Title: Torsion of prismatic pieces
1Chapter VIII
- Torsion of prismatic pieces
2Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
Solution by St-Venant
(pure torsion)
3Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
Basic assumptions
Method to solve the problem
balance equations(volume surface)
4Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
5Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
! new idea if ? exists, then volume balance is
automatically satisfied
6Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
initially ?(x,y) ? (assumption on the
displacements) new idea ?(x,y) ? (assumption on
the stresses)
(? is the stress function of Prandtl)
7Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
- Balance equation (surface)
- Lateral surface // z
? is constant along C
8Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
- Balance equation (surface)
- Lateral surfaces ? z
the solution is strictly exact only if both Tx
and Ty are distributed in the same way as txz
and tyz over the top and bottom faces
9Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
if ?0 along C
if both Tx ? txz and Ty ? tyz over the top
and bottom faces,then their resulting forces
(translation) are equal to zero
10Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
if ?0 along C
11Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
- Multiply-connected sections
?0 along C1
inside C1
12Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion
13Torsion of prismatic piecesPure torsion