Title: Delivering the Pledge in Lambeth
1Delivering the Pledge in Lambeth
Our Promises to our Children in Care
2The Journey Young People led the way
3Its our life Give us a better Future Treat us
Real Good
Stay with us for longer Stop switching over We
need to have trust Spend more time with us Keep
your promises We need you around
Its Our Life, Our Life Dont just do what
you want Its not
just 900 500 Put us in front
4Our Promises
- 560 children in care to Lambeth
- 400 Care leavers
- 18 Lambeth promises
- Linked to the 47 Pan-London Promises
- Incorporated within 5 outcomes of ECM
- The promises are not asking SWs and Foster
Carers for anything extra they are asking for
good practice and good parenting
5Delivering our Promises via our Corporate
Parenting Strategy
6Monitoring making sure the promises are met
- Through our Children in Care Council model
- Annual report card consultation led by young
people every Summer - Our regular Consultation Groups (5 11, 11- 16
and care leavers) - 6 x YP members of Corporate Parenting Board
- YP reporting to Chief Executive 2 x year
- Targeted consultation children with disabilities
7Monitoring making sure the promises are met
- Children in Care Council model
- Independent Review Officers QA role in monitoring
- Commissioning variation contracts IFAs,
Residential units and Semi-independent Providers - Supervision contract and appraisals with Social
Workers (SW), Foster Carers (FC) and Managers - YP delivering training to SWs and FCs
- Corporate Parenting Board overview and lead
Cabinet member CYP 5 x year YP involved - Childrens Rights Service
8Launch of our pledge in Feb 09
9Patch the Promise Puppy
10Delivering our promises to our children
11Entering into care packs for CYP
12Contact us
Nicole Lynam Solomon Corporate Parenting
Care Leaver and Team Manager IT Trainee
Support worker 0207 926 5263 Email
nlynam_at_lambeth.gov.uk www.g2k.org.uk