    intracranial hypertension include bulging
    fontanelles, headaches, and bilateral

Topical Corticosteroid DataHPA Axis Suppression
  • 10 drug products
  • 8 topical corticosteroid products
  • 2 topical combination drug products
  • 11 studies
  • Ages 3 months adult
  • Open-label trials
  • Cosyntropin stimulation test

Topical Corticosteroid Drug Products
  • Dermatop a mid potency steroid
  • Cutivate Cream a mid potency steroid
  • Diprolene AF Cream a high potency steroid
  • Diprosone Ointment a high potency steroid
  • Diprosone Cream a mid potency steroid
  • Diprosone Lotion a mid potency steroid
  • Clobex Lotion a super potent steroid
  • Temovate E Cream a super potent steroid

  • Dermatop (prednicarbate emollient cream), 0.1
  • a Class V steroid
  • Approved May 1996
  • Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis Trial

  • 59 pediatric patients enrolled
  • 2 targeted populations
  • - patients between 1 month and 2 years
  • - patients between 2 and 12 years
  • 10 patients were lt2 years old
  • 49 patients were 2 years old

Treatment Criteria
  • gt20 body surface area (BSA) involvement
  • Twice daily for 21 consecutive days
  • ACTH Stimulation Test
  • Cosyntropin administered at baseline and day 22
  • Patients 15 kg received 0.25 mg IV
  • Patients lt 15 kg received 0.125 mg IV

Criteria per protocol for a normal adrenal
response to ACTH stimulation at 30 and 60 minutes
  • Post stimulation serum cortisol gt20 µg/dL
  • If pre-stimulation serum cortisol levels gt 20
    µg/dL, an incremental increase gt6 µg/dL in serum

Three patients according to the protocol criteria
were suppressed 2 patients, 1 an 18 month old,
had a peak response of 5 µg/dL change from
baseline. 1 patient had a post-stimulation
cortisol value that decreased from baseline. At
that time, the Agency agreed with an outside
endocrinologist that since these 3 patients had a
post-stimulation response that was greater than
20 µg/dL, although they didn't have the required
incremental rise, they would not be
considered suppressed. This led to the current
label that reads that "none of the 59 patients
showed evidence of HPA axis suppression."
Cutivate (fluticasone) Cream, 0.05 a Class V
steroid Approved June 17, 1999 Pediatric Atopic
Dermatitis and Psoriasis Trial
  • 43 patients were evaluable ( all with moderate to
    severe atopic dermatitis)
  • 29 patients 3 months to 2 years old
  • 14 patients 3 years to 5 years old

Treatment Criteria
  • At least 35 BSA involvement
  • Bid application for 3 - 4 weeks
  • Patients up to 2 years limited to
  • 120 grams/week
  • Patients 3-5 years of age limited
  • to 180 grams/week

BSA Improvement Over Time(N46)
  • 23 (50) had a decrease of 50 by 2 weeks
  • 9 (20) had a decrease of 50 by 3 weeks
  • 4 (9) had a 50 decrease by 4 weeks

Cosyntropin Stimulation Test
  • Test administered at baseline and
  • end of treatment
  • Younger age group given 0.125 mg cosyntropin IV
  • Older age group given 0.25 mg cosyntropin IV

Normal responseCosyntropin Stimulation Test
A serum cortisol level gt18 µg/dL at 30 minutes
2 out of 43 patients experienced adrenal
Serum Cortisol (?g/dL) Serum Cortisol (?g/dL) Serum Cortisol (?g/dL) Serum Cortisol (?g/dL) Serum Cortisol (?g/dL) Serum Cortisol (?g/dL)
Baseline Baseline End-Tx End-Tx Follow-up Follow-up
Subject Age/Sex BSA Severity Duration Amt. Used Pre-stim Post-stim Pre-stim Post-stim Pre-stim Post-stim
B201 5 yrs/M 95 (95) 22 (9) 4 weeks 561.0 grams 22.1 33.9 7.1 11.8 2.1 19.8
B202 2 yrs/M 35 (35) 17 (7) 5 weeks 176.5 grams 10.8 28.6 2.1 9.4 LTF LTF
Label Change for Cutivate Cream
  • Indication Children as young as 3 months of age
    for up to 4 weeks of use
  • Safety Update Information Precautions General
    and Pediatric Use Sections

Betamethasone Propionate - Approved in 2001
  • Diprolene AF Cream, 0.05 - a Class II steroid
  • Diprosone Ointment, 0.05 - a Class II steroid
  • Diprosone Cream, 0.05 - a Class III steroid
  • Diprosone Lotion, 0.05 - a Class V steroid
  • Lotrisone Cream and Lotion (clotrimazole and
    betamethasone propionate)

Criteria for a Normal HPA Axis Response
  • Follow the Cortrosyn label
  • Failure of any one of 3 criteria would indicate
    suppression of the HPA axis
  • Stimulation should occur at baseline and end of

Criteria - 30 minute post-stimulation
  • The control plasma cortisol level should exceed 5
    µg/100 mL
  • The 30-minute level should show an increment of
    at least 7 µg/100mL
  • above the basal level
  • The 30-minute level should exceed
  • 18 µg/100mL

Diprolene AF Cream, 0.05
  • 60 evaluable patients,
  • ages 1-12 years with atopic dermatitis
  • Mean BSA involvement - 58
  • (range 35 - 95)
  • Used study drug bid for 2 - 3 weeks
  • Limited to 45 grams/week

Diprolene AF Cream, 0.05 (contd)
  • 19/60 or 32 of these patients showed evidence of
    HPA axis suppression
  • 11/19 (58) had a post-stimulation plasma
    cortisol value lt 18 µg/dL
  • 6/19 (32) failed to have an incremental change
    of at least 7 µg/dL
  • 2/19 (11) had a pre-stimulation cortisol
  • lt 5 µg/dL

Suppression by Age Group
Age Group 3mo-1 yr n4 2yr-5yr n16 6yr-8yr n28 9yr-12yr n12
suppressed 2 6 9 2
50 38 32 17
  • Recovery of normal HPA axis function
  • 4 patients were retested 2 weeks post- treatment
    and 3 of the 4 recovered normal function of the
    HPA axis.

Statistical Analysis in the Development of HPA
Axis Suppression
  • No correlation between amount of drug used, body
    weight, age or sex and the incidence of adrenal
    gland suppression
  • Statistical relationship did exist between BSA
    and risk of HPA axis suppression
  • for an increase of 1 BSA involved, risk of HPA
    axis suppression increased 4.4
  • p 0.01

Label Change for Diprolene AF Cream, 0.05
  • Indication - added an age restriction to 13 years
    and older
  • Clinical Safety Information - Updated in the
    Clinical Pharmacology, Precautions General and
    Pediatric Use Sections

Diprosone Ointment, 0.05
  • 53 evaluable subjects with atopic dermatitis
  • Age Range - 6 months to 12 years old
  • Medication applied bid for 2 to 3 weeks
  • Mean BSA Involvement - 58 (range
  • 35 - 99)

Diprosone Ointment, 0.05 (contd)
  • 15/53 or 28 of patients showed evidence of HPA
    axis suppression
  • 8/15 or 53 had a post-stimulation plasma
    cortisol value lt 18 µg/dL
  • 7/15 or 47 failed to have an incremental change
    of at least 7 µg/dL

Suppression by Age Group
Age Group 3mo-1 yr n11 2yr-5yr n21 6yr-8yr n15 9yr-12yr n6
suppressed 4 6 4 1
36 29 27 17
Statistical Analysis in the Development of HPA
Axis Suppression
  • No statistically significant effect for
  • Drug usage
  • BSA
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Higher proportion of males than females (p0.006)
    who developed HPA axis suppression

Recovery of HPA Axis FunctionDiprosone Ointment
  • 2/15 patients were retested
  • 100 recovery at 2 weeks

Label Change Diprosone Ointment, 0.05
  • Indication - added an age restriction to 13 years
    and older
  • Clinical Safety Information - Updated in the
    Clinical Pharmacology, Precautions, General and
    Pediatric Use Sections

Diprosone Cream, 0.05
  • 43 evaluable patients with atopic dermatitis
  • Age Range - 1 year to 12 years old
  • Mean BSA Involvement - 40 (range
  • 35 - 90)
  • Medication applied bid for 2-3 weeks

Diprosone Cream, 0.05 (contd)
  • 10/43 or 23 of patients showed evidence of
    adrenal suppression
  • 5/10 or 50 had a post-stimulation plasma
    cortisol value lt 18 µg/dL
  • 3/10 or 30 failed to have an incremental change
    of at least 7 µg/dL
  • 2/10 or 20 had a pre-stimulation cortisol
  • lt 5 µg/dL

HPA Axis Suppression by Age
Age Group 3mo-1yr n3 2yr-5yr n20 6yr-8yr n13 9yr-12yr n7
suppressed 0 6 3 1
0 30 23 14
Statistical Analysis in the Development of HPA
Axis Suppression
  • No statistically significant effect for
  • Number of days treated
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Statistical significance found for mean amount of
  • drug used - 81 grams vs. 37 grams (plt0.001)
  • There was a numerically higher BSA involvement
  • Numerically, more males developed suppression

Recovery of HPA Axis FunctionDiprosone Cream
  • 2/10 patients were retested
  • 1/2 (50) recovered HPA axis function at 2 weeks

Label Change Diprosone Cream, 0.05
  • Indication - added an age restriction to 13 years
    and older
  • Clinical Safety Information - Updated in the
    Clinical Pharmacology, Precautions, General and
    Pediatric Use Sections

Diprosone Lotion, 0.05
  • 15 evaluable patients with atopic dermatitis
  • Age Range - 6 to 12 years old
  • Mean BSA Involvement - 45 (range
  • 35 - 72)
  • Medication applied bid for 2-3 weeks

Diprosone Lotion, 0.05 (contd)
  • 11/15 or 73 of patients showed evidence of HPA
    axis suppression
  • 10/11 or 91 had a post-stimulation plasma
    cortisol value lt 18 µg/dL
  • 1/11 or 9 failed to have an incremental change
    of at least 7 µg/dL

Suppression by Age Group
Age Group 3mo-1 yr n0 2yr-5yr n0 6yr-8yr n10 9yr-12yr n5
suppressed None enrolled None enrolled 7 4
- - 70 80
Statistical Analysis in the Development of HPA
Axis Suppression
  • Numerical analysis
  • Subjects exhibiting HPA axis suppression
  • Larger mean amount of drug used (92.8 g vs. 69.4
  • Slightly higher BSA involved (45.8 vs. 41.8)
  • Lower mean weights at visit 1 (65 lbs. vs. 81
  • Lower mean weights at visit 4 (65 lbs. vs. 80
  • Differences with respect to age and days of
    treatment were miniscule

Recovery of HPA Axis FunctionDiprosone Lotion
  • 6/11 patients were retested
  • 4/6 (67) recovered HPA axis function at 2 weeks

Label Change Diprosone Lotion, 0.05
  • Indication added an age restriction to 13 years
    and older
  • Clinical Safety Information Updated in the
    Clinical Pharmacology, Precautions General and
    Pediatric Use Sections

Comparison of HPA Axis CriteriaBetamethasone
Lotrisone Cream
  • Tinea Pedis Study
  • Tinea Cruris Study
  • Both studies were in the adolescent population
    ages 12 16 years
  • Medication was applied twice daily
  • Study duration
  • 4 weeks for tinea pedis
  • 2 weeks for tinea cruris

Lotrisone Cream (contd)
  • 17/43 (39.5) demonstrated adrenal suppression in
    the tinea pedis study
  • 8/17 (47.1) demonstrated adrenal suppression in
    the tinea cruris study

Label ChangeLotrisone Cream and Lotion
  • An Expanded Indications Section
  • Added an age restriction patients 17 years and
  • Recommended that effective treatment may be
    obtained without the use of a corticosteroid for
    noninflammatory tinea infections
  • Updated Safety Information Precautions
    General, Pediatric Use, Geriatric Use and Dosage
    and Administration Sections

  • Clobex (clobetasol propionate), Lotion 0.05
  • a Class I steroid
  • Approved July 24, 2003
  • Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis Trials

Clobex Lotion
  • 3 studies
  • 2 adult studies one in psoriasis and one in
    atopic dermatitis
  • 1 pediatric study (ages 12 17 years) in atopic
  • Comparator drug Temovate E Cream
  • Class I steroid
  • Same chemical moiety, clobetasol propionate
  • Different vehicle, an emollient cream

Construct of HPA Axis Evaluation
  • The control plasma cortisol level should exceed 5
    micrograms/100 mL
  • The 30 minute level should show an increment of
    at least 7 micrograms/100 mL above basal level
  • The 30 minute level should exceed 18
    micrograms/100 mL
  • Exceptions
  • plasma cortisol levels were drawn at 60 minutes
  • In adult studies, subjects were stimulated with
    cosyntropin weekly.

Adolescent study
  • 24 evaluable patients 14 treated with Clobex
    Lotion and 10 treated with Temovate E Cream
  • Moderate to severe atopic dermatitis
  • BSA treated at least 20
  • Medication applied BID for 2 weeks
  • 50 grams/week limit

HPA axis suppression
  • 9/14 (64) of subjects treated with Clobex Lotion
  • 2/10 (20) of subjects treated with Temovate E
    Cream suppressed

Statistical Analysis
  • Mean BSA treated was higher for patients with
    adrenal suppression
  • 32.8 vs. 27.7 for Clobex Lotion
  • 35 vs. 25.3 for Temovate E Cream

Recovery of HPA Axis Function
  • 1/4 of patients treated with Clobex Lotion
    remained suppressed after 2 weeks
  • 1/1 patient retested after treatment with
    Temovate E Cream recovered

Adult Study
  • 18 evaluable patients 9 treated with Clobex
    Lotion and 9 treated with Temovate E Cream
  • Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
  • Mean BSA treated 19.3 for Clobex Lotion and
    19.4 for Temovate E Cream
  • Medication applied BID for 2 weeks
  • 50 gram/week limit

HPA Axis Suppression
  • 5 / 9 (56) of subjects treated with Clobex
    Lotion suppressed
  • 4 / 9 (44) of subjects treated with Temovate E
    Cream suppressed

Recovery of HPA Axis Function
  • 1 / 3 patients on Clobex Lotion failed to recover
    function 7 days post treatment
  • 2 /2 patients on Temovate E Cream recovered
    function 7 days post treatment

Adult Study
  • 20 evaluable patients 10 treated with Clobex
    lotion and 10 treated with Temovate E Cream
  • Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
  • Mean BSA treated 16.2 for Clobex Lotion and
    17.9 for Temovate E Cream
  • Medication applied BID for 4 weeks
  • 50 gram/week limit

HPA Axis Function
  • 8 / 10 (80) of subjects treated with Clobex
    Lotion suppressed
  • 3 / 10 (30) of subjects with Temovate E Cream
  • 1 / 2 subjects with Clobex Lotion retested
    remained suppressed after 8 days
  • 0 / 3 subjects on Temovate E Cream were retested

Label for Clobex Lotion
  • Indication restricted to patients 18 years or
  • 2 consecutive weeks not to exceed 50 grams (50 mL
    or 1.75 fl. Oz) per week
  • Moderate or severe psoriasis, for localized
    lesions lt 10 BSA can be treated an additional 2
  • Updated Safety Information Indications and
    Usage, Precautions General and Pediatric Use,
    and Dosage and Administration Sections

  • Postmarketing Summary
  • HPA Axis Suppression
  • Sources
  • AERS Database
  • Medical Literature Case Reports

Adverse Event Reporting System(AERS)
  • Spontaneous, voluntary surveillance system
  • Voluntary reporting by health care professionals
    and consumers
  • Mandatory reporting by manufacturers
  • Approximately 3 million reports in database
  • Database origin 1969
  • Contains human drug and therapeutic biologic
    reports exception vaccines (VAERS)
  • Quality of a report is variable and often
  • Subject to under-reporting (true numerator not
  • Duplicate reporting occurs

Postmarketing SummaryHPA Axis Suppression
  • 94 cases spanning 3 decades
  • 65 adult cases
  • 29 pediatric cases
  • Manifestations
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Cushings Syndrome
  • Growth Retardation

Postmarketing ReportsPediatric Cases
  • 29 pediatric patients
  • 11 with adrenal insufficiency
  • 17 with Cushings Syndrome
  • 13 with Growth Retardation
  • Characteristics
  • Age range 6 weeks 15 years mean age 5.0 years
  • duration of use 22 days 7.5 years mean use
    20.8 months
  • 16 (55) received medication for 3 months or
  • Varied indications but 34 used topical steroids
    for diaper rash
  • Betamethasone containing, clobetasol, and
    mometasone products implicated most often, with
    34 using high potency topical steroids
  • Resulted in 14 hospitalizations and 2 deaths, the
    latter from Cushings Syndrome

Postmarketing ReportsAdult Cases
  • 65 adult cases
  • 46 with adrenal insufficiency/suppression
  • 32 with Cushings Syndrome
  • Characteristics
  • Age range 19 years 74 years mean age 47.4
  • duration of use 7 days 12.0 years mean use
    35.6 months
  • 30 (46) received medication for 3 months or
  • Varied indications but 51 used topical steroids
    for psoriasis
  • Betamethasone containing and clobetasol products
    implicated most often, with 61 using high
    potency topical corticosteroids
  • Resulted in 34 hospitalizations and 2 deaths
  • Deaths attributed in part to the adrenal event

Postmarketing ReportsCommon Factors in Adverse
  • Most AEs occurred in the setting of one or more
    of the following
  • Prolonged use of topical corticosteroid
  • Use of a super potent topical corticosteroid
  • Use of multiple topical corticosteroid products
    or concomitant use with other corticosteroid
  • Use of an excessive amount or possible
    inappropriate use of the topical corticosteroid

Summary HPA Axis Suppression
  • HPA axis suppression does occur with the use of
    topical corticosteroids
  • The adrenal suppression is not limited to the
    super potent class of topical corticosteroids
  • High BSA involvement and amount of drug used
    appear to be risk factors for HPA axis suppression

Summary HPA Axis Suppression
  • The type of vehicle may contribute to the extent
    of absorption of the active chemical moiety
  • The suppression appears, in most cases, to be
    reversible upon cessation of drug usage
  • Long-term use of topical corticosteroids,
    particularly high potency ones, can lead to
    serious morbidity and even death

Cutaneous Safety
  • Known cutaneous adverse events
  • Question of cutaneous malignancy

Cutaneous Safety
  • Adverse Events associated with topical
    corticosteroid use
  • Atrophy of the skin
  • Telangiectasia
  • Striae
  • Erythema of the face
  • Steroid Rosacea
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Infection
  • Retarded Wound Healing

Pictorial Presentationfrom University of
Erlangen Websiteand Bolognia Textbook of
Facial Erythema
Facial Erythema
Steroid Rosacea
Other Adverse Effects
  • Topical corticosteroids placed on certain
    infections, e.g. tinea infections, may exacerbate
  • Topical corticosteroids placed on open or
    surgical wounds will retard healing
  • Use of topical corticosteroids in the periorbital
    area may cause an increase in intraocular pressure

Cutaneous Malignancy Postmarketing Reports
  • 2 reports in AERS database as of February 5,
    2005 US Cases
  • A 7 month old male with a history of mastocytoma
    was diagnosed with skin cancer several months
    after discontinuation of clobetasol
  • A female of unknown age used betametasone cream
    for psoriasis and reported what started as
    psoriasis became cancer
  • AERS data do not suggest a compelling safety
    signal for malignancy formation with the use of
    topical corticosteroids

Cutaneous Adverse Events
  • Corticosteroid induced AEs
  • Can be an early or late event
  • Depends on potency of drug and duration of use
  • Depends on site of application
  • Occlusion at the site may increase risk
  • Corticosteroid induced AE
  • May resolve slowly
  • May not resolve

Conclusion HPA Axis Suppression
  • Can occur with short term use of topical
  • Can occur with even mid-potency topical steroids
  • Can occur as early as two continuous weeks of

ConclusionHPA Axis Suppression
  • Is usually reversible
  • The interrelationship between BSA, amount of drug
    used, and potency of medication is complex
  • Long term use and/or misuse of topical
    corticosteroids, particularly those of high
    potency, can lead to serious medical
    complications and death

ConclusionCutaneous Adverse Events
  • Can be related to both duration of use and
    potency of topical corticosteroid
  • Can occur with short-term or long-term use
  • Resolution is possible with some but not all of
    these cutaneous events
  • There is no firm evidence to date to link
    cutaneous malignancy with use of topical

Rx Topical Corticosteroids
HPA Axis Suppression and Cutaneous Effects
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