Title: Enrollment
1Enrollment Facilities Report2007 2008
Prepared and Presented by the Enrollment
Facilities Committee Approved by CAC General on
November 13, 2008
- Project enrollment variances
- Review attendance patterns
- Monitor classroom counts
- Evaluate classroom space future trends
- Review attendance boundaries
- Provide recommendations impacting facility use
- Past 5 years actual enrollment vs projected
- Transition data (elementary to middle high
school) - Registration data
- Class size counts (actual, capacity)
- Transportation data (bus runs)
- Classroom scheduling comparisons
- Classroom counts per building
- Classroom designations
- Mobile use data
- Program information per school
- Federal State mandates for class size
- Live birth data from area hospitals
- Real Estate Developments
4The Big Picture
5The Big Picture
56 classroom buildings 40 elementary school
buildings 2 elementary school buildings
(pre-k) 1 elementary school building (leased
out) 8 middle school buildings 5 high
school buildings Excluding 355 E. Chicago
Alternative HS and Special Ed Facilities
6Elementary Classrooms
40 elementary classroom buildings 848 General
Purpose Rooms 75 Kindergarten Rooms 29 Early
Childhood Rooms 16 Special Education Rooms 968
Total Classrooms 21,420 students enrolled
(2007-2008) Equals 22.128 students per available
classroom throughout the district without
mobiles Excluding Illinois Park, Woodland
Heights Streamwood Elementary
Enrollment increased from 39,545 students in
school year 2003-2004 to the current 41,087
students in school year 2007-2008. This
represents a growth of 1,542 students during this
period or an average of approximately 308
students per year. This number is a total
increase of 172 students over the 2006-2007
school year.
8Supporting Data
Additions highlighted by ? symbol located in the
margin. All program related counts are
summarized in the Program column for each
school. Identify the counts at each school for
students that reside out of the respective school
attendance zone. From a facility use
perspective, any classroom can be used for
general purposes unless designed for a specific
9Supporting Data
School capacity numbers are based on
architectural space and reflected by 25, 28 and
30 students per classroom. 25 Students per
classroom Optimal goal whenever possible 28
Students per classroom General guidelines for
staffing purposes 30 Students per classroom
Average physical capacity of individual space
10Supporting Data
Mobile classrooms during 2006-2007 96 mobile
units available, 84 in use as classrooms 52 units
at 19 Elementary Schools 7 units at one Middle
School 25 units at 3 High Schools.
The district has been advised by the Regional
Office of Education (ROE) to review and
implement a plan of action for the elimination
of mobile classrooms.
11Supporting Data
Several of the communities served by U-46 are
reporting a significant drop in construction
permits for new construction and remodeling.
Developer donations are off as much as 50 as
compared to previous years. Tracking 57
subdivisions that are either in the concept
stage, in planning, approved, planned to begin
construction, under construction, or close to
During the 2007-2008 school year 6 elementary
schools were filled to more than 90 of capacity
using the 28 students per classroom formula 11
elementary schools were filled to more than 90
of capacity using the 25-students-to-a-classroom
formula, 7 of which are over 100 2 middle
schools were over 100 of capacity and 2 middle
schools are over 90 using 25 students per
classroom Bartlett, Elgin and Larkin High
Schools showed decreases in enrollment, while
Streamwood High School had an increase in
Program Impact Classroom scheduling
procedures Students served by programs that
limit teacher to student ratios Transportation
routes Students enrolled outside of the schools
attendance area 40 elementary schools serving
2067 students that live outside of their school
attendance area 10 of these schools are
utilizing mobiles to meet their classroom needs
Delivery Method Examples are included to
provide additional insights as to how classrooms
within our schools were actually utilized in the
2007-2008 school year Each schools data sheet
includes a site plan reflecting the building
Eliminate the use of mobiles within the next 3
years Review and implement minor adjustments of
elementary middle school boundaries for the
2009-2010 school year potential schools
encompass Nature Ridge, Fox Meadow, Oakhill,
Ridge Circle, Laurel Hill and Sunnydale
Elementary schools, and their respective Middle
schools Evaluate the locations of programs and
related services at the highest capacity schools.
Implement program relocations as needed to
balance the enrollment at the most crowded
elementary and middle schools
Evaluate the potential for remodeling and
building additions at Canton Middle School and
Streamwood High School. These schools continue
to use the highest number of mobile classroom,
and are projected to have steady increases in
enrollment through the next few years Complete
the Capital Facilities evaluation and review the
findings with the Enrollment Facilities
committee of the Citizens Advisory Council
17(No Transcript)